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Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?
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Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 12:06 PM

I got Alabama, Ohio State, Clemson and Southern Cal, only if they get Caleb Williams. If not, I'm going to go out on a limb and say a one loss Notre Dame to Clemson.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 12:07 PM


After that I needs to moar research.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 12:11 PM

I got which ever teams are ranked # 1 thru # 4 on the CFP committee's poll.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 4:23 PM

3.Ohio State
4.Texas ATM

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 12, 2022, 7:03 AM

Don’t think two teams from SEC West will get there.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 3:13 PM

1. Bama
2. UGA
3. Michigan
4. Clemson
I feel like Michigan will win the rematch, while we win part 5 of the Clemson Bama series. We should be able to win it all and beat Michigan in the natty.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 3:15 PM

Ohio state...

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 3:34 PM

In your last two big games you gave up 91 points and almost 1300 yards of offense.

No one wants you back.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 3:39 PM

So giving up 3 to GA wasn't a big game? Are you naturally dumb as a rock or just become that way? Just acting like 2 National Titles didn't happen lol. Teams give up tons of points all the time. You either win or you don't. Ask Bama how they like Clemson

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 4:02 PM

Two national titles after a 35 year drought. I'm really impressed. Bama has 18; 6 since 2000.

I'll give you the 2016 championship. That was a good game. The last game against Bama was an aberration - one team was hot, the other wasnt. You really think you could beat Bama again like that?

As I said, in your last two CFP appearances, you got smoked. Absolutely smoked. Ohio State took you to the cleaners, and then Bama demolished them. Then you come out this year and couldnt even win the ACC (Almost a College Conference).

But Clemson will be in finals next year? I'm still laughing - at you.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 11:54 PM

UGA does not get in next year. 2 losses

Actually scratch that! Everyone if you have not looked at UGA’s schedule next year, it is a joke. And they laugh at us. Sorry Oregon is average and is the best team on the schedule.

AD may want to reach out to Neff to see if we can play in Charlotte again.

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Tell 'em u7c coot. No one knows losing better than you.

Jan 11, 2022, 4:42 PM [ in reply to Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs? ]


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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 12, 2022, 6:44 AM [ in reply to Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs? ]

I also have Bama, Clemson, Ohio State, and Georgia. Bama will not get a bye game for the Semi, which will be a nice change.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 3:33 PM [ in reply to Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs? ]

If you still have No 5 at QB you wont even win the ACC.

Maybe another Cheez It, or Independence Bowl.

Clemson fans would fit right in in Shreveport.

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Fly back home to FGF little cootie bird

Jan 11, 2022, 7:57 PM

15% pulse? Yikes! Maybe you should hype up your overrated transfer QB on FGF instead of gloating about UGA's success.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 3:17 PM

Southern Cal has no chance imo. If they did make it it would be almost like a BYE for whoever they play.


Ohio State
The 4th spot is wide open, but I will say Clemson if we beat Notre Dame and have some solid QB play next year. The team is stacked outside of QB.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 4:04 PM

too early -- but fun to think on --

1- Clemson should be ready in Nov for ND, win the ACC and be in.
2 - Alabama (unless Saban retires).
3 - Baylor because NIL $$ in the portal talks and the Big 12 will be down.
4 - OHS because they win the Big 10.

Georgia and A&M will be great teams but will have to go through Alabama. It is not likely two teams from one conference get in on a more normal year.

USC, Oregon, Texas are on the rise as $$ players can now be openly bought. They might need another year for the upswing.

Interesting are how teams like Penn, Mich, etc (teams with unlimited NIL $) will respond.

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the tug abides

We have a lot of issues on offense to correct

Jan 11, 2022, 4:08 PM

before we should be considered as a possible playoff team in 2022.

People like to blame DJ, and he certainly needs to play better, but our offensive line has to block a lot better and our receivers have to block and catch a lot better.

Honestly, our running backs were the only bright spot on offense this year.

I am also curious how things look schematically on offense with Streeter at the helm. The bowl game didn't tell us much since he needs time to install his system.

I think our defense can be good enough in 2022 to get us to the playoffs, but I will be surprised if our offense is good enough. If we do make the playoffs, it will likely be because we are just so much more talented than everyone else we play. And in that case, the real test will be how we perform once we are in the playoffs (hopefully better than the last two times).

Here's to a huge offensive turnaround and continued excellence on defense. Go Tigers!

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"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

“We just didn’t make shots.”***


Jan 11, 2022, 4:14 PM

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Re: We have a lot of issues on offense to correct

Jan 11, 2022, 4:50 PM [ in reply to We have a lot of issues on offense to correct ]

Judge you are always a basket of football crap.

There were endless bright spots on this team. They did win 10 games, and you talk as if they were crap because they did not go undefeated.

There were other good teams in 2021, and the ACC will be even stronger in 2022.

Our "D" will take huge hits in the secondary, but the line should be improved. I would say overall it will be top 5 even with Coach V missing.

The "O" in 2021 was not what any expected or wanted, but still won games. Few colleges have the "O" talent Clemson does. Coaches will adjust to that talent and game plan as to it. No "huge offensive turnaround" is required, just better health and adjustments.

Going undefeated is a goal, but not realistic. Tigers will be competitive and in the mix for the 2022 Natty with maybe ONLY 10 other "elite" teams. Tigers Football is elite.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

the tug abides

Re: We have a lot of issues on offense to correct

Jan 11, 2022, 5:33 PM [ in reply to We have a lot of issues on offense to correct ]

We were injured and had some young inexperienced dudes with some of our OL. It should be way better next year.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 4:35 PM

What about Jackson St and Coach Prime??

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 4:38 PM

Ohio St
Notre Dame

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 5:12 PM

1. Ohio state
2. UGA
3. Alabama
4. Texas A&M

The Sec ballwashing only gets worse.

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 5:19 PM

Play off for the Toilet Bowl.

1. Duke
2. FIU
3. UConn
4. Kansas

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I'm going to say getting USC to the Playoffs in his first

Jan 11, 2022, 5:54 PM

year might require even more Houdini than Lincoln Riley has. They will be better, but not THAT much better.

I see Bama, Clemson, OCryo State, and I'll give the 4th nod to Oklahoma. They already know how to play offense, and Brent will teach them how to play defense.

But, if Khaki stays at Michigan, you could easily sub them in for Ocryo State.

You could also easily put Baylor OR the Fighting Mike Gundys into that fourth spot from the Little 12. I think that will be THE most competitive Power 5 conference next year. So, not unheard of that their champ could have two losses, and get left out altogether.

I am not giving Texas the nod, all that NIL Oil Money may not necessarily immediately translate into great play on the field. It may just translate into a lot of cheeseburgers, and fat, lazy kids.


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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 7:36 PM

1. Bama
2. Ohio St
3. UGA
4. Texas A&M

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 7:52 PM

1. Bama 13-0
2. Ohio St 13-0
3. UGA 12-1
4. Texas A&M 12-1

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 11, 2022, 8:10 PM

Alabama more likely will be there, also georgia will still be pretty good.
ohio state will be good., clemson will have to prove it can get the kinks worked out. will dj get it together or will we struggle again with this offense like we had this year, hopefully he will and we get healthy and stay healthy and we get back to where we were. time will tell
over the last 4-5 years one team has been a surprise team seems like so who knows if these teams will live up to their hype.
saw where ESPN ranks , bama, ohio state, Georgia, texas am , and michigan top 5..

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Re: Who are your way too early four teams for next year playoffs?

Jan 12, 2022, 7:10 AM

We should go ahead and do 2023 and 2024 top four as it would make as much sense

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