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TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 3:25 PM
Walk-On [108]
TigerPulse: 64%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 3:43 PM
Great. Now we’ll get further harassment with BLM on the tiger paw and kneeling Nellies during the anthem. No thanks Trevor.
Orange Blooded [2383]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 6:10 PM
As I"ve said on 3 other Posts on here, again another highly visible athlete or coach, and don't get me wrong, I love Trevor, Dabo and Clemson, but they all talk about the BLM movement, and NOT ONE SINGLE WORD, about the Black Criminal who cold blooded MURDERED, a man in Georgetown SC and his, soon to be a new teacher, daughter. As I've said, it's happening everywhere in S.C., even Muschamp, not a word, and what's the difference? No team meetings to discuss these issues with their respective teams. We all know what the difference is, and lastly, again as I've said, "I guess lives don't matter, unless it effects recruiting!
Game Changer [1956]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 9:34 PM
I live 9 miles from the place of that incident. I hurt for those families involved as if I would hurt for any family. However, it’s obviously just not the same and I don’t understand why!
Varsity [211]
TigerPulse: 74%
YOU are going to ruin College Football!
Sep 8, 2020, 7:35 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
STOP the insanity! BLM is an anti-american, anti-family movement... Read their mission statement! Hurting college players??? Systematic racism??? Baloney! Many of us reject that premise! The black culture has brought certain criticisms from the general public because of the high rate of crime coming from a low percentage of our population. WHY is it that hardly anyone tells the truth about it? Those hurting black teammates have NOTHING to be hurting over if they follow the law. NOW... Clemson with these statements on shirts and helmets will go the way of the NBA, the NFL etc. THIS is a terrible idea and will destroy a good portion of their fan base. For what... a misguided presumption that the police department is out of control and targeting blacks. I believe that is a LIE!
Game Day Hero [4324]
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Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football!
Sep 8, 2020, 9:16 PM
Paw Warrior [4755]
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All-In [11058]
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Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football!
Sep 8, 2020, 11:52 PM
Obviously you didn't read the whole thing. Sheesh!
All-Pro [762]
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Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football!
Sep 9, 2020, 9:14 AM
Ring of Honor [23201]
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Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football!
Sep 9, 2020, 11:12 AM
[ in reply to Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football! ] |
I'd re-read it Tobias...not to mention its a political arm of the democratic party (try and donate money and see what comes up?)
What annoys me is the message is...hey, lets all go vote for Biden and everything disappears...sadly people believe this and maybe it will. The race hustlers will certainly back off. These kids are being played and they dont even realize it.
Varsity [211]
TigerPulse: 74%
Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football!
Sep 9, 2020, 12:18 PM
[ in reply to Re: YOU are going to ruin College Football! ] |
The leaders and founders of BLM are on record (video) stating that they "are trained Marxists". As Marxists they intend to bring down the foundations of America. They have stated clearly that they are opposed to the nuclear family with a father figure. Being Marxists, they are opposed to religious freedom and all speech contrary to their own. Look to the actions of those in the streets and the politicians who back them... they intend the overthrow of the American founding principles. They seek to undermine all that is relied upon... church, police and military in an effort to destabilize our way of life and bring in their own. Radical thinking... yes, but what else can explain the seemingly goal-less actions of those in the streets? Do your research... Don't accept what some people say...
Orange Elite [5492]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 9:25 PM
Please, go. Good riddance!
Tiger Titan [48124]
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So proud of his leadership. Especially proud he is a Clemson Tiger, my alma mater.
Sep 8, 2020, 3:48 PM
Letting the light in himself shine brighter than the light on himself.
Legend [6775]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 3:48 PM
Good luck Trevor, but game day statements with jerseys etc.. is definitely activism. Will those who have lost loved ones in the law enforcement professsion trying to protect others be equally represented? If so, we will have quite a political game day atmosphere. Not exactly a recipe for cohesion. I can agree with the other points, but leave it off the field. Football should unite all its fans.
110%er [6825]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 3:57 PM
Hate to tell ya, but the field has always been about making political atmosphere. Basically every game will have at lease some major "political point".
Afterall, we have military appreciation day, breast cancer awareness pink uni-accessories, etc but you don't see pacifists or pro-tumor folks complaining about.
