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The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!
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The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 12:17 PM

I don't think that man ever liked Clemson, much less love it as he has so often professed. He played everyone for fools and led us along by our collective noses to witness this nefarious rouse up close and personal. It looks like he won the long game and is finally going to get revenge on Terry Don, the university and us fans for firing his good buddy Tommy Bowden.
He walks away rich, fat and gloating while we are left the laughing stock of college football and picking up the pieces.

I just can't believe we fell for it as hard as we did. He should be gone NOW before any more damage is done to Clemson's image and reputation.

Flame away haters if you're too blind to face the facts.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!***


Oct 24, 2023, 12:22 PM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I totally agree.


Oct 24, 2023, 12:24 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

You deserve every TD you get for this.


Oct 24, 2023, 1:09 PM


military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: You deserve every TD you get for this.


Oct 24, 2023, 5:51 PM

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

I smell chicken !***

Oct 24, 2023, 10:08 PM [ in reply to You deserve every TD you get for this. ]

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 12:22 PM

Nice attempt to blur deserved criticism with hyperbole. I know this is a combination of trying to be funny and a dis on those who would dare criticize poor performance. Some of us Love Clemson more than a single man

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

There's nothing funny about being duped.


Oct 24, 2023, 12:25 PM

Unless you're the duper.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

From now on, Dabo will be known as - DuperMan !***


Oct 24, 2023, 12:34 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I can't think of anything I love more than...


Oct 24, 2023, 12:37 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

a single man.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-francismarion.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

Good to know I always took you for a home wrecker***


Oct 24, 2023, 12:49 PM

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I Never Saw


Oct 24, 2023, 12:41 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

A crybaby using a crying baby for his moniker.
Thanks for your honesty - go ahead lean into your 2 year old maturity.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Please be respectful and civil in this thread.


Oct 24, 2023, 12:43 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Its funny when people justify their bad behavior.***


Oct 24, 2023, 12:43 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-francismarion.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 12:50 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

You love Clemson.....could've fooled me.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

If true, Im thankful that he didnt win a 3rd


Oct 24, 2023, 12:24 PM

National Championship. Because then 99.5% would have fallen for him and I’d have at least one more Nike tshirt that didn’t fit good.

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

A death knell for sure.


Oct 24, 2023, 12:26 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Re: A death knell for sure.


Oct 24, 2023, 1:08 PM

It's death nail, moran

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: A death knell for sure.


Oct 24, 2023, 1:19 PM

Was she in Gimme A Break or Joanie Loves Chachi?

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Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!

Oct 24, 2023, 12:38 PM

You got 79k points posting stuff like this?

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The truth is important to me,


Oct 24, 2023, 12:41 PM

not points.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Id pay good money to see how many TDs hes gotten.


Oct 24, 2023, 12:42 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

I bet it’s at least twice that number.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-francismarion.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

^^more fanboy subterfuge^^


Oct 24, 2023, 12:46 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

He prolly didn't know what state Clemson was in before TB called.***


Oct 24, 2023, 12:46 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 1:04 PM

The good old days.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

'I Cannot Sanction Your Buffoonery'

Where can I get that collared sweatshirt ?***


Oct 24, 2023, 1:08 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

If you're going to take his, you have to untuck it first.***


Oct 24, 2023, 1:14 PM

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

'I Cannot Sanction Your Buffoonery'

Haha, Danny Ford looks so young in that pig.***


Oct 24, 2023, 1:09 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

That's Brad Scott, moran.***


Oct 24, 2023, 1:11 PM

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

'I Cannot Sanction Your Buffoonery'

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 1:11 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

Must have been one of his 3 wins in 1998

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Coot game win got him carried off the field .. and into the moving van.***


Oct 24, 2023, 1:16 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Back when coaches still tucked in both their turtle necks and...


Oct 24, 2023, 1:50 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

and sweatshirts.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-francismarion.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 2:55 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

Is that Thor carrying Danny Ford off the field?


flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why is that guy waving around a chikin shaped hot water bottle?

