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Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either
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Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either

Sep 15, 2014, 8:21 AM

continue to be overlooked as a consistent contender to the upper tier teams or we will EARN that respect we are not being given. Last time I looked we were blown out and humiliated on our own turf with the country watching!! This time its in Tally where College Gameday will once again put the bright lights upon us and give us another opportunity to redeem ourselves. With the Georgia game we did not do ourselves in the 4th quarter.

Earn that respect with the biggest W in decades!

Go Tigers, beat the Seminoles...

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eSECpn has changed all that - respect is now apportioned

Sep 15, 2014, 8:31 AM

among the best sec teams --- everybody else can lose respect but not acquire any new respect once the season starts.

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And for the players...

Sep 15, 2014, 8:33 AM

These kids probably won't get too many chances to play/beat the #1 team in the country. Let's get it done guys! Go Tigers !!

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Re: And for the players...

Sep 15, 2014, 8:49 AM

First I say been loving the tigers since I can remember ! 42 now lol. When Danny was coaching Clemson had national respect BC the defense was a monster and obstacle to other teams . Now we have lost that respect over the years. It takes a long time to earn it back but we are slowly earning it win this game and no respect isn't back its just one game, win the rest and yes it is closer considering the last two years and 12-1 this year. Yes this is a monster of a game and must win for this season but gotta keep on winning! Do IT TO IT TIGERS!!!!!

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Re: Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either

Sep 15, 2014, 8:46 AM

Last time I checked we beat OSU in the orange on the BIG BIG stage

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Re: Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either

Sep 15, 2014, 8:56 AM

Sorry but this game is so much bigger than the OSU game.

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Re: Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either

Sep 15, 2014, 9:11 AM

Of course it is this game is for all the marbles if we lose and backdoor our way into acccg then no respect but won this and win out then yes respect is there. That scar win over ga could be huge for us

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Yes we did and what a huge win for program, but

Sep 15, 2014, 7:46 PM [ in reply to Re: Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either ]

this is a new year with new faces. After the 4th quarter debacle in Georgia, which was well played up until then which makes our efforts there very frustrating(Chad going conservative??). Everyone who did not watch the game see it as a blowout which is not the case.

Beating Ohio State was huge, but we have to keep getting better and beating #1 FSU is distinct possibility.

Go Tigers!!

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Re: Yes we did and what a huge win for program, but

Sep 15, 2014, 8:16 PM

Oh yes possibility it is and I believe we can do it now do we do it that's the question gotta play hard not going to say mistake free but play hard every down every second and good things will happen

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Re: Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either

Sep 15, 2014, 12:04 PM

In my view, the media, and others outside the Clemson fan base respect Clemson, but they do not perceive Clemson as being on the same level as programs like FSU, Bama, Auburn, Ohio State, etc. that they regard highly.

As Tigersmoak pointed out, Clemson just needs to keep winning. It is a good thing that they have not been losing to unranked opponents, but if they win more of the big games, they will be more highly regarded. IMHO, perception will remain the same if they win half of their big games (GA, Ohio state) and lose half (FSU, S. CAR). Winning more big games than they lose will change perception of the program for the better, in the same way that big double-digit losses (WVU, FSU, GA) change perception for the worst.

If Clemson fans are looking for a Clemson worshipfest/lovefest by the media, that probably just isn't going to happen, unless they win a couple of national championships, or they are in the four-team play-off EVERY year.

GO Tigers. Beat FSU!

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Sometimes the road to the truth is so elusive it's confusing and reality becomes illusion.

Re: Respect is earned, not given. This Saturday we will either

Sep 15, 2014, 8:59 PM

Virginia Tech exposed Ohio State and proved they are just an overated bunch of Yankees.
Furman could probably give them a game.
And I believe they have most of that Orange Bowl team back this year.

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