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TNET: The Spring Game: The players and things we really wanted to see
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TNET: The Spring Game: The players and things we really wanted to see

Mar 23, 2020, 8:11 AM

The Spring Game: The players and things we really wanted to see

I have to admit, I really miss spring practice and I hate it we’re missing the spring game. There were five key things we wanted to see in the spring game. Full Story »

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Hopefully they'll let Bresee's knee get healed before he

Mar 23, 2020, 8:28 AM

overdoes it. He seems like the type that would overdo it, especially early on trying to prove himself. Tell his tale to go to PT and take it easy for a month or so.

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Re: TNET: The Spring Game: The players and things we really wanted to see

Mar 23, 2020, 10:09 AM

I have to comment on what David said about sport writers that didn't like spring practice or the spring game. IMO, if you're a sports writer and don't like those things about college FB, then they will never know who to watch for that will grow up in their faces, and they never really see them. Those kids will be in their last season and some of them headed to the NFL before they are notice by those types of writers. I'm glad that you love it David, and that is the reason most T-Netters will click on what you have posted without reading the head liner, I know that if I see David Hood's name, I click on the article without reading the head liner bc most of the time, he has something to say that is worth reading!!!

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Not trying to be negative, but as a healthcare professional

Mar 23, 2020, 11:20 AM

who is monitoring this thing very closely, I will be pleasantly surprised if we have a 2020 football season.

The best that could happen, from all I am hearing, is that the season could be pushed back (start in mild-to-late September) and shortened. There is likely no way to have Fall practice beginning in August.

If we get super lucky, the warm weather plus mutations in the virus will decrease the virus's impact and we can resume something like normal by late summer. But the strategy of flattening the curve, which is critical to not overwhelm the healthcare system, will by design lengthen the period the virus is dangerous. That's why August has been mentioned by the White House.

I also cannot imagine full stadiums to watch games once a season does begin.

Sorry to be a downer, but someone has to say it so people are prepared.

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I’m not buying what you’re selling

Mar 23, 2020, 5:23 PM

If we don’t get back to normal faster than end of summer we might as well live in the Middle Ages. Not only will there be no football, there will be rationed bread and water.

I know you think you’re right and providing reasoned information/comments but the outright doom and gloom is dangerous.

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the data do not suggest reason for optimism

Mar 23, 2020, 8:33 PM


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Bresee is Just Fine

Mar 23, 2020, 9:46 PM

Bresee went next level at the final scrimmage. Don't worry about him.


I was really looking forward to seeing Bresee, Murphy and DJ perform in the spring game. Oh well, at least they got in 8 practices plus the scrimmage.

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