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So Sportstalk, that is now on WCCP,
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So Sportstalk, that is now on WCCP,

Aug 2, 2018, 7:45 PM

just compared Wilkins dance at the Lady’s Clinic to the Urban Meyer situation, and said that Clemson was lucky. Why is this trash on the “flagship station” for Clemson sports?

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Re: So Sportstalk, that is now on WCCP,

Aug 2, 2018, 7:47 PM

We’re talking about the same station that airs Walt Deptula’s arrogant ### for 4 hours a day, right?

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Re: So Sportstalk, that is now on WCCP,

Aug 2, 2018, 7:52 PM

I’m not following how anyone in their right mind could ever think that Wilkins performing a harmless dance could even remotely compare to a scandal revolving around domestic violence.

Clemson isn’t lucky. They just aren’t protecting people who beat their wives.

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Call in and ask

Aug 2, 2018, 7:56 PM

why Bentley REALLY got gone from PC. Those of us here in Laurens County know why. We also know with JS being on his staff for a year why Bentley wasn't hired at Clemson after years of him being rumored to be next in line for an on staff job.

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Re: Call in and ask

Aug 2, 2018, 8:00 PM

If you could tell us that would make it a lot easier. Really don't want to call into that show.

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Re: Call in and ask

Aug 2, 2018, 8:53 PM [ in reply to Call in and ask ]

Just why!!! Are you protecting him

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Re: Call in and ask

Aug 3, 2018, 8:35 AM [ in reply to Call in and ask ]

Yea bro, you opened this can. You gotta fill us in. I know of people that knew him from his HS days that said he was a total arrogant jerk but that’s all the info I got.

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Today , when I heard Korncoot CONTINUE to try

Aug 2, 2018, 8:01 PM

and disparage Clemson University and the athletic dept., I wondered how it was going over with those who normally listen to WCCP.

Its obvious Korny and his crew of maroons were disappointed the national media didn't find Wilkin's dance as perverted (or as Korncoot referred to it: "performing a sexual act on a woman")....he's not finished with the topic by any means......maybe he'll call Christian's Mom to get her opinion.

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Re: Today , when I heard Korncoot CONTINUE to try

Aug 2, 2018, 8:28 PM

Its baffling how or why the powers to be at WCCP allow that crap on their station. It needs to go.

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Becau­se the station manager is a coot!

Aug 2, 2018, 8:52 PM

People will have to call in and complain in a big way to get any change.

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Re: Because the station manager is a coot!

Aug 2, 2018, 9:06 PM

I heard that and voted my opinion with quick CLICK over to another station. Never again.

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Re: Because the station manager is a coot!

Aug 2, 2018, 9:19 PM [ in reply to Because the station manager is a coot! ]

I heard that and voted my opinion with quick CLICK over to another station. Never again.

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Re: Because the station manager is a coot!

Aug 3, 2018, 8:21 AM

I heard that and voted my opinion with quick CLICK over to another station. Never again.

On Tuesday night a caller called in and said that Coach V should be investigated due to the way he acts on the sidelines.That for sure he was beating his wife and probably his kids also. What a piece of crap show and radio station. Clemson needs to fire the station and find a NEW Flagship station.

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Re: Today , when I heard Korncoot CONTINUE to try

Aug 2, 2018, 9:38 PM [ in reply to Today , when I heard Korncoot CONTINUE to try ]

I've been hoping for years that someone somewhere would beat the living shiot out of korncoot and inform him that any time he twist the truth to create a negative against Clemson, that the same could show up again when he least expects it. Nothing more convincing than a large bar of Ivory soap in a thick sock!!! ;)

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Don't listen, don't talk about it

Aug 2, 2018, 10:16 PM

Tell WCCP how you feel if you want, but even bad press for that joke of a show is better than no one listening.

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Aug 3, 2018, 8:39 AM

In this day and age, if it generates some kind of controversy that people talk about it’s going to stay on the air. My advice would be to tell WCCP you’re not listening to their programming as long as that show is on (not that there’s a whole lot of good stuff to listen to on there anyway).

I can’t imagine the athletic department is happy this is going on so if the show starts to get heat from them and they can’t defend keeping it on with ratings, bye bye Korncoot.

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