Oct 24, 2023, 6:10 PM [ in reply to Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam! ]

And, money says most on here ARE old enough to know what a hot water bottle was used for!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

This is it! The dumbest post ever on TNET


Oct 24, 2023, 1:10 PM

I've seen some real doozies the past 20 years, but you, sir, have achieved maximum idiocy. No one can touch your stuff. Impeccable work. Bravo. Here's your sign.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: This is it! The dumbest post ever on TNET


Oct 24, 2023, 1:52 PM

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 1:16 PM


flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 1:36 PM

Wow Class, your attempt at humor tells me I hope you have a job because you will not make it a story teller or comedian. Wow.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Trust me, if it was meant to be funny, you'd know it.


Oct 24, 2023, 9:25 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Message Board Maniacs here we come! Stand by your computer!


Oct 24, 2023, 1:44 PM

Go Tigers!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
USMC 1980-83
-Camp Lejeune
-Beirut, Lebanon
SC National Guard 1983-2018

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!

Oct 24, 2023, 1:47 PM

You need to take off your tin hat!

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Conspiracy Fact!


Oct 24, 2023, 9:25 PM

done deal

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!

Oct 24, 2023, 1:48 PM


military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up



Oct 24, 2023, 5:39 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

As it's movie day, would you say more Catch Me if You Can or American Hustle...


Oct 24, 2023, 1:53 PM

with some Curly Sue thrown in for the girls and those that wish to be?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Right now, I'm feeling that Hans Kieslowski vibe.


Oct 24, 2023, 2:28 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Walken it down...***


Oct 24, 2023, 2:57 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!

Oct 24, 2023, 2:08 PM

The man has given us glory years. 2 nattys, 8 ACC Championships, etc.

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

It's called Bait & Switch.


Oct 24, 2023, 2:17 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

You might need these. (see attachment)


Oct 24, 2023, 2:41 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
USMC 1980-83
-Camp Lejeune
-Beirut, Lebanon
SC National Guard 1983-2018

I don't partake of the devi's lettuce


Oct 24, 2023, 5:43 PM

thank you very much.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Ooooh, is that what these are? I thought it was an


Oct 24, 2023, 6:02 PM

advertisement for the "1.5ers" here on TN. And you sounded like a 1.5er.


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
USMC 1980-83
-Camp Lejeune
-Beirut, Lebanon
SC National Guard 1983-2018

Ruse not rouse


Oct 24, 2023, 4:43 PM


2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

So nice of you to stop by shack,


Oct 24, 2023, 5:42 PM

let me get your coat.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

You're welcome***


Oct 24, 2023, 5:45 PM

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: You're welcome***


Oct 24, 2023, 5:54 PM

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!

Oct 24, 2023, 5:57 PM

Stupid. Just stupid.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 6:17 PM

All but a few schools would give a left one for such a scam...one year is a scam fool...10 years is a dynasty in college football! Go back home coot!

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

A left what?


Oct 24, 2023, 9:27 PM


badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-classof1994.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do dogs always race to the door when the doorbell rings? It's almost never for them.

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 6:28 PM

I think that's a tad aggressive. A Scam?

This post is such nonsense I think I smell an underage COOT!

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!

Oct 24, 2023, 6:33 PM

15 years......let that sink in to how dumb that sounds. You know how hard it would be to scam for 15 years? Dabo has made some mistakes and will have only himself to blame when he has to fire more friends and people he cares about on a personal level, but the man has shown he will do whats best for Clemson in the long run.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Cant help but feel snarkasm. But pretty poorly executed, iyam***

Oct 24, 2023, 6:33 PM

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 7:06 PM

Look in mirror and see definition of a MORON… wait that is N insult to a moron because you are not nearly that smart.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The last 15 years under Dabo has been just one big scam!


Oct 24, 2023, 10:21 PM

I see the TD fairies are out today🤣

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