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TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?
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TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 8:24 AM

The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

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The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 8:32 AM

giving Clemson 100% of the bowl revenues we earn and all revenue earned by our home games. Giving us what we earn is as fair as rain and yes we should pay a fee for officials and some overhead from those funds.

An absolute refusal by the ACC to agree to start negotiation with these concessions would be notice to Clemson's BOT that exit is the sole solution.

I think FSU might take that same deal too. The TV rights for their games would be substantial.

Message was edited by: ClemsonTiger1988®

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 8:39 AM

That would basically be Notre Dame’s deal so there is precedent

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“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov
Panta Rhei Heraclitus

Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 9:12 AM

But ND is independent. Is this a conference or not? I’m all for Clemson getting as much as we can but this is going to destroy the conference faster than Clemson and fsu leaving. Now every team will want to leave, and I don’t blame them.

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 10:13 AM

That would be fine too

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 10:13 AM [ in reply to Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by... ]

Clemson is better off negotiating a better deal with the ACC and ESPN, and staying put in the ACC. The only decent alternative would be joining the SEC, but we would get the short end of any SEC deal.
The real enemy now is ESPN and the Disney drips! Our stupid ACC Commissioner is the one that put us in this poor position. The ACC does not want to die like the PAC-12.

Go Tigers, Whoop State!

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...

Sep 18, 2024, 1:54 PM

The real demon in all of is greed by those who see no value in education...instant gratification ...give me cash now...I'm going to the NFL soon and this education crap is for the birds...I didn't study crap in HS so why now just give me money...so now colleges are just NFL junior with no proven benefit (FSU) small schools can't keep up or don't want to plat this game! Dabo Tried!

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...

Sep 18, 2024, 8:55 PM [ in reply to Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by... ]

Nobody, and I do mean absolutely nobody has ever encouraged the other sissy ACC team to stay mediocre in FB, in fact there has been many cries for the rest of the ACC schools to improve their FB programs and their stadiums up to par with a Clemson or an FSU, and the only thing they have done was seem to be getting worse than ever without ever putting a dime towards bringing their FB programs/stadiums up to the level of the stadiums that other FB first schools has to play their games in, and they have flat out refused to spend a dime with upgrading their FB programs or their stadiums!!!

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 8:52 AM [ in reply to The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by... ]

I like Clemson being in the ACC. I hate to think college sports is only about the money. I like the rivalries in the ACC. I am skeptical about the 3 new additions. Whatever Clemson decides to do, I am still a Clemson fan and will pull for them whoever they play.

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Re: The ACC could start a legitimate conversation by...


Sep 18, 2024, 10:19 AM

I think your sentiments are great, however, Clemson cannot stay a major football school with a 30 to 50 mill yearly revenue deficit. The morons at the top of the ACC accepted secondary status and a lesser share of revenue then the BIG and the SEC. And by a substantial amount. If the ACC and the networks can get FSU and Clemson some where near parity with the those two, then anything is possible.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 8:43 AM

Just have the GOR expire in 2027 and leave everything else as is. We could then start first party talks now with SEC AND BIG.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 9:01 AM

That assumes ESPN fails to extend by the alleged Feb 2025 deadline. I say alleged because there is a strong argument that ESPNs ability to extend has already lapsed and the K ends in 2027. Not sure we have arrived at the point where 2/3 of the league schools are ready to voluntarily agree to take it in the shorts.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 11:45 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]

Hmm, that’s an interesting thought. This proposal is good for Clemson IF we remain relevant and keep our ratings high. If our ratings drop so does our share of the $$$. Just look at FSU this year. I know we think something like that will never happen to us but we have been there before…

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fact is there is no way


Sep 18, 2024, 8:57 AM

they offer anywhere near enough to compete with the schools in the two conferences that matter. also this reeks that clemson in fact has no where to go so they are willing to listen to this. sad

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Re: fact is there is no way


Sep 18, 2024, 10:10 AM

I disagree. First we can only assume the "proposal" came from the ACC Office and not from the desk of another ACC President/AD that would presumably be on the wrong end of an ACC implosion (Wake, NC St, Pitt etc)

If a University President/AD outright refuses to entertain a proposal, then he or she should be immediately fired for cause. It is in their fiduciary duty to listen to all proposals even if they ultimately know it can't work. You would invite a counter lawsuit if our Pres/AD slammed the door in the face of anyone willing to attempt to negotiate.

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The offer will be fair to other ACC teams but not in proportion to what...

Sep 19, 2024, 1:39 AM [ in reply to fact is there is no way ]

Clemson earns for the conference. So, I agree what they offer won't be fair. However, I believe Fox would love to get a SE team under contract especially one as well known as Clemson. Both the SEC and B1G are motivated by what ESPN and FOX wants.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 9:00 AM

I hope something can be done to keep Clemson in the ACC. The east coast and the southeast is where our natural rivals are.
Go Tigers!!!

