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TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season
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TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 2:20 PM

Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 2:22 PM

Good deal!! Probably like $10 a beer 🍺

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 3:20 PM

Heck yes…finally getting with times. Here comes the haters. Guess what football etc. is next. Don’t like it don’t come. Hope prices are affordable but still get those minis in. Cough

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 5:58 PM

So what you're saying is that anybody against a drunk pulling out a concealed weapon and blowing away somebody are called the haters, if that is what you're saying call me a hater bc I do hate the idea of selling or drinking alcohol at any public event where there are just to many people to get back into control before people are being killed by a bunch of drunks. I'll take a few shot every now and then but I do it at home where I want have to survey my surrounding every minute of so of an idiot running past people gunning them down only bc they've had to much alcohol to drink!!!!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 6:03 PM

From the way you describe it, tailgates for football must have at least 5 murders every home game.

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 7:51 PM

From the way you describe it, tailgates for football must have at least 5 murders every home game.

Maybe in Columbia!

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 7:46 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season ]

Think off all the music concerts these days… THE HORROR!!!!

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2020, 7:55 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season ]


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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 24, 2025, 1:30 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season ]

If kids weren’t allowed at the games it might be fine. What example are we providing the youngsters regarding college baseball?

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How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?


Jan 23, 2025, 2:31 PM

Clemson baseball games have always seemed especially kid friendly compared to most sporting events I have attended. Do most Clemson fans believe that won't change much after we add some drunk people?

Football already has drunk tailgaters so it doesn't seem like much a difference there if they added stadium sales. But not much pre-gaming going on for baseball, minus some students and the Cajun Cafe, which we know to keep our kids away from haha. They are the best fans we have usually so alcohol won't hurt crowd energy, that's for sure.

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Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?


Jan 23, 2025, 6:05 PM

Back in the day I would never take my daughters anywhere that I knew there would be a lot of alcohol consumption, never did and it would be the same if I had small kids today bc it is ammunition for a disaster to happen and the last thing I would ever want to see would be one of my kids catching an unattended stray bullet that was meant for someone trying to get away from an idiot firing at him/her!!!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?


Jan 23, 2025, 6:09 PM

Back in the day I would never take my daughters anywhere that I knew there would be a lot of alcohol consumption, never did and it would be the same if I had small kids today bc it is ammunition for a disaster to happen and the last thing I would ever want to see would be one of my kids catching an unattended stray bullet that was meant for someone trying to get away from an idiot firing at him/her!!!

Where do you live that everyone that drinks goes crazy drunk and starts shooting things up?

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Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?


Jan 23, 2025, 7:49 PM

Obviously under a rock…

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Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?

Jan 24, 2025, 6:41 AM

He’s always been under a big boomer rock.

Truly proud that he has me blocked.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?

Jan 23, 2025, 8:25 PM [ in reply to Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none? ]


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Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?

Jan 24, 2025, 9:00 AM [ in reply to Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none? ]

Bro do you live paranoid? You’re like my late grandpa…

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Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none?

Mar 3, 2025, 12:42 PM [ in reply to Re: How much of an impact will this have on family atmosphere? Little or none? ]

### are you talking about? You used to portray yourself as a ra-ra Clemson fan. Kinda towing the CU line. Now it's more politics & posts that often lack in purpose.

Just my interjections - just don't inject pregame 🤣


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For relaxing times, make it Suntory time

Erik Bakich clearly is not on Tnet


Jan 23, 2025, 2:33 PM

"we want a rowdy crowd"

Bakich doesn't realize it but he just gave the RAG permission to run across the field in nothing but pink thongs.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Re: Erik Bakich clearly is not on Tnet


Jan 23, 2025, 2:54 PM

How I’m pulling up at DKS:


Let’s Go!

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 2:41 PM

Thank You Coach!!! He’s right about wanting the crowd to be rowdy. It’s gotten to where most games, the crowd seems half asleep. During one of the games last season, my kid and I were in the stands near first base, standing up and cheering on the team and old farts around us were sitting on there hands.

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Hopefully basketball and football are next


Jan 23, 2025, 11:54 PM

Just goes to show how much pull a head coach can have if he so chooses.
It’s so bad that I get the side eye from Clemson fans when I heckle the other team or their coach/the officials. Get a grip. I’m really sick of all this, “come to see your team play Clemson and get hugs and kisses and make friends blah blah blah”. Maybe we should just bend over and pull down our pants too?