Calling out injustice and speaking up is part of being a man, leader, and an American.
Legend [6775]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:10 PM
Pro tumor? “I support cancer in women” said no one ever.
All-In [34487]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:15 PM
"I support racism"
said no one ever. Well, except for several dozen folks on this board.
Heisman Winner [85648]
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Sep 8, 2020, 5:05 PM
Letterman [263]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 7:51 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them racist. I’ve seen several trolls make similar claims to throw shade on our fans and expect no less from a coot trying to stir trouble. While I tend to disagree with most of your point of views, I respect your opinion. But calling fellow fans racists for not sharing your views is pretty low.
Letterman [263]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 7:51 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them racist. I’ve seen several trolls make similar claims to throw shade on our fans and expect no less from a coot trying to stir trouble. While I tend to disagree with most of your point of views, I respect your opinion. but calling fellow fans racists for not sharing your views is pretty low.
All-In [11058]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 11:58 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
Yeah the ones who support black lies matter are racist. Going around screaming #### white people. Yeah I really want to align myself with those pieces of ####. May God have mercy on you idiots that support this racist, marxist terrorist organization.
Ring of Honor [23201]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:17 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
Hey, it is a free county so I guess there is at least one idiot and they wear garnet and black most of the time.
Sadly, I think there are more of those that "support cancer in women" than you think. I know there are those that oppose modern medical treatment...
Orange Blooded [2167]
TigerPulse: 97%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 6:04 PM
A lot of doctors and hospitals and drug companies are getting rich off of cancer in women and they support it very much.
Orange Elite [5492]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 9:09 PM
are you brain dead
Walk-On [141]
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110%er [6825]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:48 PM
LOL, how so?
Both are popular but ultimately political messages as they often are very closely associated with the ultimate "political statement" which is the allocation tax revenue. The military appreciation should be clear (but aas an interesting assignment, go back and read the debates with our founding fathers over resources for vetrs. Not as clear cut as today) but with cancer, etc how much resources should the state provide to breast cancer research. There are other messages too such as "sportsmanship" academic whatever, faith and a lot more. I kinda avoided the biggest one on purpose as you have the chief village idiot make halftime appearances. I rather have more breast cancer awareness and self exams on a pepsi state.
All-In [11058]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 9, 2020, 12:01 AM
There is nothing political about supporting finding a cure for breast cancer. Last time I checked it didn't say black or white breast cancer matter. Of course the same can't be said about black lies matter. You people are just a bunch of ### kissers or you really are just that dumb. I say both.
110%er [6825]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 9, 2020, 10:56 AM
Sure there is...
There is a lot of research and subsidies going to that cause, there are tax breaks etc. Sure, most 99.9% can agree it is a good cause, but when you start having government action allocation of resources, there is politics behind it.
You have to THINK about it. Politics aren't all black/white.
Another one: Standing for the national anthem. In 1998 congress passed a law requiring it (prime example of government overreach). It wasn't law for near 82 years since it was recognized "officially" as the anthem in 1916. Perfect example of "politics" since congress mandated it and then made it someonething that one could use as a protest point. Perfect example of government speech and overreach as there was one. I disagree with much of the Kap etc kneeling issues but just because government "mandated" it, I refuse to follow THAT law - but generally support the principles. The government should not mandate that I must show support for it in a specific fashion.
There is a LOT that is political at games, you just aren't seeing it. Just because you agree with whatever message exist does not mean it isn't political.
All-In [11058]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 9, 2020, 10:56 AM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
How is supporting a cure for cancer and those who have survived, regardless of the cancer, political? Cancer does not discriminate. Then there's the Military Appreciation day. Again, there is no reference to race, sex, political affiliation or any other demographic, just showing support for ALL who have served in the military defending the US. How about IPTAY or Parents weekend? Also political? Clemson athletes, when wearing any Clemson uniform, are representing the Clemson Family. We'll see on Saturday just how political Clemson athletics has become.
Legend [6770]
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Legend [6775]
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Re: Agreed: He's An Activist
Sep 8, 2020, 4:13 PM
Just the opposite, I think Trevor is a very good guy.
