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Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.
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Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 1:39 PM

He's treating Fox News reporters like crap. And Fox in the tank for the RNC. You think that the Comb Overed one would at least have some decorum to not speak out his anus in the friendly confines.

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 1:42 PM

he is doing it for the attention, I doubt he has any real presidential aspirations, that would require working a full day.

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 1:49 PM

Just like Ross Perot. Rich and bored.

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 2:09 PM

he is a piece of work on meet the press right now, dude is a pathological liar. He will say whatever suits the moment...

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 3:45 PM

Power creates narcissist behavior.

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An just like Perot, he will personally change the election

Aug 9, 2015, 9:07 PM [ in reply to Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now. ]

with his own money, just because he can.

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At least we have an idea who's paying for it... With most

Aug 9, 2015, 9:15 PM

PACs and dark money, no one even has a clue... "FEEL the BERN!!" He doesn't accept PAC or dark money contributions.

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 2:54 PM [ in reply to Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now. ]

I think you are right, but I still like seeing FNC and the GOP getting their panties in wad over him. At least he is doing something right.

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 9, 2015, 3:47 PM

Seems like he's stuffed a lot of thongs into butt cracks on both side of the isle.

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Re: Trump's an idiot. Helen Keller could see that now.

Aug 10, 2015, 12:50 AM

I thought that a few days before this debate, everyone was thinking ole Comb Over Don was the best thing since sliced bread. I knew that he was pure bull squirt. But nobody wanted to hear it.

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Interesting...a billionaire idiot***

Aug 10, 2015, 4:00 PM

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