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TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller
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TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:35 AM

Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:42 AM

LOL, no apology coming from Dabo.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 2:49 PM

Dabo speaks his mind. He never measures before he speaks, and I appreciate this so much about him. Keep fighting the fight. Between all mountains are valleys and to get to the next mountain we must go through a valley. There’s no coach that I’d rather follow. Remember the Hebrews wanted to go back to Egypt, and not follow Moses. Stupid stupid people. I’d much rather go to the Promised Land than to go backwards.Keep the faith and belief.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 5:28 PM

then there are no shortages of local churches for you Dabo doesnt get paid $30,000 A DAY to preach (Bob Jones has a football team now if thats his calling) He gets paid more in a day than most SC residents (you know the ones that pay his, the AD and the President of the univ salaries thru IPTAY donations student fees and taxes) make in a year Man up and saying "I take all the responsibility but....is NOT taking all the responsability

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Nov 1, 2023, 9:03 PM

But no one held a gun to the A.D.'s head making him offer that contract to Dabo and no one held a gun to Dabo saying, "Sign this contract!" If you don't like Dabo's contract blame the A.D. that offered it to him. Don't blame Dabo for taking it.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Oct 31, 2023, 8:57 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

Yes indeed - keep the faith. Nice Old Testament reference.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 10:31 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

Comparing Dabo to Moses is the wildest thing I’ve ever heard. One is a football coach and the other is a story book character who supposedly spoke to a burning bush. The only thing they have in common is that they’re both delusional.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:08 PM

Go back to cooter land. You wouldn't know a good coach if you saw one. And you probably never will

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You coots know a thing or 2 about being delusional***

Nov 1, 2023, 1:14 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Oct 31, 2023, 10:43 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

I am ALL IN with/for Dabo!
We’ll be back!

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Nov 1, 2023, 4:16 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]


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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 5:45 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

None needed

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Nov 1, 2023, 12:54 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

And I love it.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


May 23, 2024, 2:10 PM

Preach it Brother.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:43 AM

Shut up Dabo

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 6:08 PM

Pulse of 66%. How about YOU shut up. Obviously you are NOT all in.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Nov 1, 2023, 1:05 PM

OK, enough of this endless blather about Dabo. Tyler was disrespectful and Dabo was way too defensive.

Let’s talk football. Consider:

—In the Orange Bowl, we dominated the Vols in first downs and yardage. We had the ball against the Vols 36 minutes to their 23 minutes. We had 34 first downs to Tennessee’s 20. Cade had a pretty good game, stat-wise, but it was never close. The Vols dominated and won.

—Same with the loss to NC State this year. We had 21 first downs to their 9 first downs. We had 364 total yards to their 202. But we never led the entire game.

—And that was the same situation in the loss to Duke. We had 29 first downs and they had 17. We had 442 total yards to their 374. And yet they beat us 28-7.

Turnovers were the cause, you say? OK, but . . .

—We looked mediocre in beating Syracuse. Against a so-so Wake Forest, we barely moved the ball down the field in the first quarter and they led us 3-0 going into the second quarter. Heck, early in the Charleston Southern game, we were losing 14-7.

The real issue here is we simply do not have the elite talent on offense that dominates opponents and we haven’t since Trevor,
Travis and Tee left (all are now stars in the NFL). Dabo is never going to turn this around unless he revamps his entire approach to the modern game.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Nov 1, 2023, 4:48 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

Shut up Dabo

Says the 2-6 coot....