Gridiron Giant [15986]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Agreed: He's An Activist
Sep 8, 2020, 4:23 PM
[ in reply to Agreed: He's An Activist ] |
He is indeed an activist. I think his intentions are pure. He just needs to be careful not to become a pawn. I don't know how many of the players are going to wear the names of blacks killed by the police? That's their business. However, if Trevor is going to be out front with this, he should be sure that someone wears the names of David Dorn and Tamarris Bohannon, both African-American police officers shot in the line of duty. Their families are hurting too. Hopefully their lives matter too? While he's at it, how about the names of the truly almost "countless" blacks killed by other blacks in their neighborhoods. The latter issue is a far more prevalent problem than police killings of blacks. That carnage goes on and on, day after day, night after night, but those names are rarely mentioned, much less remembered.
Orange Blooded [2167]
TigerPulse: 97%
Re: Agreed: He's An Activist
Sep 8, 2020, 6:06 PM
I plan on wearing a shirt supporting the whites that have been killed by police even if they did kind of have it coming by shooting at the police
Orange Blooded [2508]
TigerPulse: 100%
You don't have a shirt large enough.***
Sep 8, 2020, 9:21 PM
Paw Warrior [4755]
TigerPulse: 82%
Legend [6770]
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Re: Agreed: He's An Activist
Sep 9, 2020, 8:47 AM
by whom ??
He's a young, good kid. He is also a marketable commodity. Are people with their own agenda's whispering in his ear to do and say certain things to improve is own brand? It wouldn't be the first time.
Solid Orange [1375]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Agreed: He's An Activist
Sep 9, 2020, 12:03 AM
[ in reply to Agreed: He's An Activist ] |
Agreed, Trevor has lots of power and almost zero adult life experience. I would be surprised if he understands the snowball effect that his "activism" can trigger. People have to have jobs and gas and shelter and groceries, but football, even Clemson Football , is a beloved indulgence, not a necessity. It's an escape from the constant barrage of hate and criminal violence and division in real life. When it becomes difficult and heavy and full of controversy and politics, people will walk away. They won't pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to be force fed a bunch of political rhetoric and that will mark the end of this fabulous, tremendous run of football greatness that we have enjoyed. Devastating.
Clemson Icon [27679]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:05 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
Without question Trevor is wise beyond his years but I don’t think that he or any other group will be able to promote total equality in this country. I know a lot of people, mostly guys, who will never agree that blacks should be treated as whites. It improves with each generation and it will continue to get better but most of us will never live to see all peoples treated as the same. But the current movement with young people like Trevor Lawrence and Darien Rencher actively involved is a very positive happening.
I wouldn’t begin to recommend changes to the law enforcement or the legal system in this country. That is something we have allowed to happen for many, many years and I know of no one with the intellect to make it fair to all in a short period of time. There should be a reasonable solution to the terrible rioting that occurs much to often in this country and that reasonable solution doesn’t involve Mr. Smith or Mr. Wesson. He has outgrown his time as a peaceful moderator,
Dynasty Maker [3283]
TigerPulse: 94%
Wise being his years?
Sep 8, 2020, 9:18 PM
He may well be in certain areas, but this isn't one of them. He's par for the course for most his age. And he's already a political pawn. I believe him when he says he doesn't want that- but he is already there nonetheless. He says he's doing this out of love for his teammates, but love is a relational transaction between intersecting lives- love never requires taking a political stance in favor of a race-baiting social movement.
Orange Blooded [2508]
TigerPulse: 100%
Solid Orange [1375]
TigerPulse: 100%
Sep 9, 2020, 8:51 AM
I've been alive a long time now, and I don't know anybody who doesn't think that all lives are important and should be valued and protected and treated equally. I would question my life choices if I was associated with those who feel otherwise. That being said, I think BLM is a terrorist organization and that it is in no way interested in promoting the equality of African Americans.
Gridiron Giant [15256]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 6:47 PM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates ] |
Thank you TigerSurvivor, that is pretty much my sentiments on what Trevor had to say. Love and respect him and his opinion but let's leave game day to football. I have to hear the news practically 24 hours a day. Please let me have my escape for a few hours on Saturday. My two cents...
