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you can criticize last night's basketball and still be
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you can criticize last night's basketball and still be

Jan 25, 2013, 3:43 PM

on board with the team. I know this team is young and has been through injuries a lot. It was just really tough to see them lose that way last night. We dominated that game for most of the night and we blew it down the stretch. The team must learn to win games like that, the more we lose that way the less confidence there will be moving forward.

Go Tigers, beat Vt this sunday.

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Re: you can criticize last night's basketball and still be

Jan 25, 2013, 3:48 PM

I remember when we got up by 11 or 12 and starters were out. I wondered if we would hold the lead. we actually built most of it with younger guys playing. it was as if someone flipped a switch and we didnt lost our edge. yeah we're young. I've seen us do that with experienced teams too.

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So why don't you bash the Tennis team?

Jan 25, 2013, 3:51 PM

Aren't they #61?

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Re: So why don't you bash the Tennis team?

Jan 25, 2013, 4:59 PM

It's Tennis

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thats a higher rank

Jan 25, 2013, 5:05 PM [ in reply to So why don't you bash the Tennis team? ]

than the basketball team and we will move up. The season has barely started.

and I have ripped them in the past. Go back and find my posts after the 4-3 loss to NC State last year where we choked like dogs.

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Re: you can criticize last night's basketball and still be

Jan 25, 2013, 4:02 PM

I hope I am not criticizing the team,or the players with any remark I make.It is not my intention.However,I can criticize our coaching staff who can't seem to find at least one scorer,a player who can be counted on to hit that bank shot not only at the buzzer,but at any time during a game.
As a team Clemson plays as good of defense as I have seen ,but give me one player on this team you would bet your house on if we needed to make that shot at the buzzer to win.

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Is it BB's fault that probably his two best shooters

Jan 25, 2013, 4:42 PM

are out with injuries? If no one thought this team was gonna be that good this year, then why are so many bashing BB? This is who this team is a couple years away.

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