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:50 AM

Dude literally doesn't know when to shut the #### up

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 5:45 PM

You're clearly talking about Tyler.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:56 AM

Whether the guy was a troll or not, it should be beneath Dabo to call somebody an idiot publicly. Is that what Jesus told him to do? Doesn’t sound very Christian-like to me. Sounds like a very angry person who is struggling with some personal issues. I truly hope Dabo can get whatever it is that pulling him down sorted out. I’m forever grateful for what he’s done for Clemson University, but the fans made it possible, and he needs to get off his high-horse.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:59 AM

I've been a Clemson fan longer than Dabo has been alive. I also listened to the Tyler comments. He could have started the conversation off differently, but it seemed to me to be some valid points that could have been answered without losing it and resorting to name calling. I honestly think the stress has impacted Dabo adversely. He is not the same guy he was a few years ago. Sorry if most do not agree, but that's my first impression after listening to the interaction.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 11:17 PM

But that’s the point: Tyler didn’t start off better.
He was in attack mode and disrespectful. Even if there was a hint of sincerity in his comments, it still proved his complete lack of couth and respect. People like that are the ones that say not only wrong, but despicable things at funerals, etc.
No one would sit thru that and not come back with a sharp response.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:00 PM

Calling the guy an idiot today sounds like Dabo still doesn't quite get it. It's not necessary. I complete support Dabo as HC, but I think he handled this whole situation wrong.¹

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:01 PM

Love it. Thats my coach. Ill go to battle with that guy💯

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:10 PM

His points (some of them at least) were typical of the narrative being pushed by some on this board…4-4 is not acceptable…Dabo and the team would agree….that said much of the narrative is just that ….a narrative not grounded in facts…
Or at best a narrative that makes illogical conclusions of causality …

Just because two things are factually correct does not necessarily mean one caused the other….

However - I believe the caller wasn’t disrespectful or abrasive in his tone…

Calling him an idiot is out of line and unnecessary….

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:13 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

You like leaders who have thin skin and hold grudges? Dabo got his licks in Monday night... why does he need to continue today by calling the guy an idiot? Coach Swinney is a head coach at a major, respected university and he makes more than 11 million dollars per year. Heck... in the ~minute it took me to type this, Dabo make almost $21 bucks and will make around that much every minute for the rest of the day. Continuing to call names and act like the big bad A on the play ground is beneath him and silly.

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Nah I like leaders


Oct 31, 2023, 2:09 PM

Who stick up for their squad and would go to hell and back for them. Not someone who is going to lie to them and kick them to the curb when they are done with them, or find someone better. (Looking at you SEC and deion). Honestly it's about time dabo showed some fire instead of the lame cookie cutter responses and statements we've been making lately.

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Re: Nah I like leaders


Oct 31, 2023, 3:25 PM

Hes not sticking up for his squad...Hes stickin up for himself.

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"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln

Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:56 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

From your couch, very courageous

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meanwhile . TL16 and ETN are beast mode in the NFL

Oct 31, 2023, 12:06 PM

and absent Venables completely turned his program around

it's almost like the clemson recipe to success isn't clemsons

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The Dabo Clemson Football (no Scott or Venables)


Oct 31, 2023, 12:10 PM

has not demonstrated enough success to qualify in the argument against Tyler

everything talked about is in the past and means nothing about the future direction of the program

i have faith
but right now, actions speak louder than words

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Re: The Dabo Clemson Football (no Scott or Venables)


Oct 31, 2023, 2:59 PM

So Dabo gets bashed for current hires but no credit for past hires. Makes sense

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Re: meanwhile . TL16 and ETN are beast mode in the NFL

Oct 31, 2023, 2:10 PM [ in reply to meanwhile . TL16 and ETN are beast mode in the NFL ]

BV just lost to kansas......

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:07 PM

"Some people say I'm stubborn. I say I'm convicted in my beliefs." - Coach Dabo Swinney

Herein lies the problem that we all face. Coach Swinney is not humble enough to check his ego and admit the poor decisions he has made which has led to the current state of Clemson Football. Heck, he can't even admit he is stubborn - he even tries to spin that and says it's about conviction in beliefs. I believe this is actually where Dabo misses having experienced, mature coaches the most... they were the ones who would professionally push back and humble him. Brent Venables would do that, while Dabo's Boyz (Spiller, Grisham, etc.) simply won't. I'm not sure Riley is mature or established enough to create healthy push-back either.