Varsity [211]
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Scout Team [153]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:15 PM
I would say to Trevor, this issue is huge, bigger than most people want to admit. It also has two sides, maybe more. One has to ask himself/herself am I a good citizen a law abiding member of my community and Country. Do I uphold the values of all peoples. Have I done everything I can to erase hatred and misunderstanding. Or am I asking everyone else to change and accept that I am not going to change, because I see you as the problem. Trevor it's not so much what you say as where you are being seen. Most people don't listen, they look and say oh, so that is where he stands. I know you're heart is in the right place because I listen. Change must happen, but all the bad must change, not just part of.
Clemson Icon [27679]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:20 PM
Agree. jj
Orange Elite [5492]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:25 PM
If Tigers drink the KoolAid (or have already) and support the Marxist backed BLM, I, as a fan, am gone along with many others.
Tiger Titan [48124]
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He's supporting racial equality
Sep 8, 2020, 4:30 PM
Why does this make you so uncomfortable?
Also, can you even define Marxism? Give it a shot.
It would probably be best for you to go ahead and "be gone". By Felicia!
Varsity [211]
TigerPulse: 74%
Give Marxism a Chance... WHAT!
Sep 8, 2020, 7:47 PM
Marxism...? You are the one that needed to read up! Love of America and marxism are contrary to each other. Do your homework!
Tiger Titan [48124]
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Thats what you want me to say bit not what I said.
Sep 8, 2020, 10:59 PM
I asked the person ti give defining marxism a shot. Can you define it?
Asking a question, not asking anyone to try marxism lol.
Orange Elite [5492]
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Tiger Titan [48124]
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Lol ok
Sep 8, 2020, 11:03 PM
Keep feeding whatever sheepish agenda you have. Feed it well.
All-In [34487]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:30 PM
Let'see, he's 20 years old, a white marquee player in a sport dominated by blacks, and seeking a career in the same sport. He'll be at Clemson for 3 years, in the NFL for 10 to 15.
He's walking a tightrope not of his own choosing. I don't think he could have said it any better. I believe his love concern is genuine, and not just because of his association with blacks, but because of his association with Jesus.
All-American [558]
TigerPulse: 97%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:40 PM
I’m all for social justice. I just hate that it’s only preached to us that Police do bad things to black people only. How many of our players know about the young white man In Greenville just 30 miles down the road running from the police and gunned down by 5 police officers, shot in the back? This was in July. Or the white kid shot in the hotel in Arizona two years ago while lying on floor and being screamed at by the police because of the suspicion of having a rifle? It was a pellet gun he used for his job in pest control. He didn’t even have it on him when they shot him! I heard one of our players say he wanted police not to shoot people because of the color of their skin. It appears to me they shoot any color. I just hate being lectured to by people who don’t know the whole truth. The problem is we have selective news sources and if you don’t see all of them, you’re not told the whole truth. That said, I love all of our players.
All-American [558]
TigerPulse: 97%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:40 PM
I’m all for social justice. I just hate that it’s only preached to us that Police do bad things to black people only. How many of our players know about the young white man In Greenville just 30 miles down the road running from the police and gunned down by 5 police officers, shot in the back? This was in July. Or the white kid shot in the hotel in Arizona two years ago while lying on floor and being screamed at by the police because of the suspicion of having a rifle? It was a pellet gun he used for his job in pest control. He didn’t even have it on him when they shot him! I heard one of our players say he wanted police not to shoot people because of the color of their skin. It appears to me they shoot any color. I just hate being lectured to by people who don’t know the whole truth. The problem is we have selective news sources and if you don’t see all of them, you’re not told the whole truth. That said, I love all of our players.
CU Guru [1446]
TigerPulse: 65%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 4:45 PM
This is all so gross. Don’t know if I can even watch Saturday.
Playmaker [355]
TigerPulse: 48%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 6:41 PM
I ove and appreciate these guys making a stand and cant wait to watch this weekend with my boys and talk about it all
Orange Blooded [2383]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 7:04 PM
Be sure when you talk about it "with your boys", you tell them the best way to avoid conflict or encounters with police officers is NOT to break the law. Also tell them if you are placed under arrest, follow the instructions of the police officers and DO NOT resist. It makes sense, also tell them that all lives matter, not just specific lives. Tell them that more Black People were shot in Chicago this past weekend by other Blacks than are shot by all the Police Officers in the U.S. all year. Also tell them that these animals killed 10 people, including an * year old girl. So when you are talking to your boys, tell them the truth!