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 2:58 PM

I am in agreement 110%!

Good idea, Coach. I will have one or two this spring.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Class of '87

Will this instantly ruin the family atmosphere?


Jan 23, 2025, 3:00 PM


2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: Will this instantly ruin the family atmosphere?


Jan 23, 2025, 5:43 PM

Judge, I am a firm believer that alcohol at sporting events is a perfect recipe for ruining the event in split second. It only takes one person who has had just one too many to start an all out riot. I've seen it happen at the Orangeburg drag strip when they use to have a race on Sunday before alcohol could legally be sold on Sunday, so what do think can happen where it's legally sold on the property!!!!!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Will this instantly ruin the family atmosphere?

Jan 23, 2025, 7:37 PM

Judge, I am a firm believer that alcohol at sporting events is a perfect recipe for ruining the event in split second. It only takes one person who has had just one too many to start an all out riot. I've seen it happen at the Orangeburg drag strip when they use to have a race on Sunday before alcohol could legally be sold on Sunday, so what do think can happen where it's legally sold on the property!!!!!

Have a beer and relax chicken little. I've been to a decent number of pro and college games where booze is served and have yet to see a serious incident. They serve beer when Clemson plays at Fluor field.
Baseball crowds are usually far less excitable than football and I see the amount of problems as a result of this to manageable. Maybe we should address why someone would bring a gun to a Clemson baseball game anyways?
If you can't see the signs of an escalating situation and stay away then maybe stay home?

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99% of events these days sell alcohol. Doesn't seem to ruin anything!***

Jan 23, 2025, 8:09 PM [ in reply to Re: Will this instantly ruin the family atmosphere? ]

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Re: Will this instantly ruin the family atmosphere?


Jan 24, 2025, 7:44 AM [ in reply to Re: Will this instantly ruin the family atmosphere? ]

No offense but I don't think the demographics at the Orangeburg drag strip and Clemson baseball games are similar.

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Jan 23, 2025, 3:04 PM

Wait a #### minute. Bakich said the beer sales were a go but some “spokesperson” just said it may not happen??? WTH

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Jan 23, 2025, 4:45 PM

Clemson Athletic Department in a nutshell.

There's more beaurocracy in CUAD than the federal government.

And they treat Coaching staffs like they're the supporting effort... not the main effort.

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Jan 23, 2025, 5:08 PM

The AD scared of making IPTAY tee-totalers mad. Hopefully by Bakich can make it happen!

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Jan 23, 2025, 5:18 PM

Or this is a power grab for someone's swim lane.

Both have caused issues in the past.

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 23, 2025, 3:13 PM

About time

2025 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 3:31 PM

Hate to hear that.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 3:50 PM

I'm with you. I think the fans can support the team and cheer without drunk people sloshing around beer and spilling it on everyone. I thought maybe Clemson would be different and support a different culture.

Won't bother me since I won't be attending. So have at it. We've already ruined most of Clemson sporting event customs and culture, may as be like everyone else.

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 3:55 PM

I'm with you. I think the fans can support the team and cheer without drunk people sloshing around beer and spilling it on everyone. I thought maybe Clemson would be different and support a different culture.

Won't bother me since I won't be attending. So have at it. We've already ruined most of Clemson sporting event customs and culture, may as be like everyone else.

What’s ruined? Do you attend concerts and pro and other college events at other campuses?

Clemson is behind. Every penny helps. If issue then I’m sure they’ll handle it

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 5:14 PM

Not anymore, too old. Don't get me wrong, I was carefree in the 60s and 70s. I have no problem with people drinking.

Certainly understand the financial aspect. Certainly understand people tailgate and sneak minis in too. As for our other traditions, I would have kept The Hill like it was in 1969. I loved going to games without loudspeakers except the reverend prayer before the games. Don't like the djs.

All that said, I understand my generation is dying and things change. That's cool. I'll love my Tigers til I die. Went last summer to my last Clemson game and last time in Clemson. It'd been several years. Went to all the games home and away from 63 to 2003 + enjoyed seeing every event when living there in the 80's . Just sad to see all the growth and changes. Just don't seem like Lil ole Clemson anymore.

Anyway, carry on! Enjoy tigertown as long as you can. Go Tigers!!! Play Ball!!! 🧡💜💪


2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 24, 2025, 7:52 AM

Not anymore, too old. Don't get me wrong, I was carefree in the 60s and 70s. I have no problem with people drinking.

