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TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M
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TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 9, 2018, 11:58 AM

'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

The QB job seemed to be slipping away from the senior, but back-to-back scoring drives are enough to escape Texas A&M with a win. Coaches talk what's next in QB competition. Full Story »

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Re: TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 9, 2018, 12:02 PM

we keep our head on straight, e will be just fine. Go Tigers !!!!

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Re: TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 9, 2018, 1:00 PM

I believe we were very fortunate to come away with a win last night. I understand the need to discuss the positive, but i think discussing what went wrong is even more important.

If KB was so locked in what happened in the fourth quarter? Is it the QB play or is it the play calls from the offensive coordinators?

I believe we became too one dimensional, to easy to predict and that is why we had so many 3 and outs. The last one, the most important one almost cost us the game when the defense couldn't stop that last TD.

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Re: TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 9, 2018, 1:53 PM

I agree. In that last series everyone in Texas knew KB was going to run. We were playing not to lose, and it almost backfired. We have too much talent in the backfield to become that one dimensional. Good win, but it didn't need to be so difficult. Oh, and I thought we had a punter this year. Where is he?

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Two things, Jeff...

Sep 9, 2018, 2:00 PM

You referred to "the flow of the game." At least with respect to our offense, I never saw a "flow" to the game. It seemed very disjointed. There never seemed to be an overall plan... just run a play and regardless of the result of that play, pick another play and run it. Repeat, repeat.

Secondly, I hate hearing that the "two QB system will continue"... as long as that's the case, we will not develop a rhythm or flow to our offense. This also requires the WRs to adjust to different quarterbacks who have different "timing" and who throw the ball at different speeds. I particularly noticed that Tee Higgins and Overton each missed an easy catch because the ball (from TL) got there faster than they anticipated.

Lest any should take offense, these are not attempts to "coach"... just observations.

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Re: Two things, Jeff...

Sep 9, 2018, 3:05 PM

I believe the flow was about Kelly dropping the snap on 4th and 1, then acknowledging that Trevor's passing gave us a better chance to run more of our passing playbook. They had planned on Kelly being the anchor, then let Trevor come in and get the experience. Kelly's first half versus Trevor's first half did not support that and thus changed the flow.

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Re: TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 9, 2018, 3:31 PM

Great article - Kelly B is one cool cat. He never looked rattled and took care of business. Go Tigers!

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Hats off to Bryant

Sep 9, 2018, 4:59 PM

Give Bryant a cookie-lol
He did play well, but...
with that said, he did play 3 times as much as Trevor. And one of Bryant's issues
is that he seems to be reluctent to throw down the field when flushed out of the
pocket. Now, not going be down on the young man. He played good, and was a big
factor in the game. But he's gotta keep getting better- the whole team does. I'll
go so far to even say. Our problems weren't Bryant. It was the secondary...of course.
And OL and yes.....coaching. I'm just dumb founded by the predictions on here of
people who really thought we would win this game by 3+ TDs. It was a good win, and
just like I thought. We were lucky to get outta there with the win.
Moving forward, I would like to see the offense be alil' more aggressive...I just
have a feeling they might NOT be able to lean on our defense as much as we thought.


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Re: Hats off to Bryant

Sep 9, 2018, 9:52 PM

That was pure luck!!!

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Re: TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 11, 2018, 6:13 AM

Wow, really cool, guys fellows, tried. And now they deserve each one for a girl, for example, let them take this and rest as they follow! They deserve it!

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Re: TNET: 'Locked-in' Bryant posts statement effort at A&M

Sep 11, 2018, 6:26 AM

The Bush ain't no coach but I knew what we were going to do. For God sakes we have athletes use them. No imagination. It's going to cost us

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In my humble opinion Bryant deserves to stay

Sep 11, 2018, 6:52 AM

our starting AND become our primary qb for all the games ahead in this his final season. It drives me crazy when Bryant scores a touchdown or leads us on a scoring drive and his reward is being replaced right away. He just got into the groove of the game and he gets benched. Then when he gets back in it takes a while to get back in the groove. Just my opinion.

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Re: In my humble opinion Bryant deserves to stay

Sep 11, 2018, 8:09 AM

I would keep Bryant as the starter with TL playing lots. If one gets hot in a game or the situation calls for it stay with that one in a close game. Bryant has many strong points, but if the goal is to have a more accurate passing game, TL is the future. This brings him along slowly, but by the end of the year he may be what's needed.

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