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TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years
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TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

Feb 25, 2022, 8:00 AM

The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

Feb 25, 2022, 8:05 AM

That was the day Swoff went on tv and said we are definitely playing basketball in the ACCT. Shortly afterward Duke told oh no we are not playing. That and enabling and supporting UNC's academic fraud tell you all you need about him

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years***

Feb 25, 2022, 8:43 AM

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years***

Feb 25, 2022, 8:44 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years ]

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

Feb 25, 2022, 8:46 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years ]

It looks like Commission Phillips is doing a great job. Seems like an upgrade to me.

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

Feb 25, 2022, 9:38 AM

Normal? Gas prices are through the roof, if you can find a car the price is crazy, rockets are exploding in Ukraine, and we are just waiting on the new strain of virus. We have a new normal every day.

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

Feb 25, 2022, 9:51 AM

I remember sitting at DKS watching a baseball game and the guy next to me said “We better enjoy this. It might be the last one. They just cancelled the NBA season”. Then we went to Jacksonville that weekend for my buddy’s wedding and on the way home that Monday everything shut down. Ugh.

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I remember going to the Pixar movie “onward” with my family that night

Feb 25, 2022, 9:55 AM

And getting out of the movie and being hit over the head with all the surreal breaking news at once. The NBA being postponed, Trump stopping travel to Europe, Tom Hanks testing positive (yes that was huge news at the time). Crazy day

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Re: TNET: The day sports stood still: Return to normal is great thing after last two years

Feb 25, 2022, 12:54 PM

Agreed. That seems like decades ago. What a tough 2 years this has been. The kung-flu cost us a lot of sports, social interaction, and family/friends. Not necessarily in that order. Now that we are back to "normal", are we going to see Fan Day scheduled in the next couple of months? I'm aching to make the pilgrimage to see our boys before they kick off in the fall. Especially Cade!!! Go Paws!!!

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