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TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field
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TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 6:41 PM

Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Clemson athletes including Trevor Lawrence, Darien Rencher, Mike Jones Jr., and Cornell Powell held a peaceful demonstration and march through the community at Read Update »

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 6:49 PM

I can already hear tomorrow's media:

WhErE Was DaBo??

CoACh SwiNnEy doeSn'T SuPpoRt iS PlAyeRs oF cOLor!!

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 6:57 PM

Hopefully he is muted and listening. His is not a voice that should be heard right now, or something.

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"Anybody that says Coach Brownell is the best coach to come through Clemson is going to start an argument." -JP Hall

Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 6:59 PM

I fully agree.. Unfortunately he will get raked over the coals for doing just that..

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:10 PM

Dabo is there...
Marched with the team...

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Thank you.***

Jun 13, 2020, 7:14 PM

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:16 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

But I wonder if the coaching staff’s’ absence revolves around the voluntary workout period. Even though they’re not practicing, could it be viewed as a violation by the NCAA?

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:17 PM

Todd Bates also seen...
And Woody McCorvey
I’m guessing the whole staff is there..

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Nevermind, the post about him marching

Jun 13, 2020, 7:17 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

With the players came up while I was typing!

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:22 PM

ALL LIVES MATTER, NOT JUST BLACKS! So sick of having to cater to their “so-called” entitlements. They are not entitled to anything more than I am as a white man, so stop the ########. We are ALL tired of hearing the whining, the complaining, what we deserve crap.

All men are equal, so lets get off of your high horses and start contributing to society, get the powerful jobs (they won’t be given to you) and realize that we are all Americans and we all have an opportunity to reach the greatest heights every single day. God loves each and every one of us, not one group over another.

As a white man, I feel that we have slowly but surely become the “silent minority”, because no matter what we say you call us racists.....is that fair to us??? I want to start having “white male, heterosexual” marches, but no, we can’t, because we are called racists.

The most qualified person should get the job, not some quota ######## where a less competent person gets it just to say there is a woman or minority represented (Hire the best person! If that is not you, then work as hard as the rest of us to get there and stop whining!). You only deserve what you earn in life, nothing is for free.......

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:35 PM

Yikes, what a post. There are plenty of foolish things being said/done by the left, but if you don't understand what the phrase "black lives matter" means then I don't know what to say. I personally believe in the phrase, but I dislike the BLM organization because it goes beyond black rights and dips into things like Communism, etc, but that's a discussion for another day.

Just to clarify for you: the phrase "black lives matter" insinuates that other lives already matter and that black lives should matter, too. It's not saying only black lives should matter. Is it a complicated subject? Yes, absolutely. There are so many variables in this situation and so many discussions to be had, but they're worth having. However your over-defensive, bizarre comments don't help anyone who may push back on certain BLM talking points because people look at a post like yours and say "wow, the anti-BLM crowd are a bunch of ignorant maniacs".

It may be best for you to remain silent at a time like this. You of course have the right to say what you want but, as evidenced from your post, you aren't doing yourself any favors.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:41 PM

Is doing “yourself” a favor the standard we should all live by? Do you have any idea how dangerous this thinking is that is infecting our nation right now? You are 100% into this Maoist idealoloy of group think and silencing descent that becomes very dangerous very fast as it snowballs and you don’t even know it.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:00 PM

I get what you're saying but please re-read what I said and please re-read what the poster I responded to said. I wasn't saying he shouldn't be able to speak, I was just saying in my opinion he came off as a brutish buffoon. I fall on the opposite side of many "BLM" talking points but I see value in people being able to express themselves with empathy & understanding with whoever they're arguing against.

You want to talk Communist/Maoist mindsets? Look at what the post I responded to said: 'we're all equal no matter what you see, stop complaining about conditions!' Doesn't that seem a lot more communist than me saying "hey there are a lot of discussions to be had, but you come off very poorly in your post"?

I push back on many of the ideas that the left are pushing at the moment. I do think there is racial inequality in this country and it's important that it's addressed...however I think it's a huge mistake for people to be pushing for the defunding and dismantling of police forces across the country. It's insane, extreme leftist rhetoric and it's a total shame that some people are buying into it. However there are still so many conversations to be had to try to improve our country. We're never going to be perfect but I think it's something worth shooting for even if we miss our mark.

What do you think, comrade?

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:06 PM

Just to quickly tag this with a more direct response to your post: By saying he wasn't doing himself any favors wasn't suggesting he needs to remain quiet; just that his argument was so aggressive and so ineloquent that he should probably remain silent because he's doing more harm than good to those who don't necessarily agree with what the left is trying to sell the nation.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:24 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

Yeah I'm no fan of "BLM" organizationally as I think their ultimate goal bastardizes what they claim to support, but its hard to be as cynical about a bunch of people peacefully making their case as is being done tonight. Hopefully this becomes the new norm going forward as it's much more productive.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:54 PM

Agreed 100%, and while I don't necessarily like the BLM organization, I don't think they were the ones pushing the violence over the past couple of weeks. I think that falls in the lap of the ANTIFA idiots out there. I think they were the ones who sparked violence and then opportunists took over. It just took a push in the right direction.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 9:27 PM

Alot of BLM toppling monuments

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 9:41 PM

True, and I remain conflicted on that. It's a complicated conversation regarding Confederate Monuments & Christopher Columbus who was, by all means, a genocidal maniac.

