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Tiger Nation - Any Help?
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Tiger Nation - Any Help?


Dec 9, 2024, 5:20 PM

As you can see, I do not post a lot but I enjoy reading the comments and the news on TigerNet. I have seen Clemson fans come together in the past to help each other out and I'm wondering if there is someone out there that can help in my current situation.

My father has a meningioma, a tumor that's a little larger than a golf ball in the lining of his brain, that needs to be removed. A few months ago, he was walking four miles a day and, now, he is nearly confined to a wheelchair. He has nearly lost his ability to walk and it continues to worsen. He needs surgery to remove this tumor. He is supposed to see a neurosurgeon but there is no telling when that will take place. Are you a neurosurgeon, or do you have a close contact that is a neurosurgeon? I would really like a neurosurgeon to consult with my father soon and schedule a surgery. Meningiomas can increase a person's risk of stroke. Please email me at funinthesun385@gmail.com if you know someone that can help us.

If you want to know more about me or us, we have always been a Clemson family. At 9 years old, I began sitting with my grandfather in the West Handicapped Section (no longer there). He passed away when I was a freshman at Clemson in 2001. Then, I sat with my father until 2022 so we went to every game for a little over 30 years. I graduated from Clemson four times and ended up with my Clemson PhD in 2023. Like many of you, Clemson, Clemson football, and Mac's Drive-in are things that bring us together.

I am hopeful as we prepare to head to Austin. I think we are a little banged up and need to heal. We need to find our groove in the run game, and solidify the field goal protection. Our freshmen WRs have done well but it's time to take another step. Hoping for a big day for the Tigers! Again, if you know anyone that can help my family, please let us know! Thanks for reading and Go Tigers!

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Re: Tiger Nation - Any Help?


Dec 9, 2024, 5:54 PM

I forget his surgeon's name (it was 20yrs ago in Charlotte, NC), but my older brother had a tumor removed from his brain and he thought is was the end. While still on the table, his doctor sent it down to the lab and it came back negative. He refused to belive it and had it checked 3 more times - all negative. He will be 75 yrs old in Feb, and is still doing just fine. Good luck and prayers for you dad as you deal with this!

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Re: Tiger Nation - Any Help?

Dec 9, 2024, 6:48 PM

Don't know this Surgeon but if I was looking for a neurosurgeon, I would try to get an appointment with this one.


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Re: Tiger Nation - Any Help?

Dec 9, 2024, 10:10 PM

UVA has some outstanding Drs. I don't recall the DRs name, but I went there for some followup care and I wish I would have gone to UVA first. Prayers for your father, you and your family.

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Re: Tiger Nation - Any Help?


Dec 9, 2024, 10:37 PM

Prayers for your family, especially that you can at least schedule a consult and feel like you have a plan before Christmas. One of my friends had a very similar situation. She recovered pretty quickly from the first surgery at 54 but has had a longer rehab period with the second surgery at 63. Her surgeon is Dr. Kanos with Prisma in Greenville, and she has had full confidence in returning to him through this second battle.

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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