Certainly understand the financial aspect. Certainly understand people tailgate and sneak minis in too. As for our other traditions, I would have kept The Hill like it was in 1969. I loved going to games without loudspeakers except the reverend prayer before the games. Don't like the djs.

All that said, I understand my generation is dying and things change. That's cool. I'll love my Tigers til I die. Went last summer to my last Clemson game and last time in Clemson. It'd been several years. Went to all the games home and away from 63 to 2003 + enjoyed seeing every event when living there in the 80's . Just sad to see all the growth and changes. Just don't seem like Lil ole Clemson anymore.

Anyway, carry on! Enjoy tigertown as long as you can. Go Tigers!!! Play Ball!!! 🧡💜💪


once again can’t have the same facilities and amenities as the 60s. Adapt and change or get left behind in all sorts of ways. No other way to spin it. That’s it. It’s about fan engagement. Many attending games especially baseball are bored. To get more butts in seats you need a winning product on and off the field in every way! I get baseball being boring I’ve played and now coach. But Bakich and neff and everyone knows. Even coaches around they gotta get with times. So people can continue to mope bc it’s not going anywhere. I never had fancy gloves but boy wish I did. I’m older but if my kid wants a neon shoe sure. I’m more of uniforms and shirts shorts type.

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 24, 2025, 6:59 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season ]

Good stay home....you are probably one of those guys that sit on your hands anyway.

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Jan 23, 2025, 4:08 PM

hate beer!

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Re: $10


Jan 23, 2025, 5:47 PM

Well if they are intended on selling at sporting events at Clemson, they should at least sell it for $10-$12 bucks a can so that it would cost to much to get shitfaced drunk!!!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: $10

Jan 24, 2025, 9:05 AM

People who attend these games are not getting shitfaced drunk off of $10-12 beers. Anyone who is that drunk at a baseball game did it before entering the stadium. Also intended for fans to get drunk. It is intended for adult fans to be able to grab a beer and sip it while watching Want

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 4:40 PM

Better have good insurance! The first time someone leaves the game drunk and kills somebody the lawsuit will be massive!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 24, 2025, 7:54 AM

Ragtag54® said:

Better have good insurance! The first time someone leaves the game drunk and kills somebody the lawsuit will be massive!

And clemson like every company or whatever has plenty of lawyers. What’s the difference if someone left a bar or there house?

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 4:51 PM

I have had my fair share of beer over the years, I don't think it's a good idea. JMO

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 7:10 PM

Another nail in the coffin. So this is what it takes to get fans "rowdy"? Ridiculous!!!

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 23, 2025, 7:42 PM

Now we can have dudes who were already yelling at 19 year old kids do it half in the bag, cool

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 23, 2025, 8:18 PM

You folks know they have already announced alcohol sales for football season, right? This is a good trial run to get things up and running.

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 23, 2025, 8:23 PM

Bout time!!!

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Very Much Against This


Jan 23, 2025, 9:04 PM

While respecting others who may disagree, I think this is a bad idea. While the majority who drink cause no problems, the few who do make it a miserable experience for children and other fans.

Clemson is different because we put families first. It’s one reason we have generations of families attend our events.

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Re: Very Much Against This


Jan 23, 2025, 9:10 PM

Family atmosphere lol. I attended many games as a kid and heard plenty of words and saw beer drinking and many things. Let’s not act like we are angels here. People it’s simple as this. The facilities, the swag, the beer sales…everything helps. If you wanna compete with the best and grow you gotta think outside the box and get along with the times. Bakich said it in interview basically. Clemson will still have standards and culture but some things must change. Coaches and athletic administrators know this. Go to other colleges and clemson is behind in some aspects. Don’t like it don’t show up or watch. Don’t need you. If a problem teams and schools wouldn’t do this. If there is a problem things will get fixed and likely kicked out etc.

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 24, 2025, 7:39 AM

Alcohol is not the friend most think it is. Had a close friend die this fall from falling after consuming alcohol. Two marriages in my own family dissolved in the last two years and alcohol is the #1 reason. I’ve got days of these stories. While I’m not ashamed of my faith, I don’t need a Bible verse for why I hate alcohol.

For so many, it’s a mask to hide behind. Alcohol won’t solve those problems. Only make them worse.