When I mentioned the violence, I was talking more about the reckless looting and violence against police. The destruction of monuments is a more specific action which I would definitely feel fine with associating BLM with even if I'm conflicted on whether or not they should be destroyed.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 9:27 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

Alot of BLM toppling monuments

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It’s NOT about entitlement. It’s about

Jun 13, 2020, 8:13 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

equal justice under the law. If I were the parent of a young black man OR woman, I’d be terrified every time they left the house. That is not right.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:22 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

“As a white man, I feel that we have slowly but surely become the “silent minority””

There in lies YOUR fear... becoming the minority.

When You're Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression

Luckily we only want equality and not revenge.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:44 PM

Revenge on who, though? If you're a black man who's upset about the ways of the country, I can get behind that, but as terrible as the past was, the revenge you would be taken out on those who didn't create the system. Equality is all people should strive for, the threat of 'revenge' only hurts people's arguments in my opinion.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:45 PM

sorry, I meant to say "the revenge you're talking about would be taken out on those who didn't create the system" ... I should probably get a paid subscription so I can edit haha

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If you're going to change what you're hearing...

Jun 13, 2020, 8:22 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

When someone says "black lives matter," you hear "ONLY black lives matter." Try hearing "black lives matter TOO." Do all lives matter? Of course they do. But we don't often need to be reminded that white lives matter. It's not a zero-sum game. Just because someone says "black lives matter," it doesn't mean that nothing else matters. It doesn't mean that your life doesn't matter. Just like Dabo's t-shirt that said "football matters." Do you think he believes that nothing else matters? You know he doesn't. Do you think believes football matters more than anything else? Certainly not. He's just saying that football is important and has a lot of positive aspects. Black lives are important too. And when we see over and over again people in authority that clearly don't understand this, then "black lives matter [too]" needs to be chanted.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:31 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

ALL? Don’t you dare rope me in with your white power bill ########.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 9:46 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

Just spew your crap elsewhere. Tired of hearing people like you whine. Get back in the past where you belong.

This was directed at that cweeks piece .

And while I'm editing you morans speaking of "the left" truly have no clue. Ya oughta do some reading before quoting your favorite hate speech person. Whoever that may be

Message was edited by: Rally119®

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 15, 2020, 5:35 PM

What's a moran? If I wanted to spew hate speech I would quote Al Sharpton or Maxine Waters constantly. I'm not!

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What a whiny priviledged

Jun 15, 2020, 11:22 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]


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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:37 PM

I am thankful the demonstration appears to have been well-attended and peaceful.

I am pretty sure I heard the chant "no justice, no peace" in the first and last part of the 17+ minute TigerNet twitter video. Sure seems out of place for the "Clemson Community PEACEFUL Demonstration."

Message was edited by: tigerband1®

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:46 PM

Agreed...I think "no justice, no peace" is a bad chant...I looked it up online and it appears it originated in 1986/1987. While we remain an imperfect society, I think it would be a huge shame to ignore the incredible amount of progress that has been made in the last 30+ years when it comes to racial injustice. I think you could even blanket that to cover "justice" in general. Murder rates are down, racial inequality is down, etc. I don't think the threat of violence ever comes off well in our society any more.

For what it's worth, I hated how the right-wing protestors went to the Michigan state capitol fully armed, too. I'm all for gun rights, but I think when you show up anywhere with an AR while wearing militant garb, your message is going to be lost because of how you present yourself. They weren't even protesting for gun rights, they were protesting against the shutdown of the economy...why are you bringing weapons?

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:05 PM

Just to quickly tag this with a more direct response to your post: By saying he wasn't doing himself any favors wasn't suggesting he needs to remain quiet; just that his argument was so aggressive and so ineloquent that he should probably remain silent because he's doing more harm than good to those who don't necessarily agree with what the left is trying to sell the nation.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:06 PM

well, shoot, I responded to the wrong post haha....please disregard!

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What the left is trying to “sell”

Jun 13, 2020, 8:21 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

the nation is living up to the values we espouse in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. What’s the problem with that?

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Re: What the left is trying to “sell”

Jun 13, 2020, 8:41 PM

Sorry I don't get what you're saying...can you please elaborate?

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In your post you referred to

Jun 13, 2020, 9:18 PM

“what the left is trying to sell the nation.” What, in your opinion, are we trying to “sell” the nation? As far as I’m concerned, we’re trying to get this nation to live up to the promises in its founding documents. What’s the problem with that?

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Re: In your post you referred to

Jun 13, 2020, 9:36 PM

Ah ok understood...I wasn't expressing a problem, I just thought your post was too vague and I didn't get what you were saying.

