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Watch ACCCG Internationally?
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Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 11, 2015, 11:46 PM

Does anyone know how one can watch the ACC championship game from overseas?
According to WATCHESPN's website, it is only available in the US at the moment.

I'll be travelling to South Africa and am hoping to wake up at some crazy morning hour to watch the Tigers win!

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 11, 2015, 11:55 PM


I'm in Iraq and use this website to watch Clemson games as well as NFL games when they aren't on tv.

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 1:34 AM

This might sound crazy if you're not technically-adept but you could probably use a proxy server on your computer ,(assuming that's how you're accessing WatchESPN), to trick the site into thinking you're accessing it from a server located within the US.

It's really not that hard to do if you're comfortable following some instructions off google. I'm pretty sure that would work.

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 2:21 AM

The easiest and best way is for you to get a VPN service.

I use StrongVPN, I don't work for them, but i've used their service for all 5+ years that i've lived abroad to watch Clemson games.

Assuming you have a WatchESPN account, the VPN will mask your connection so that it looks like you are logging in from the US.

I suggest this because a lot of the other sites out there can go down, aren't reliable, and well this would be a big game, and watching via ESPN is best.

Search around for maybe a month membership or any of the free services out there. Paid would be best as you get the speed you pay for.

Good luck

Source: Clemson Grad Living in Asia for 5+ years, I watch all games

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 2:28 AM

Great, thanks for the responses!

Any particular VPN you recommend? I'll look into the proxy server too, I'm not that great with computers but willing to give it a shot.
Will also check out that website above as a 3rd option.

Thanks again!!!

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 2:30 AM

Sorry, just saw that you mentioned strong VPN

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 12:29 PM [ in reply to Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally? ]

I too am abroad and have been using PureVPN for my college football. It's been very good as well...usually I'm able to get full HD quality streaming onto my TV.

A tip for using a VPN: since a VPN streams the content to a server in the USA, and then rebroadcasts that to you far away, speeds suffer. If you can, connect an ethernet cable from your computer directly to the modem if you want the best quality possible.

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 6:23 AM [ in reply to Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally? ]

And you have an account that you can access WatchESPN in the past 5 years? How? Just curious. Thanks.

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Re: Watch ACCCG Internationally?

Nov 12, 2015, 2:40 AM

There was one I used in Japan. Was called Front Row Sports. Was not too bad and I caught every game.

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I use it every week

Nov 12, 2015, 3:24 AM

I currently live outside the U.S. and I use a VPN called "TunnelBear". I pay $5/month for unlimited data. I stream all the Clemson games via ESPN360.com. You can choose from 20 different countries to "tunnel" through, including the United States.

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Re: I use it every week

Nov 12, 2015, 7:48 AM

Awesome, thank you!


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Where are you?

Nov 12, 2015, 8:42 AM

Last year I was in Europe for two games and they had a deal for $10 you can get 24hrs of the WatcheSPN app. It worked better than the app here, frankly.

In other places it's more difficult, though. It seems that the internet lords conspire to prevent Americans abroad from watching college football.

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Re: Where are you?

Nov 13, 2015, 2:24 PM

I will be in South Africa over that weekend. I'll try all of the above to make sure I get to watch!!!

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