Orange Blooded [2383]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 7:07 PM
Sorry, eight (8) year old girl. Be sure to mention that last week a criminal Black man killed two innocent people in Georgetown SC, and NOT ONE SINGLE Coach, Player or College President has even mentioned it. Please tell them the difference is that the White Man and his Daughter being killed, didn't deserve a team meeting or comments by coaches, because it doesn't effect recruiting !
Rival Killer [2814]
TigerPulse: 77%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 8:57 PM
was the criminal black man law enforcement? Did he shoot someone in the back 7 times because they apparently had a third-degree misdemeanor warrant out and a knife somewhere on the floorboard of their car, which the officer helped them get to by paralyzing the guy's legs so that being at floor height was probably easier? Or did the criminal black man lynch a white man in broad daylight, while spectators screamed at them to get off the man's neck because he couldn't breathe? And did the criminal black man then spend an additional 4 minutes on the guy's neck? Guess what? Those things happened, it just wasn't criminal black men who did them. It was criminal white men who did them under color of authority. And it isn't like those were random one-offs.
Orange Elite [5492]
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Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 9:23 PM
Are you dumber than dirt????????? Just answer the post don't turn it. just answer?? How about the 30 blacks kill in Chicago every week ??? By BLACKs ?? Those live don't matter Good night snowflakes
Tiger Titan [48124]
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Let’s play a game
Sep 8, 2020, 11:31 PM
I’ll tell you a black man died unneccessarliy at the hands of uniformed cops. And that shouldn’t happen.
How dumb is that?
Varsity [211]
TigerPulse: 74%
Dynasty Maker [3162]
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Orange Beast [6170]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 5:26 PM
Are you going to represent all of the black children in Chicago and other big cities on your uniforms and helmets.Hell no you won't. BLM is a Marxist organization and you are siding with them. Black lives do matter but so does all lives matter. Play football and forget the politics. You are all making a big mistake.
Varsity [211]
TigerPulse: 74%
YES... Someone who actually speaks the Truth!
Sep 8, 2020, 8:00 PM
I agree totally!
CU Medallion [18071]
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nah you are now an activist***
Sep 8, 2020, 5:36 PM
Orange Blooded [2490]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 6:07 PM
VERY well said by Trevor. His message of love for others transcends politics. He is wise beyond his years. He gets it. Kids like him and Rencher give me hope for tomorrow.
All-Conference [433]
TigerPulse: 88%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 6:38 PM
Stuff like this is the reason I have had several people tell me they are not watching any sports anymore. Athletes cant seem to keep politics or bias movements out of their equation.
Varsity [211]
TigerPulse: 74%
Trevor... Don't put it on the field. It is bigger than you..
Sep 8, 2020, 8:22 PM
I went to Clemson... Have been following Clemson Football for many years. But if they follow thru with this acceptance of systematic racism AGAINST our police departments, I can't continue. Their stance, including Trevor's, is tearing our nation apart. The blacks have their work to do to clean out the many problems that have lowered the expectations of many of them. I believe that whites have only reinforced those bad traits by making excuses for them and bad behavior. Many blacks are rightfully frustrated because they have fallen so far behind other races... due to bad policies, a rejection of whitey's education and the exploitation by the Democrats. Sadly... there are two main camps on this issue... and neither can compromise. Either the law applies to everyone the same OR we turn over our civilization to rioting and killing when one of those camps do not get their way. It should be easy to tell the bad guys here... even if many are wrapping themselves in their compassion and ignoring their common sense>
CU Medallion [20035]
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Pulling for him but TL16 needs to reckon with ...
Sep 8, 2020, 8:07 PM
his status as one of the biggest activists in the country. TL16 has purposefully taken a stake in increasing his popularity with teammates, and more importantly for his career, his future NFL teammates. And he is succeeding with his authenticity. TL16 is earning the kudos of young people and the primarily pro-Democrat media, and yes at the same time, he is being used as a pawn by BLM (the organization) which is anti-family, Marxist and anti-American.