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"If a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal."

Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 1:09 PM

Agree 100%

Thank you!

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 9:02 AM

The only upside to this is making enough of the other schools angry enough to want out as well.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 9:16 AM

This is called compromise. The lawsuits have two possible destinations. Settlement or years of litigation in the Federal courts (conflicting state judgments was going to force that and everyone knows that). Second, it was going to cost 100’s of millions for Clemson to get a settlement to leave early, and no clear understanding who was going to pay that bill. This proposal brings revenue up, maintains access to the CFP, and opens the door for getting our media rights back right when the next round of landscape changes will occur. There’s reason to believe the P2 are ready to stabilize for several years to digest the new schools just added. The next entry ramp probably isn’t until 2029/30 hence the proposed shortened GoR date.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 1:13 PM

Agree with you also.

Well done!

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Mamma always said, "There ain't nothin' wrong with talkin'."


Sep 18, 2024, 9:11 AM

That said, the ACC needs to come to the table with something significant. Restructuring conference revenue sharing (which should have been done A LONG TIME AGO) and significantly reducing the GOR would be good starts. The question is, does the ACC even have the financial capacity to bridge the $30 million per team annual shortfall that currently exists between the ACC and other conferences? If not, this may be an exercise in futility.

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Re: Mamma always said, "There ain't nothin' wrong with talkin'."


Sep 18, 2024, 9:14 AM

I would go so far as to say this isn’t the way we need to get paid.

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yeah lets say its 10 mil extra


Sep 18, 2024, 9:17 AM [ in reply to Mamma always said, "There ain't nothin' wrong with talkin'." ]

that still puts us 20 mil behind each passing year. and would also put the other schools int eh conference even further behind each year.

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Re: Mamma always said, "There ain't nothin' wrong with talkin'."


Sep 18, 2024, 9:20 AM [ in reply to Mamma always said, "There ain't nothin' wrong with talkin'." ]

BigCUFan® said:

That said, the ACC needs to come to the table with something significant. Restructuring conference revenue sharing (which should have been done A LONG TIME AGO) and significantly reducing the GOR would be good starts. The question is, does the ACC even have the financial capacity to bridge the $30 million per team annual shortfall that currently exists between the ACC and other conferences? If not, this may be an exercise in futility.

That’s where ESPN enters the picture. They have to agree to a new contract if the GoR term is shortened, or they bail by not opting in by February. I think they have their own motivations to keep Clemson and FSU happier within the ACC for another 5 yrs. It keeps Big10 and Fox out of the SE.

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The ACC actually does have the money.

Sep 19, 2024, 1:44 AM [ in reply to Mamma always said, "There ain't nothin' wrong with talkin'." ]

They'd just have to adjust revenues distributed to other schools which are harvesting more than they sow and cultivate.

Just give Clemson the value of our product which is in line with more than 85% of other NCAA programs.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 9:45 AM

There is not one single thing that Dabo or any other coach wants that he or she does not get. Money is not the issue and never has been. The misguided motion by fans that we will immediately be a National Championship team if we join the SEC is just flat out wrong. If money is the determining factor in winning, is anyone naive enough to think that we could ever outspend Texas, A&M, Georgia and on and on?

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 10:03 AM

Yes, Valley Boy's point in significant.

As the CU Administration and AD made mention, Clemson is positioned to make the College Football Playoffs significant times by winning the ACC. This means money will keep flowing in, and with a higher percentage of revenue from football and hopefully basketball with Coach Brownell's improving program why leave the ACC?

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 10:23 AM

Because of the projected revenue gap between us and our in state rival. We can compete and a small deficit, but not if they are bringing in double what we are, especially in this new era of paying players.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 2:21 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]

Valley boys point is moot. He's a coot!!!!

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You literally have zero understanding of how anything works, do you?***


Sep 18, 2024, 11:18 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 1:14 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]

Well stated.

Thank you!

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ESPN is despicable.***


Sep 18, 2024, 10:29 AM

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Re: ESPN is despicable.***


Sep 18, 2024, 2:10 PM

No they are not...they did what the ACC needed and everyone was happy...EVERYONE...when other conferences got better deals CCC & FSWTC started to gripe bout someone in another conference making more money...UT & TAMU put 100k butts in the stadium every game...four years ago FSU may not have had that many all season...it takes WF. & Duke 3 games to do that...you are not comparing like programs! We can't seat 100k...FSU is dropping to 65k with more sky boxes...we are still little fish in a small pond...we can still make big waves when we need to...but not in the SEC! ESPN may be just big business and they dance with who bring em...we want someone else's ego!

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IT's true about game attendence.

Sep 19, 2024, 1:56 AM

However, your talk of UT or AnM being more valuable to broadcasting is wrong. We had showings in 6 playoffs and 4 final games with two wins. Both UT and AnM together didn't have those type audiences.

