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Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB
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Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 8:46 AM

Are we going to win @ Duke or home vs Virginia? Probably not... So I get that point. But this team doesn't look right and the excuse makers feed to the problem with our basketball program.

CBB going to the sweet 16 last year will set us back for years to come. I know that's not what people want to hear...but it's true.

I like the guy. I'm not just saying that... I think he is a good guy and knows the game.... but sometimes it just doesn't work out for whatever reason.

If we ever want to get serious about basketball changes for the long term need to be made.... enough with the excuses...it's getting old.

Football and Baseball will always be king here at Clemson but it's not much to ask for our basketball program to be decent.... we have the money and the facilities to make it happen.

This is not a HATE CBB post...but im sure the excuse makers will just downvote and not bend on this... but I know im right on the matter.

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Same reason it did for Jack, and Tommy, and Ken, and even

Jan 13, 2019, 8:54 AM


And the same reason it tried to get Dabo fired on numerous occasions.

Or even take up for treasonous politicians who rob 'em blind and laugh their way to the bank.

"There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See" -- John Heywood 1546

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:02 AM

Probably many of us who have been around a while know that firing one basketball coach and hiring another one has never really done anything to help Clemson get better. If we fire Brownell, who do we hire. I can't think of a single coach that we could get that would make things better.

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:06 AM

Fire whoever Fire's Brownell !

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:16 AM [ in reply to Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB ]

Agree with Tinker. I’m fine if my posts supporting CBB seem like excuses, frankly. We’ve had some drop off this year, yes. Does every Clemson fan want to beat Duke? Absolutely. We need some recruiting hits, but as long as Duke and Kentucky keep churning the one and done’s, it will be difficult for teams like ours to capitalize.

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:18 AM

We will probably be worse next year.

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this is a crock tinker...

Jan 13, 2019, 9:41 AM [ in reply to Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB ]

There are a lot of up in coming coaches that could do a better job. If you are referring to top flight coaches yeah ok, but you can hire a real good coach at the mid major level and they could show more passion than what Brad as for this program. Look no further than our new women’s coach. The perfect guy that I would love to see us go after Earl Grant who is doing a great job at College of Charleston. Earl loves Clemson. Brad’s program has never been the same since he left with the exception of last year. Earl will probably be gone though as I see him has a top candidate at Wake Forest if they let Danny Manning go this season.

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:06 AM

It will be interesting moving forward.Will CBB be able to recruit that difference maker.Who will develop their game? We need a scorer in this program big time I could careless if he could play an once of defense.You may be on to something we look like we've fallen back.

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:09 AM

I think he is gone after next season. No use stressing now. He will be back for 1 more year.

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:39 AM

Look at how many legit NBA players he's brought to Clemson


Devoe the main guy missing from last years team and look how bad they look this season. Mitchell and Reed testing NBA waters? What a mess and a joke!!

BTW, tons would jump for the opportunity to coach at Clemson. It's still the ACC

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Re: Why does this forum make sooooo many excuses for CBB

Jan 13, 2019, 9:51 AM

well you look at the level of support at games. then you want to blame Brad. When we start showing we care it will get better. he's already recruiting better but the coot like hoops nonsupport makes the mans job much tougher. yet people expect sweet sixteen every year

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This team has just plain underperformed

Jan 13, 2019, 10:07 AM

Whether it is play design or just plain poor shooters, the Tigers look pitiful on offense. Our supposedly pro guard play has not developed. Reed has been the only bright spot. We will once again suffer through another season. Last year we were very fortunate to make the sweet 16. Devoe shot us in to that position. No one on this years team can shoot three pointers like Gabe did. We better recruit some shooters or the coaching staff can start looking for new jobs.

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