TL16 is absolutely a fine young man who understands its self-evident that Black Lives Matter (the people not the organization) and have always have mattered. TL16 is serving as a leader and primary spokesman for groups who are hurting veterans & families of deceased war heroes all across the country. But let's face it folks, at 20 years old you believe what you want to believe and what's in your best interests, and TL16 has every right to exercise his beliefs. TL16 is a leader, and he's not afraid to take on tough issues on his terms, or as the terms have been explained to him.
Clemson Icon [27679]
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Nothing like having something like this
Sep 8, 2020, 9:04 PM
To completely destroy the team unity that Coach Swinney has worked so hard to develop. As a star player AND team leader some of you think that Trevor should refuse to stand up for all of his teammates because many of them are black. How utterly stupid would that be? With that attitude the Tigers couldn’t beat usuck! Some of you guys actually scare an old man like me!
CU Medallion [20035]
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Your post is sad ...
Sep 8, 2020, 10:19 PM
You believe Trevor Lawrence needs to take up for these young men "because they are black"? I've got news for you. These bright young men can take up for themselves. And these young men live in a state of constant adulation and pampering that most high school, college kids or adults will never experience.
The financed peaceful protesting (rioting and looting) will end when the presidential election is over IF and ONLY IF the Democrats win the election. And that's the long and short of it. I've had both black and white friends for 50-plus years, and sadly I do not see TL16 or any of these young men including billionaire Lebron James breaking any new ground. Sadly, I see relations regressing as the media spins up hate and division.
Clemson Icon [27679]
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Re: Your post is sad ...
Sep 9, 2020, 8:31 AM
He stands up got him teammates NOT because they are black it’s because they are TEAMMATES. Really not that difficult to understand,
Freshman [9]
TigerPulse: 88%
Freshman [9]
TigerPulse: 88%
Orange Blooded [2508]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 9:12 PM
Hurting teammates? Hurting from what? Some cooked up racist outrage that doesn't actually occur as much as they want you to believe?
Letterman [184]
TigerPulse: 86%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 9:47 PM
WOW! I am embarrassed by and ashamed of my Clemson brothers on TigerNet! What an impressive young man we have leading our football team and many of you, showing your true colors, are turning on him. I’m so proud of you Trevor!!
Orange Blooded [2508]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 11:39 PM
That's not turning on him. I love the guy, just pointing out a fallacy.
Orange Immortal [63667]
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And good for him.
Sep 8, 2020, 9:58 PM
I posted about this earlier, but the thread was deleted. This isn't complicated. Trevor is sincere. Many of his teammates are convinced there is widespread racism and systemic racial injustice in America. Trevor may believe that himself. If so, he is right to take a stand. It shows tremendous character and leadership. I respect that. I, and many others may disagree, but we have to respect that. This should be an opportunity for open, honest, productive dialogue instead of angry demands, taking sides, and digging in our heels ... but here we are. I don't think honest dialogue is even remotely possible at this point, in this environment. Not when one narrative totally dominates the media. I don't hold that against Trevor, however, or any of our players who see it differently.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [99825]
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It’s bad enough, for me to see a Nike ?? on our Clemson uni’s, but a BLM on the helmet
Sep 8, 2020, 10:25 PM
would be very offensive to me in that I realize that logo belongs to the Marxist group that hates the U.S. & wants to destroy America, the Family unit, the Constitution, the Republic, our Capitalist economic system, etc.
Yes, I will have to make a decision whether to support Clemson Football at this time if it becomes a political entity playing amateur sports rather than a college student-athletic sports team.
I will wait to see what I see & how I feel.
Orange Immortal [63667]
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BLM (the organization) is a toxic, fraudeulent organization.
Sep 8, 2020, 10:52 PM
Many people who support police reform and the fight against racism associate themselves with the "Black Lives Matter" movement, but not the BLM organization. Many are involved in both. It's hard to tell much of the time, and therin lies the problem.
Paw Warrior [4755]
TigerPulse: 82%
Re: BLM (the organization) is a toxic, fraudeulent organization.
Sep 8, 2020, 11:29 PM
I have seen a number of people on this thread making statements about BLM that do not seem to match up with reality.
Here is BLM's statement of beliefs:
Four years ago, what is now known as the Black Lives Matter Global Network began to organize. It started out as a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission was to build local power and to intervene when violence was inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
In the years since, we’ve committed to struggling together and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive.
