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Oculus Spirit [83641]
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Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 8:39 AM
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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If your insurrection lasts more than 4 hours,
Jan 5, 2023, 8:41 AM
contact your dictator.
TigerNet Immortal [173570]
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not bad....not bad at all.***
Jan 5, 2023, 9:15 AM
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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I made it up and everything.***
Jan 5, 2023, 9:18 AM
Paw Master [16880]
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The difference a party makes
Jan 5, 2023, 8:42 AM
Trump - election denier - insurrectionist
Hakeem Jeffries - election denier - Dem unanimous pick for speaker, and revered American hero
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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Jan 5, 2023, 8:47 AM
National Champion [7373]
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Re: The difference a party makes
Jan 5, 2023, 10:55 AM
[ in reply to The difference a party makes ] |
Not just Jeffries. The entire Democrat party denied Trumps legitimacy for years and yet its folks on the other side who are supposedly the only ones who have ever questioned an election. More left wing intellectual dishonesty.
Tiger Titan [47942]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 8:43 AM
NC_Tiger, T3Tiger, tigermanac, Miura, Crash, and Rangers are taking a day off to reflect, grieve for Ashli Babbitt, and dream of what could have been.
Varsity [103]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 11:20 AM
Tiger Titan [47942]
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I don't watch soap operas. Which one is your favorite?***
Jan 5, 2023, 11:48 AM
Heisman Winner [81652]
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yep, smoked chicken wings and key lime pie!***
Jan 5, 2023, 8:46 AM
TigerNet Immortal [173570]
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You tryin to get in my pants Willmo?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:32 AM
That's a dream menu right there.
Heisman Winner [81652]
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well, I didn't know that was a possibility
Jan 5, 2023, 9:35 AM
so yes
Top TigerNet [29852]
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I'm going to Disney World ...
Jan 5, 2023, 8:58 AM
where all fantasies come to life.
Ring of Honor [21242]
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Put out a cute yard flag that showed a gallows and said “Hang Mike Pence”
Jan 5, 2023, 9:09 AM
Festive and the birds like to perch on it.
Dynasty Maker [3383]
TigerPulse: 83%
Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:23 AM
What's hilarious is the left and "centrists" say this was an assault on our democrac. Yet, they celebrate it because they are glad it happened.
That's how you know they are full of it. Imagine celebrating 9/11, or pearl harbor. Imagine putting the 9/11 attackers as your avatar on tigernet as a funny joke.
They know just as much as us what 1/6 was.
Ultimate Tiger [37621]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:37 AM
Yes, indeed moderates do consider a president concocting a scheme to subvert the results of an election to remain in power to be undemocratic. People who supported this effort are not the “patriots” in this scenario.
Dynasty Maker [3383]
TigerPulse: 83%
Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:45 AM
Trump denying the election = bad
Trump did not lead a mob to the capital to murder Congress members, hang mike pence, and forcefully take over the government.
Ultimate Tiger [37621]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:50 AM
Sure, I think that’s pretty obvious that it was just a mob of idiots that were whipped up into a froth by BS artists and grifters and things got out of hand. That doesn’t mean that the people peddling the BS don’t bear any responsibility though.
Legend [6682]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 4:03 PM
Ditto 10,000% for summer of riots... mob of idiots that were whipped up into a froth by BS artists and grifters
Orange Elite [5135]
TigerPulse: 79%
Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 6, 2023, 8:11 AM
Prove to us that the summer riots were political and done by Biden supporters. YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!
Which MAGA hat were you wearing on this day 2 years ago while you were touring DC?
Letterman [257]
TigerPulse: 81%
Sure, but the intent is the same regardless of what you believe.
Jan 5, 2023, 8:07 PM
[ in reply to Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow? ] |
Regardless of how far you think people were actually going to take it, the end result they wanted was to undo a free and fair election, i.e. democracy.
All-Time Great [89431]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:45 AM
[ in reply to Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow? ] |
What's hilarious is the left and "centrists" say this was an assault on our democrac. Yet, they celebrate it because they are glad it happened.
That's how you know they are full of it. Imagine celebrating 9/11, or pearl harbor. Imagine putting the 9/11 attackers as your avatar on tigernet as a funny joke.
They know just as much as us what 1/6 was.
I had to read your comment a few times to grasp where you were coming from. I'm pretty sure the o/p was satirical, aimed at those who deny the gravity of what happened on 1/6. It made me chuckle even though I think 1/6 was one of the darkest days in our nation's history.
I can't tell whether you are outraged by the satire or it is a more general outrage about liberals that courses through your veins.
Legend [6682]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 10:15 PM
No, anyone who can think knows it was a nothing burger. So maybe there were a handful of nuts that thought they could do something, but it's not like there was 100,000 people out with guns looking to kill democrats. Not that the left has any cred whatsoever, but to compare J6 to Pearl Harbor is just ufcking stupid and irrational.
Trump didn't start it, but most likely leftists did. I was up there in DC that day and two close relatives went. There was nothing that Trump said or did to incite what happened. If you believe it, then it's your opinion and it's simply wrong. There is not one bit of evidence that a reasonable person would believe suggesting Trump caused the capital attack.
Lots of unanswered questions: how many FBI agents were in the crowd, why was security nearly nonexistent, why did some security guards let people through, who were the instigators wearing all black, why was the killer that shot the unarmed white woman not investigated, ...
National Champion [7373]
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Nah..just a normal tourist visit***
Jan 5, 2023, 4:14 PM
Orange Blooded [2338]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:31 AM
Brunson vs Adams in SCOTUS
Could be the David vs Goliath of our day!
Clemson Conqueror [12056]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 9:42 AM
friday meeting, in person
who does that?
TigerNet Elite [73574]
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This is like the Democrat Holiday. Lots of virtue signalling
Jan 5, 2023, 10:25 AM
fireworks, and soy latte cappucino with almond milk and grass feed sometin.
Orange Blooded [2338]
TigerPulse: 86%
Re: This is like the Democrat Holiday. Lots of virtue signalling
Jan 5, 2023, 9:38 PM
Almond milk is so 2019, it's oat milk now
All-In [34487]
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Ultimate Tiger [37621]
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Re: Don't forget the AVOCADO TOAST lol
Jan 6, 2023, 8:04 AM
And tuck their weiners
All-Time Great [89431]
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Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 5, 2023, 10:35 PM
I have some zip ties and we're going to have some fun with my flag pole... Oh, you said insurrection
Associate AD [831]
TigerPulse: 94%
Re: Any big plans to celebrate Insurrection Day tomorrow?
Jan 6, 2023, 8:39 AM
I'm going to watch I, Tonya, because it's also the 28th anniversary of Nancy Kerrigan getting clubbed on the knee, an crime that seems in the spirit of Insurrection Day.
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