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TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator
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TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 10:31 AM

WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 12:12 PM

I am just so happy for Goodwin and Streeter and, of course, our Tigers. I personally think we have a bright future ahead of us.

Go Tigers!

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 1:09 PM

My only complaint about Goodwin is what he was wearing, and if he wants to be different I have no problems with that, but, if he wants to be a Clemson Tiger FB Coach, at least he could find more appropriate Clemson colors. That slipover that he was wearing was off color, and that Ball Cap that he was wearing looked like a UGA dawg cap with a C on it. Dabo or the administration must redo his Clemson wardrobe bc, what he was wearing looked awful. The most faded Clemson gear that I have had for years still looks better than what coach Goodwin was wearing last night.

Knowing T-Netters as I do, I know that there are some of you that's going to be offensive bc of my assessment of Goodwin's attire, and that's your prerogative, and I'm sure you're going express that with the use of the TD, have at it, I don't care...

For 6 decades I have been wearing our Clemson Tiger colors, and I have had a lot of Clemson gear that I got through mail order, and when I opened it, the colors just wasn't the Clemson colors that I had been use to wearing most of my life, they were shaded wrong, and I never wore them bc they didn't represent the Clemson Tigers I've loved since becoming a Clemson fan when I was almost 10 years old. And now that Coach Goodwin represents Clemson University in the public eye, I believe, and I expect him to wear true Clemson colors. I know that it sounds picky, but so is the way that the Tiger Paw is suppose to be tilted with some putting it anywhere from 11 am, to 2pm. I think that our Clemson colors are a lot more important to being the correct shade than the Paw tilt that can range between 11 and 2!!!! Just saying.

Also, it could be that what I'm seeing the shades of color that Coach Goodwin is wearing bc of the camera they using or what ever. If that's the case, I apologize, but even the shots of him on the field, the colors he's wearing just don't look to be the correct Clemson colors that I expect our coaches to wear when representing Clemson in the public eye....

Message was edited by: allinallorangeallthetime52®

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 1:37 PM

BV always wore odd colors on sideline so players could easily pick him out . OK?

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 2:34 PM

You are exactly right. I’m surprised thatknowledgrable fans didn’t know that. When the players on the field look to the sidelines for a defensive signal they can easily spot a coach wearing black when all the others have on white,

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 2:30 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator ]

Looks like burnt orange, purple & white to me. All Nike. Perfect. Complain to Nike, though I think that they are familiar with our colors. I like the purple & would like to see more use of it.

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 2:56 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator ]

You’re kidding, right? Or, maybe you’re a female because they tend to look at what people or wearing. I can remember when my wife and I were younger and went to the games. It was always, “ honey, look at what she is wearing” or honey, I don’t like their uniforms” and these questions would always, always come at the worse time in the game as I have my Venables mode going on.

Who else cares about what the dude is wearing? As long as he is successful and winning balls game he could wear Georgia cloths, which is the team that dislike the most.

Really?? Geez

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 3:15 PM

You totally missed the entire purpose of this discussion..we are talking about fashion!

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 31, 2021, 2:02 AM

When did fashion become an issue with football? I mean my dad was in the army and when I played football as a kid, he always made sure that I had new socks and my shoes were shining. I get that but a coach wearing a different shade of orange.

I’m must still be out in left field. Surly I must be be dreaming. I mean if someone can’t find anything other to complain about with the new coach other than his chothing. Well, I guess you can say that he did an outstanding job with bad fashion.

I really can’t you wrote all of that about what a coach was wearing.

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 31, 2021, 10:27 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator ]

Please do not insult female fans with statements like that. I was at the game. He is wearing Clemson colors and I assume he’s wearing a different hat just the way BV did—so his team can find him.

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Jan 2, 2022, 7:40 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator ]

Your sexist comment is not productive or needed. Grow the f@ck up.

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 2:56 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator ]

You’re kidding, right? Or, maybe you’re a female because they tend to look at what people or wearing. I can remember when my wife and I were younger and went to the games. It was always, “ honey, look at what she is wearing” or honey, I don’t like their uniforms” and these questions would always, always come at the worse time in the game as I have my Venables mode going on.

Who else cares about what the dude is wearing? As long as he is successful and winning balls game he could wear Georgia cloths, which is the team that dislike the most.

Really?? Geez

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 12:20 PM

I never thought BV was especially good at interviews. Don’t think Wes will be much better. I’m good with that as long as he brings it on the field. That’s all I care about. Besides, Dabo is so good at interviews, he makes everyone else seem middling anyway.

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I know you know this was his 1st interview

Dec 30, 2021, 2:32 PM

You know that takes some getting used to, you know, when it comes to collecting your thoughts and expressing yourself, ya know.

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Re: TNET: WATCH: Wes Goodwin reacts to first bowl win as defensive coordinator

Dec 30, 2021, 2:33 PM

Thanks Coach Goodwin!

His personality is 180 degrees different from Coach Venables. Obviously both styles work for each man.

P.S. Coach Swinney didn't hire him for his fashion sense or interviewing skills.

Message was edited by: tigerband1®

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When people are complaining about interview skills and

Dec 30, 2021, 3:50 PM

a coach’s attire, it can only mean one thing. . .Clemson won the football game.

I actually thought Wes looked more comfortable in this interview than he did in his first one. But in reality, as long as he keeps bringing the D, I don’t really care how he interviews.

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Re: When people are complaining about interview skills and

Dec 30, 2021, 5:43 PM

Just win baby.....!!!
Go Tigers

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