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities. The impetus for that commitment was, and still is, the rampant and deliberate violence inflicted on us by the state.
Enraged by the death of Trayvon Martin and the subsequent acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman, and inspired by the 31-day takeover of the Florida State Capitol by POWER U and the Dream Defenders, we took to the streets. A year later, we set out together on the Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride to Ferguson, in search of justice for Mike Brown and all of those who have been torn apart by state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Forever changed, we returned home and began building the infrastructure for the Black Lives Matter Global Network, which, even in its infancy, has become a political home for many.
Ferguson helped to catalyze a movement to which we’ve all helped give life. Organizers who call this network home have ousted anti-Black politicians, won critical legislation to benefit Black lives, and changed the terms of the debate on Blackness around the world. Through movement and relationship building, we have also helped catalyze other movements and shifted culture with an eye toward the dangerous impacts of anti-Blackness.
These are the results of our collective efforts.
The Black Lives Matter Global Network is as powerful as it is because of our membership, our partners, our supporters, our staff, and you. Our continued commitment to liberation for all Black people means we are continuing the work of our ancestors and fighting for our collective freedom because it is our duty.
Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.
We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.
We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.
We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.
We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.
We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world.
We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.
We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
We foster a queer?affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.
We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.
All-American [581]
TigerPulse: 75%
nothing should be allowed on uniforms or helmets please
Sep 8, 2020, 10:26 PM
find another platform for your cause. coach and d rad need to get involved with this. they may be afraid to say anything in the present environment but this is getting ridiculous. just play football and promote your cause after the game via internet, tv or whatever.
Paw Warrior [4755]
TigerPulse: 82%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 11:20 PM
There is nothing wrong with being an activist - especially one for fairness and justice.
We could use a few more such activists.
Freshman [9]
TigerPulse: 88%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 8, 2020, 11:21 PM
Sorry Trevor, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t put yourself out there for the world to see without consequences.You are hurting your brand. I don’t think BLM is a movement that will help society advance peace and love. Disrespectful actions against our men in Blue disgust me to no end. I don’t want to come to a game and hear how someone has had it rough. It has not been a bed of roses for lots of people regardless of color. This is the land of opportunity.
Orange Blooded [3194]
TigerPulse: 99%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 9, 2020, 12:55 AM
These guys are in a no win situation. If they kneel then they get criticism, if they stand up for what is right as what everyone should do then its criticism on why they didnt show more support for blm. I feel for them. I fllipppin hate this place we are all in. But in my situation I requested this time off of work (an emergency request time off!!) so i could make dang sure i saw the opening kickoff to see our Clemson tigers play but if they start pulling the political card on us then what, should i have regretted not picking up a shift at my second job so i can make an extra 200$? (Bartender). I was willing to give that up for a great Saturday of college football. I understand the players situation but support it. Freauckin hard decision.
Orange Blooded [3194]
TigerPulse: 99%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 9, 2020, 12:55 AM
These guys are in a no win situation. If they kneel then they get criticism, if they stand up for what is right as what everyone should do then its criticism on why they didnt show more support for blm. I feel for them. I fllipppin hate this place we are all in. But in my situation I requested this time off of work (an emergency request time off!!) so i could make dang sure i saw the opening kickoff to see our Clemson tigers play but if they start pulling the political card on us then what, should i have regretted not picking up a shift at my second job so i can make an extra 200$? (Bartender). I was willing to give that up for a great Saturday of college football. I understand the players situation but support it. Freauckin hard decision.
Game Changer [1893]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Trevor Lawrence says he's no activist, just showing love to hurting teammates
Sep 9, 2020, 9:34 AM
And there you have it sports fans. Intertwine something really good and noble (racial equality) with something really bad (Marxism) and antithetical to the best most free nation on earth, and then make people damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don’t support. And that is how you divide a country. Almost as if it were planned this way?
I do wonder if any Clemson players are actually “woke” to what’s going on here? Do all of Clemson’s players support BLM solely because of the great slogan? Dabo has recruited a lot of good Christian athletes. Will any of our black Christian athletes stand up against BLM because of the political activism and platform behind the organization? It would be interesting to hear how the history books describe this crazy time we live in.
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