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Game Changer [1692]
TigerPulse: 100%
Simple solution to complicated NIL purchasing of players
May 2, 2022, 5:57 AM
The solution is easy. Simply do not play teams which purchase players off other teams with "NIL deals." The NCAA has made it clear they will not act on the issue. However, individual teams such as Clemson simply could refuse to take the field against say a So Cal team which is buying up established players off other teams. I saw the new Notre Dame coach on Finebaum last week. He sounds a lot like Dabo. He emphasizes tradition, networking and an education. His point is if you are simply to be purchased to the highest bidder, ND does not want you. Perhaps you remember the movie: The Revenge of the Nerds. The smaller nerd team was given the task of competing against the fraternity football players in a tug of war. When the whistle blew, the nerds simply dropped the rope and forfeited the match. Granted, they lost the match, but, they eventually won the competition. I would wager that if a non-NIL participating team were to forfeit the game versus So Cal this year, it would make an enormous statement. Just think, if Texas A & M only played 2-3 teams all year long, they would lose millions of the lucrative ESPN revenue. All of this foolishness would immediately stop if the non-NIL participating teams would simply refuse to participate in the charade.
Top TigerNet [29093]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Simple solution to complicated NIL purchasing of players
May 2, 2022, 6:39 AM
Unfortunetely, even if teams wanted to do that, they couldn't afford to.
They would be forfeiting millions upon millions of dollars in revenue. It wouldn't just be the team buying the players, it would also be the team refusing to play them. Do you think that ESPN would pay a team that refused to take the field against SoCal or Bama?
Varsity [103]
TigerPulse: 92%
Re: Simple solution to complicated NIL purchasing of players
May 2, 2022, 6:59 AM
That’s punishing the kids you have on the team, they came to Clemson, ND or whoever to actually play football, not to stand for a cause. Would destroy recruiting even more and we would just become another “woke” program instead of competitors. I guarantee the players on the team and coaches could care less how the kids on the other side got there, it’s just us fans that gripe and complain about specific teams vs the rules in general Like Dabo, Saban, Kiffen, etc.
Litigation is going to be the only answer and enforcing some kind of rules. Like Dabo said, the college model as it currently site is about to be blown up in the next few years. I think it’s silly we even sit around and talk about this stuff, either watch and enjoy or don’t. I personally don’t care if Clemson was an NFL team, the top providing NIL school or the bottom NIL school— I love Clemson and root for us no matter what, pay the players, don’t… doesn’t matter.
Go Tigers!!!!
All-In [25697]
TigerPulse: 88%
Posts: 25046
Joined: 2003
Never happen, and for one reason only.
May 2, 2022, 7:07 AM
You mentioned programs that emphasize “tradition and education.” They all say that, and it’s nothing more than PR. There’s one thing that’s more important to every program: money. Everything else is secondary. Everything. College sports is pro sports.
And if you think that’s not true ask yourself this: how long would a program retain a coach who lost most of the games his team played, resulting in a decline in ticket sales and attendance, while at the same time fielding a team that had a 100% graduation rate with every single player going on to get higher degrees?
That coach wouldn’t last long anywhere.
So they’ll never forfeit and game and give up money. Like it or not, college athletics is all about money. You are watching professional sports and anyone who doesn’t think that’s the case doesn’t understand what they’re watching.
110%er [3897]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Simple solution to complicated NIL purchasing of players
May 2, 2022, 7:40 AM
At what point does the collegiate model get so distorted that the teams wearing the Clemson uniform no longer reflect the values, culture of the University we love? Today I find softball to be the most consistent with what I grew up rooting for in a college team. If I had stronger interest, soccer would probably be similar. Our football and basketball programs are sliding down that slippery slope towards professionalism. The only ones really carrying the collegiate torch are the coaches and a few players. As we can see with A&M and USC, the rest of the landscape is fast caving in to the win at all cost and who cares about the idea of a student athlete.
110%er [3648]
TigerPulse: 89%
Re: Simple solution to complicated NIL purchasing of players
May 2, 2022, 7:58 AM
You want the Tigers to be the nerds ?
Ring of Honor [21144]
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Posts: 16696
Joined: 1998
Watch the real pros in the NFL and NBA
May 2, 2022, 8:25 AM
A bit facetious, a bit serious.
Seems there’s a strong potential for interest and ultimately revenue in college football to diminish as competitive balance is severely compromised.
Orange Immortal [63559]
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Posts: 48621
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The only real answer is a return to pure, true amateurism,
May 2, 2022, 12:57 PM
with a focus on being students FIRST, where athletes are held to the same exact academic requirements and standards as all non-athletes. But that would take bawls, integrity, and commitment to principle, and I don't see many out there overflowing with those qualities. Instead I see greed, fear, and a total absence of integrity, and the ruination of college football and basketball as we know them.
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