You see, conference get none of the prices of tickets to games or concession, parking fees or anything other than funding for TV and post season earnings by the teams.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 10:59 AM

I want it to work out. I want to stay in the ACC. I do not want to be in the B1G and the thought of being in the SEC nauseates me.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 11:17 AM

I agree with that, but I also don't want to delvolve into a mid-major.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 12:00 PM

This. This staying in the ACC talk - Why do people not get the part about the coots making 30-40m more than us year after year after year. Do they really want to become a mid major in the state because that's what the ACC and Big 12 are becoming.

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The ACC will NEVER, EVER be Clemson's friend......


Sep 18, 2024, 12:20 PM

I disagree next round by end of decade, I think much sooner. Clemson is in a MUCH better position than anyone realizes.

Don't mind getting better deal as a temporary solution. But, this is going to P2 whether anyone likes it or not. Longing for the old days, when the ACC was also screwing Clemson mind you, isn't reality. The complaining abt the newly infused $$$ in CFB isn't going to change the future.

Again, don't mind a temporary solution if it saves $$$ over next few years. Don't want to be in a conference that always defers to the NC schools (look at championship sites). They leech off of us and then we get little consideration. Remember, they just added three schools not b/c they think it helps the ACC revenue-wise with new $$$, but as a tactic to entrap us further.

Also, Clemson isn't taking a partial share. Thats never happening.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 3:08 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]

The coots have been doing this for years...everyone in the SEC makes more money than anyone in the ACC...helps them a lot! Don't think Clemson should get all our post season money...without the conference we might not be going at all...but certainly a lions share of that money...if we want out so badly and we are so valuable, pay the money, get out and see how happy you are...we have been the heart and soul of the ACC for at least the last ten years..we have made them better, they had to come to us...when we leave there ain't no coming back! I know there are some big moneyed donors to athletics that pay to have a large say...they love Clemson no more than the rest of us!

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 1:15 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]


Thank you!!

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 12:23 PM

This is a cheap ploy to get Clemson and FSU to withdraw their lawsuit, sign another agreement that will make it even harder to leave the ACC and while it might look good to what we have now, will again be left behind other conferences if the NCAA and college football as we know it continues to exist.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 12:26 PM

Don't trust the acc...look at their history. The schools that wont invest in FB want to continue the free gravy train, while we fall behind $ wise to inferior schools like usuck, vandy, etc....

Trail Balloons and False Flags are everywhere.

Again, dont mind if a temp solution exists where it shortens (significantly) the GOR and evens out the $$$$. This is ABOUT the best interest of Clemson now....not a conference that only wants us for the $$$

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'd say it's more about the ACC complying with a court suggestion or order...

Sep 19, 2024, 1:59 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough? ]

(IDK which) to start negotiations. I thing the court where FSU filed was the one to suggest or order negotiations.

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?


Sep 18, 2024, 12:40 PM

I think that there is something in the ACC disclosed lawsuit documents that Clemson and FSU are about to expose that will end the ACC because there is no other reason for the ACC to all of a sudden play nice. There will probably be a super secret meeting with the other ACC university presidents advising them to sign the new deal because they are about to be left with nothing. Clemson needs an agreement to close the revenue gap for a few years until the new football league is up and running. Interesting times…

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Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 18, 2024, 6:55 PM

It's very likely that we are finding enough in the agreement docs themselves now that our lawyers have access to warrant further litigation and that ACC leadership is aware of this.

Half of this league will find themselves in permanent G5 level status in a decade if they don't better approach today's needs, and importance, from the boat drivers. Still, I don't see a significant enough bridge unless we can get more out of ACC football overall. Our weekly Saturday scheduling has improved with ditching divisions, and perhaps the better numbers that are likely there as a result will help boost this next window. Unfortunately we'll only have two years of that to serve as a gauge, but it should show a positive trend.

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We need to get out of the deal with ESPN/Disney


Sep 18, 2024, 1:04 PM

Unless Elon or some other source buys ESPN it doesn’t look good as Disney is sinking like a rock.

I’d rather be in the SEC but financially looking down the road we’d be better off to be away from the ESPN/ESPN/ABC group.

The Big 10 looks to be the place to be for future succe$$, in my opinion.

Things are changing quickly!

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We keep getting better & better everyday, in every way!
“The only disability is a bad Attitude” Dabo Swinney!!
Let’s Go Tigers!

Re: TNET: The ACC, Clemson and FSU are talking increased revenue distribution: Is it enough?

Sep 19, 2024, 9:26 AM

Just an opinion...the ACC should make no deals with FSU or Clemson...that type of extortion should not be tolerated by the conference as they originally stated! If any judge will destroy common law to suit the whims of petulant taskmasters running football then it's all done?..Clemson is better than the rest of the ACC for the last 10 years...UNC is better at round ball...others are better at baseball...who else is jealous...this is the same crap that destroyed the PAC 12...why would anyone want to manage a cat house full of me onlys!

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