In reference to "what the left is trying to sell the nation", I should be more specific and here it goes:

Unfortunately we're in an election year so now more than ever people are going to be brutal (not that the last decade or so has been civil politically). Currently I think the left is trying to push the narrative that if you're not 100% with what protestors are saying, even going so far as to say defund & dismantle the police, then you're against racial justice in the USA and I don't think that's accurate. The Mayor of Minneapolis arrested all 4 police who were involved in the unjust killing of George Floyd, and even pushed for an increased charge from 3rd to 2nd degree murder for the officer who killed Floyd. I'd argue those were the right moves in this situation...despite all that when he pushed back on ideas being presented by protestors to dismantle the police, he was "Shame" chanted out of the protest Game of Thrones-style and I don't think that's fair/right.

I consider myself a moderate so I have a lot of problems with what both sides are selling the nation, but my post was specifically referencing the idea that the left is telling the public that those who oppose everything being proposed at the moment must be racist. I don't agree with that...however the post I originally responded to was actually justifying the left's claim because the guy ignored anything involving justice regarding police violence and he started talking about affirmative action, forcing whites to do x,y,z, etc. It was a bizarre, poor post which hurts the legitimate concerns of people who are more conservative. Everything was laced with clueless, tone deaf implicit racism which completely ignored the legitimacy of a real conversation about the problems plaguing our country. The right does the same thing when talking about the "#######" democrats by taking the extreme views of ANTIFA and then applying that to every democrat in the nation and that's just as bad.

In summary, we live in a real crappy time when it comes to the spread of disinformation and so whenever I see someone poorly representing either side of the political spectrum, I feel a need to call them on their b.s.

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I agree with pretty much

Jun 14, 2020, 1:43 AM

everything you said, tmac9wr. While I realize the word “reform” has been abused so much it’s almost meaningless, “defund” is not an improvement: it’s a poor choice of words. I think a lot of people would like to see police work reinvented from top to bottom, as it was in Camden, NJ. Apparently that city started over with a clean slate (so to speak) and got it right; the rest of the nation could learn a lot from what they did.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 7:42 PM

That is an excellent example of exercising your right to free speech and expression. Rioting and burning and looting are not constitutionally protected rights. They are crimes punishable by law to protect American citizens. I am very proud of the CU Football team for showing the world the difference in a protest and an unlawful riot.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:02 PM

What time does the looting start?

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Jun 13, 2020, 8:17 PM

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:45 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field ]

I love how people like y’all judge these nationwide demonstrations by the small percentage of violent participants but then turn around and give the police brutality a pass by saying “oh it’s only a few bad apples”. But I’m glad y’all decide to point yourselves out and let us know. All the way from moron mountain.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:59 PM

dwoffor said:

I love how people like y’all judge these nationwide demonstrations by the small percentage of violent participants but then turn around and give the police brutality a pass by saying “oh it’s only a few bad apples”. But I’m glad y’all decide to point yourselves out and let us know. All the way from moron mountain.

In many major cities, the violent looters are NOT a very small Minority. There were Hundreds in many major metro areas and the low thousands in New York.

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Your source for those numbers, please.***

Jun 13, 2020, 9:20 PM

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The NYPD has approximately 36,000 officers

Jun 14, 2020, 4:57 AM

Google is a great tool.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm pretty sure no one was taking roll call of all the looters/criminals but they heavily outnumbered the NYPD. You do the math.

The destruction and vandalism speaks for itself.

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Re: The NYPD has approximately 36,000 officers

Jun 17, 2020, 8:30 AM

Math cannot be done without numbers provided. Do you know how sourcing works? Aren't you a Clemson graduate? You made the claim of "thousands", so it is incumbent upon you to provide the source of the data.

When you wrote a paper for your favorite ECON teacher in Brackett or Sirrine Hall, did you include some numbers and tell the prof in the footnote to "use google to prove to prove my paper"?

You are the one being ridiculous my fellow Tiger alum

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:22 PM


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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 8:29 PM

That's great. Great unity.

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So proud of everyone!!!!!!!! So proud of Clemson athletes

Jun 13, 2020, 8:31 PM


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Re: So proud of everyone!!!!!!!! So proud of Clemson athletes

Jun 13, 2020, 8:57 PM

Congratulations Tigers!

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Jeremiah 10:23***

Jun 13, 2020, 9:27 PM

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 10:46 PM


But break into my house to loot something and your life don’t matter to me.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 13, 2020, 10:46 PM


But break into my house to loot something and your life don’t matter to me.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 14, 2020, 6:38 AM

This is just all window dressing.

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Re: TNET: Twitter reacts to Clemson demonstration on Bowman Field

Jun 14, 2020, 3:42 PM

If you break an arm and go to the doctor and the Doctor says " All your bones matter, not just your arm" Your gonna look at him like he's stupid because all your bones matter but your arm is brokenand needs attention. Black live matter is that arm. In addition I don't care about the left, the right the press or any of that crap. I know about racism from witnessing it. It's all good if they are running for a touchdown but expressing how they feel is wrong?

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