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TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 2:10 PM
110%er [3670]
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Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 2:13 PM
National Champion [7674]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 2:15 PM
And with that vote Clemson has now had more weeks ranked #1 all-time than UGA. We have 16, they have 15.
This site has not been updated yet to reflect this, it is usually updated on Mondays...
110%er [3670]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 2:19 PM
I normally do not handle redirects very well. However, you mezmerisme.
CU Medallion [18070]
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Orange Immortal [61286]
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Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 5:31 PM
The voters are calling in favors from other voters to keep Bama as close as they can to us. Just look at the voter spread between Bama and us, and Bama and UGA. UGA has played the highest ranked team than us or Bama, and the vote spread in the rankings between UGA and Bama are farther apart than they are between Bama and us. Bama is 58 vote from us, but they are 85 votes ahead of UGA, we have played better teams than Bama also. Favoritism, Favoritism, Favoritism goes with Bama even if they were to lose a game. If Bama loses a game, it was bc they weren't interested in playing that team. When we lose a game, it's bc we overlooked the lesser team and got beat!!!
Hall of Famer [8831]
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The 4 letter network ($EC homers) has us #2
Sep 22, 2019, 7:06 PM
Guess we know who pays them
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 7:18 PM
Who cares?
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 7:19 PM
Who cares?
1st Rounder [645]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 22, 2019, 7:34 PM
The ranking is great but like Dabo has said it doesn’t mean much. This comment doesn’t have much to do with the game but has to do with how we act as fans. I have experienced Clemson games sitting in the upper deck and the lower deck over the years and I figured out why I much prefer the upper last night. I was in the lower deck as the game began and the person sitting directly in front of me had decided that she would stand up during the entirety of the first quarter. When the rest of the section I was in was sitting she continued to stand. During the first touchdown I saw Trevor release the ball and the rest of it I watched on the screen beside me as all I could see was her backside. Of course after the score everyone stood but when everyone (not exaggerating, everyone) sat down there she was, standing. I held out until the end of the quarter and left going back to our tailgate to watch the game with friends who hadn’t gone into the game. I guess my point in writing this is to not be oblivious to how your actions are affecting others. Don’t become the billboard that is blocking someone from trying to enjoy the game as well. Don’t be “that guy”. As Andy Griffith once said “Act like you’ve got some smarts.” I’ll gladly be sitting in the upper deck to be able to see how BV’s mind works when laying out plays. It’s funny how the steepness of the upper deck discourages the whole standing thing. To the “fan” that insisted on standing during the entire quarter, believe it or not, you’re not the only person that likes to watch a great football team. Go Tigers!
Message was edited by: Tigerluvr
National Champion [7853]
TigerPulse: 100%
You got issues.
Sep 22, 2019, 8:01 PM
And a lot of pentup penmanship dying to get out.
1st Rounder [645]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: You got issues.
Sep 22, 2019, 9:58 PM
The penmanship thing I’ll take as a compliment. The “issues” thing - if expecting a modicum of consideration from others who would undoubtedly expect it from me is what passes for having “issues” these days then yes I have issues. Spending earned money to watch a football game (not the largesse of someone’s backside) I think comes with the expectation of actually being able to physically see the game. If not then the market for tangible goods is skewed and the GDP figures are way off. We can substitute the actual item for a memory or picture of it and get folks to spend money on it....(that eliminates all that time and effort driving to it, loading the vehicle, fighting traffic, etc etc ad infinitum)....or the oblivious unraised “fan” can just be considerate and sit down. PS Properly placed commas can take you a long way in life, as does being considerate of others. I guess proper raising is going the way of most things.
Message was edited by: Tigerluvr
National Champion [7674]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: You got issues.
Sep 22, 2019, 10:57 PM
Dude I’ll bet what you wrote is gold, but I try to limit my reading to 2 sentences. After that, it’s TLDR.
1st Rounder [645]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: You got issues.
Sep 23, 2019, 1:07 AM
In the vernacular of the instant gratification crowd -sit your a$$ down so the other folks behind you can see! Didn’t your momma raise you right!?
Orange Immortal [61286]
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Re: You got issues.
