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TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"
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TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 12:53 AM

Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

The Clemson offense got back on track, somewhat, on Saturday night inside of Death Valley against Boston College. The offense recorded over 430 yards of total offense and had a balanced attack with over 200 yards rushing and passing in the 19-13 win over the Eagles. Full Story »

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Well the bar wasn't exactly very high, so I guess

Oct 3, 2021, 12:59 AM

maybe that's true compared to the N.C. State game but I don't think they looked that much better than the Tech game except for the running game. Passing game was just as putrid as is been all year.

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Re: Well the bar wasn't exactly very high, so I guess

Oct 3, 2021, 3:25 AM

Well if that was a step in the right direction ,I hope your not walking through a mine field. At times last night it seemed to me as if Boston College was getting as many false start yards as we were getting yards.
In fact I'm even worried that "open date" might give this offense a "run for the money".

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Re: Well the bar wasn't exactly very high, so I guess

Oct 3, 2021, 8:01 AM [ in reply to Well the bar wasn't exactly very high, so I guess ]

Actually, the passing game was better. DJ was better with decisions, didnt stare down every receiver, and ran when he needed to. I'm not saying its sunshine and buttercups. He was better, but not where he needs to be. The kid is trying. He has the talent. How he regressed from last year is a mystery, but he does have big shoes to fill. That can be intimidating. The receivers did not help him at all. Beaux Collins couldnt catch a$100 bill. TEs dropped passes. Ross's mysterious injury didnt help. Luckily, we found a ground game. Pace can catch. Marsh had a great start. Elliott's going to have to lean on those 2 until DJ figures this out, or T.P. gets a start. DJ is definitely better, hes just not what we're used to.

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Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 1:07 AM

If scoring less points than last week is “stepping in the right direction” then God help us. This dude is way in over his head and will continue to perform as such. Thank God we have a kicker who can actually score points for us. Otherwise this would have been another L. It’s past time for things to change. I’m (and 1000s if other people too) ready to see a better product on the field.

Speaking of product on the field, I watched DJ tonight. Playing (obviously) and on the sidelines. He had a look of disinterest. I see zero motivation from him. The players looked at him like “really dude?” as he was walking around talking to players. This is just speculation and perspective, but I don’t see him leading anything. The defense seems to be the only side of the team showing life and engagement. And all you have to do is look at the difference between the offensive/defensive coaching to know why. Hell I’d be unhappy playing for that offensive “staff” also.

Well, on to the next game. Go Tigers!! ??????

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Cool story bro

Oct 3, 2021, 1:35 AM

You said, "its past for things to change". When did it become time for change?

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Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 6:04 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction" ]

Need receivers to catch the ball. Thought DJ did a lot better. Plz don’t run wide on a 4th and 1 with the read option. DJ is slower than previous QBs-nothing personal but he is. Also why do we not run quick slants. Pass play routes take a long time to develop By that time DJ is unsettled and rightly so.

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Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 10:21 AM

Why do we never go under center?? DJ is 250 lbs for crying out loud. Let him fall forward for a #### yard!! I hate backing up 4 yards to get 1.

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Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 6:07 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction" ]

Play calling was a bit bewildering at some points.

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Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 4:44 AM

Hellfire tired of Dabo making excuses for El Stinko....

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Re: TNET: Elliott says offensive performance is a "step in the right direction"

Oct 3, 2021, 10:23 AM

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"step in the right direction" = TRUE

Oct 3, 2021, 10:25 AM

Baby steps...but progress nonetheless

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Re: "step in the right direction" = TRUE

Oct 3, 2021, 2:30 PM

Maybe by the end of the season, we will rise to the level of below average.

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