Let's see what happens after the season... that will tell Clemson Nation a lot.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 2:21 PM

It’s been “let’s see what happens next season” since 2018. He built success by hiring the best positions coaches and coordinators available. Heck, many weren’t available; he went and poached the best available. Dabo took a few years on the job training while surrounding himself with proven winners to get to the mountain top. What’s changed?! He’s hired 3 coaches with experience and promoted the rest from a group of syncopates with at best GA/analyst experience. Point to one successful program who’s done that! Just one, please. How can he have most coaches learn on the job and expect to have the results he had when he had the best coaches available?! Dabo just keeps dumping gasoline on the fire and bringing a national spotlight to his dumpster fire.

It’s not that we don’t have talent. I’d argue that we have as much as we’ve ever had as a whole. They just aren’t developing or performing. Case in point: Joseph Ngata looked like a different receiver playing for the Eagles in preseason. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a NFL 53-man roster down the road. The difference-coaching and development. Ngata looked terrible as a Clemson wideout.

Dabo has earned leeway. He has tried his experiment of promoting GA/analyst to coordinators and position coaches. He has tried to not use the portal and keep NIL low key; it isn’t working. It’s time to go back to what brought success; hiring the best position coaches and coordinators.

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I think you meant "sycophants".

Oct 31, 2023, 7:02 PM

Sycncopate means something completely different. I disagree that many of the assistants are yesmen, they're just inexperienced. That's on Dabo for hiring them.

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs—Victory in spite of all terror—Victory, however long and hard the road may be..." - Winston Churchill

I love the guy, dont care if you agree or not


Oct 31, 2023, 12:15 PM

That DOESNT mean that I think Grisham and Austin shouldn’t go, and we’re probably bad hires. I can love the guy and still have my own opinions.

But Dabo is the best we have had at Clemson. Yes his brand is under fire now, but I’m a long way from losing faith in him.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:18 PM

This is almost scary. This sounds like a man that has no intention of making the necessary changes to succeed in the future. He may be convicted but he's also hard headed. I don't think he's gonna change a bit.

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This is very disappointing


Oct 31, 2023, 12:23 PM

It’s one thing to have a bad moment when emotions take over but then to double down, calling a guy he does not know an idiot is WAY crossing the line. I certainly support Dabo, as Almost every fan of Clemson does, but it should be acceptable to ask a question about why our program as been in a slow fade since 2019. Dabo could have used the question to talk about his hires, his reasoning for the way he runs the program, provide some insight into the current malaise we are in. Instead, he just attacks the caller personally.

This is a bad look for Dabo and thus Clemson. My respect for him, which I’ve always held at the highest level (even when I disagreed with him), has certainly waned given this truly sad display.

I hope someone pulls him aside and tries to get him to see his rant comes across poorly to many Clemson fans; just imagine how it comes across to others.

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Its not a good look for Dabo


Oct 31, 2023, 12:24 PM

I don’t know if that Tyler guy was a troll, a coot, of actual fan but Dabo going off like this is not a good look for him. Were the comments rude? Sure. But loosing it on live radio because someone called you arrogant isn’t proving them wrong. There are tons of fans making less than %1 of your salary and can’t even afford to go to games anymore who have to live with the threat of losing their jobs any time their performance starts lacking. Those are the people you are talking to like money doesn’t matter. I hoped Dabo would have taken the rest of the evening to cool off and reflect to understand though what Tyler said was rude there was some truth to it. And when you make 11 mil and your performance starts to lack you can’t be surprised or super offended when people who can barely make car payments question you

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:36 PM

Dabo can't fix program if he can't see it is broken.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:45 PM

That “idiot” expressed beliefs held by many, so by extension, there are many idiots. Dabo sure as heck ain’t pandering to the fanbase.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 12:46 PM

What scares me most about his response is that he may make zero changes whatsoever just so prove that he doesnt have to. No coaching changes, No portal usage, nothing. Just because his "conviction" tell him he doesnt have to. Pretty thin skinned for a leader.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 2:03 PM

Agreed, to him our problem is only the fumbles ..despite an OL that blocks themselves better than the D we’re facing. I think he can fix it, just hope we can climb out of last place in the ACC ..