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 24, 2025, 7:56 AM

Alcohol is not the friend most think it is. Had a close friend die this fall from falling after consuming alcohol. Two marriages in my own family dissolved in the last two years and alcohol is the #1 reason. I’ve got days of these stories. While I’m not ashamed of my faith, I don’t need a Bible verse for why I hate alcohol.

For so many, it’s a mask to hide behind. Alcohol won’t solve those problems. Only make them worse.

Not trying to be rude but you might need help. Not all of us do.

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Re: TNET: NO... he's right


Jan 24, 2025, 11:04 AM

A little empathy might help you.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 24, 2025, 9:29 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season ]

Hmm … anything to the extreme is bad. Sounds like more problems than just alcohol ..

2025 white level membertnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

This is an outrage!

Jan 24, 2025, 8:18 AM

it spelled biergarten; Clemson is corrupting American Families’ ability to spell.

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up



Jan 24, 2025, 11:04 AM

WTH ? In the simplest terms, this will NOT improve the Clemson experience for fans.

We do not need beer sales at games..... and I drink. The NEGATIVES far outweigh the positives.

The almighty dollar push MUST have a limit.. and I'm an Econ major and biz. prof.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Jan 24, 2025, 2:23 PM

It’s here and it’s coming across other sports. Clemson needs more revenue and it’s behind. Wanna compete every detail matters. First time in a long time season tickets are sold out. Excitement is here. Go travel to other places conference and outside acc and clemson is behind. You’d be surprised. With price being high I doubt it’s gonna be issue. Plus I’ve brought in a cold one and minis before. Plenty of people get obnoxious by not drinking or going out during innings to grab a drink or sneaking it in. If a problem security will take care of it and police and if a problem Clemson wouldn’t do it. Stop comparing complainers to uofsc. Every fan base has bad apples. Im sure administrators have talked with others and seen what it creates and what could cause issues. Like I said and others it’s not a big deal. Don’t like it don’t go or watch and support point blank. Example had a friend tired of iptay issues and said he wasn’t renewing his seats. I said yeah I feel your pain but your a number and there is a lot more behind you that will just suck it up and stick through it. He renewed and sucking it up. I said to make a big stink and scene about things in life you need a army of thousands.

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Re: TNET: In your simplified world it might be easy to say all that.

Jan 25, 2025, 8:53 AM

but the reality is it's more complicated and a much bigger negative.

How about YOU suck it up and quit chasing the almighty $ and have some standards.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: In your simplified world it might be easy to say all that.

Jan 26, 2025, 12:04 AM

86Orange® said:

but the reality is it's more complicated and a much bigger negative.

How about YOU suck it up and quit chasing the almighty $ and have some standards.

I have standards…me wanting to drink a beer and eat p nuts is bad? Others wanting to drink one is bad? I’m chasing the almighty dollar? The almighty dollars helps my teams I cheer for create more success for them on and off. Simple and quite easy to understand.

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Re: TNET: YES... drinking in front of small children is bad

Feb 2, 2025, 7:47 AM

Does that not even bother you ?

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 24, 2025, 12:56 PM

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but won't this open up either the Athletic Department and/or Clemson University to legal action when/if a drunk that attended the game (who bought beer from the stands) gets into an automobile accident? Especially if serious or fatal injuries are sustained? This seems like an obvious situation to be avoided, if indeed it does pose legal problems, so one would like to think the Athletic Department has already considered this. Of course, this situation could very well apply at every college, so it must not be a big deal. (?)

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Hell has officially frozen over...***

Jan 24, 2025, 4:03 PM

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Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season


Jan 25, 2025, 8:34 AM

And the disappointment of college sports marches on with the almighty dollar as grand marshal.

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Re: TNET: 100 % correct imho

Jan 26, 2025, 11:45 AM

Ridiculous...... what makes Clemson CLEMSON is NOT lowering our standards. Completely against this.

Family environment ? Kids ?


2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 25, 2025, 9:56 AM

What! No wine for the ladies, lol! My husband is excited.

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson Baseball to sell beer at games this season

Jan 26, 2025, 3:56 PM

I personally do not drink anymore but everyone against selling beer at the games are of the mindset that anyone who has 1 or 2 beers automatically turnt into a cussing violent belligerent person.

Baseball and beer go well today. Nothing wrong with having a few beers while you relax and take in a ballgame

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