Sep 24, 2019, 2:47 AM
[ in reply to Re: You got issues. ] |
No need to attack the way someone was raised bc your opinion is different than theirs, they also pay the same as you did if they are that close to you for what they prefer bothers you. I didn't say before but I will say now, if you go to FB games to sit and relax to enjoy it, you are suited better for the at home fan sitting in a nice recliner. I think maybe you just haven't figured out yet that the whole experience is a strain on you with the packing the car, the driving in traffic and all. I also see that you worry yourself way to much about what others are doing that you don't approve of. You worry about how and where someone should use a comma, you worry about figures being way off. I believe you would actually have a better time if you would just loosen up, and stop worrying about everybody else and what they are to have fun bc, it is causing you to have a terrible time!!!
Valley Legend [12212]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 23, 2019, 6:26 AM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25 ] |
4 options:
1) you can stand, watch as well, and enjoy her enthusiasm. Maybe it was the first time she got to experience a live game and was taking it all in.
2) you can kindly ask her to sit when the action is slow
3) if you can't stand then kindly ask her to switch seats with you. Either she would gladly switch seats or she would get a hint.
4) you can go back to your tailgate and then come on Tnet and bittch about it.
I was at the aTm game sitting in lower deck and had to stand probably 85% of the game because people in front kept standing as well. It is what it is, those benches are not very comfortable anyway? The people in front of me were even standing during the halftime bands, I did ask if they could sit while we watched the bands and they obliged. I just hate hearing people complain about people having a good time as long as they are not being vulgar, obnoxious drunks.
1st Rounder [645]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 23, 2019, 11:48 PM
Where in any of my statement did I ever complain about anyone having a good time? Wow! Interpretation seems to be an issue or severely lacking. Your options were considered and here’s a few to consider: 1. Don’t excuse adverse behavior to allow it to repeat ad infinitum (i.e. shape of society today) 2. Don’t let your good time infringe on someone else having a good time. Opinions are different as to “what a good time consists of”. The whole I’m free to swing my arms as long as it doesn’t hit anybody analogy comes to mind. 3. Don’t take anthills and push them into mountains. A suggestion or reminder about what amounts to boorish behavior is just that, a statement or reminder. Complaining? Uh no. Question: where are the most people reached with the greatest efficiency? Electronically. Amazing. The original point of my first post, no matter how badly misconstrued, was an attempt to suggest that hey, your enjoyment of a good time doesn’t have to mean mine ends. Apparently that idea isn’t well received or the intent either. Every man for himself. Got it. You do realize you eliminated your first option with your statement about asking those in front of you to sit down right? You curbed their “enthusiasm.” The benches are much more comfortable with seat backs. I’ll try the standing thing in a movie theater and tell them those behind me it is what it is.
Orange Immortal [61286]
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Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 24, 2019, 2:25 AM
[ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25 ] |
I understand what you are saying bc you would rather sit to watch the game, and with someone standing it makes your enjoyment kinda tough. But I must say, I was always a standing fan bc it made me feel more into the game but, if there was ever a sitter behind me I would sit during the spotting of the ball, but as soon as our QB was behind center to take the snap I had to stand bc I didn't want to miss anything. I will also try and sit when our D is on the field as long as the opposing team wasn't making any big plays. We should try and respect others, and I do as much as that is possible at a game. I think there should be a rule that everybody had to stand when ever the ball is in play!!! With me not being able to make the games anymore, I don't have to worry about making a sitter behind me uncomfortable any more... Try to understand that the people that are standing up, they are getting into the game with as much excitement that they can add to the game for the players on the field. Just imagine how they would feel if they looked up in the stands and everybody was sitting down, I think that would in some way lower their ability to get excited about what they were doing on the field. Just saying, stand and get right into the game on the field!!!
All-In [10143]
TigerPulse: 100%
Clemson is as strong as Zoo dirt
Sep 22, 2019, 8:16 PM
1st Rounder [618]
TigerPulse: 95%
We have beaten everyone in this top ten that we have played
Sep 23, 2019, 12:25 PM
this decade, 7 teams. Alabama has not, losing to Ohio State in the 2014 CFP. That stat is simply ridiculous.
Clemson Conqueror [11139]
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Re: TNET: Clemson stays a clear No. 1 in AP Top 25
Sep 23, 2019, 1:46 PM
And we care about these rankings why?
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