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So Dabo's of the "always double-down on 11" school.

Oct 31, 2023, 2:08 PM

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 2:50 PM

Hey coach we are 6-6 in our last 12 and two of those wins came against Charleston southern and some nobody Florida team. It’s not like we are getting beat by any powerhouse tweaks.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 5:44 PM

Go Dabo!!!! Tired of bandwagon fans. Either get all in or all out!!! Tiger forever!

To call Dabo "arrogant" , and ask why we pay him 11 million for a 4-4 record, folloeed up by "It's not just this year".... DUDE!!! This is the ONLY recent year Dabo has gone 4-4. "Not just this year"? Tyler deserved to get it handed to him. Sadly, there are lots of Tyler's on Tigernet.

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I love coach Swinney, but if he doesn't change his

Oct 31, 2023, 7:24 PM

transfer portal policy, this is as good as we will be for a long time. I hope he is not that stubborn.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 9:13 PM

Unreal, just plain unreal. I’m guessing more than half the schmucks on this board are jumping ship to swim with Tyler. And you’re all probably no older than 25 and struggling to graduate … high school. What a bunch of ungrateful, petulant, entitled simps. For over 50 years I’ve been all in with Clemson, and never have ‘fans’ looked and sounded as stupid as you.

Find another team if you need a wagon ride, and let the rest of us celebrate our Tigers on the mountains and in the valleys.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Nov 1, 2023, 10:44 AM

Lol if you can't handle football fans complaining online then maybe stay away from message boards. You must not have paid much attention for the last 50 years, this has happened when Danny Ford was here, it happened when Tommy Bowden was here, and it's happening with Dabo here. Clemson fans and all football fans really, will complain for the rest of time. It's how it's always been.

Really weird how some of y'all need to control the conversation and can't have anyone say anything dissenting. Literally nobody has stopped you from enjoying Clemson football, you don't have to engage with the internet conversations.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Nov 1, 2023, 10:49 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller ]

There's a huge difference in being for the Tigers and being for Dabo... been a Tigers fan over 40 years... in this "business..." (it's a business... not just sports...) you're only as good as "today"

Dabo and his coaches have performed marginally the past two years...

Coaches and the market demand higher salaries for higher performance.... they're is no absolute way Dabo deserves $11M a year for "working his ### off, every day..." work is work... he is paid $11M to win.

If he has any humility he should voluntarily give up salary for every game he loses... he's paid to win, not to work.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Oct 31, 2023, 9:26 PM

I think that Dabo might want to work on his reading comprehension. The caller going Old Testament was by quoting Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goes before destruction." Dabo then goes on to make the caller's point by saying that Clemson hadn't sniffed a national championship for 35 years, that the streak of 10 win seasons had only been matched by 2 other teams in 150 years, and giving a laundry list of his accomplishments.

I'm not sure how Dabo went Old Testament on the caller. I don't think calling someone that said they missed a large part of the run due to being overseas in the military a smart a$$ kid is going Old Testament. I don't think telling the caller that if he didn't like the way he ran the program don't be a fan is going Old Testament it. I'm fairly certain that calling the guy an idiot today is not going Old testament.

I believe that it was Barry Sanders that said when you are good you tell others how good you are, but when you are great other people tell you. Dabo needs to try being great.

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To all those Dabo haters, or at least those that think they know better...

Nov 1, 2023, 12:47 PM

If not Dabo, then who? Who would you hire that you think 13 years from now, will have a better record/legacy?

Go Tigers

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller


Nov 1, 2023, 4:14 PM

Thank goodness it wasn’t some po’faced walking it back PC apology! For that alone, we should be thankful.

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Re: TNET: Dabo Swinney addresses his fiery comments to radio caller

Nov 1, 2023, 9:06 PM

What Tyler from Spartansburg is forgetting as are other Clemson fans is that you had two, not good, but great quarterbacks in Watson and Lawrence. Two first-round NFL draft picks, two players in the Heisman discussion. There's bound to be a drop off.

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