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TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets
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TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 17, 2020, 3:38 PM

IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

IPTAY introduced Monday a "redshirt" option for donations related to Clemson football tickets this week. Donors were given until Aug. 21 to click a link provide Read Update »

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 17, 2020, 3:49 PM

Not original.

I deferred my Titans PSL to next season. I was at the bottom of the heap anyways and if they restricted the number of available seats, I was probably out.

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 17, 2020, 5:51 PM

We should all be offended that Iptay chose the word "redshirt".Those are Dawg colors!

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 22, 2020, 12:39 PM

Would you prefer the term Bohunk that was used in the 1960's?

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 17, 2020, 9:08 PM

Very glad that Clemson has finally made an announcement (of sorts) about what will happen with tickets. I never had a Redshirt year but will take it this year 46 years after my graduation.

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Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able

Aug 17, 2020, 9:49 PM

To purchase the same season tickets you’ve always had? If some donate or get points or keep tickets, I wonder if that pushes you down the ticket ladder for less desirable seats than, say, you’ve had for many years? I’m thinking that may be the catch. So you go or no go. If you no go then they tell you your options—any thoughts?

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Re: Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able

Aug 18, 2020, 9:46 AM

As long as you maintain your IPTAY level they cannot move your season tickets unless you request. Nothing to worry about here.

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Re: Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able

Aug 18, 2020, 11:29 AM

I'd say that might not be true, you have to keep buying your tickets to keep your tickets, you don't get to skip a year and next year say I want these same seats back. It doesn't work that way. So I'd say if you gave them the donation or tried to get the seats then you are fine but if you push to next year or refund then you might fall down the ladder. I may be very wrong and I hope I am but they have wanted a massive seating reorg for a very long time and the Seat Equity program only helped out somewhat. Just my thoughts because IPTAY was too vague and ambiguous in their wording on purpose.

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Re: Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able

Aug 18, 2020, 2:17 PM

Call IPTAY and ask this question, they have the correct answers.

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Re: Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able

Aug 18, 2020, 2:43 PM

And record the phone call.

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Re: Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able

Aug 18, 2020, 2:55 PM [ in reply to Re: Anyone know if you opt out for a refund if you will be able ]

You are wrong. If you redshirt and take a refund you will still be able to purchase your normal tickets in 2021. See Q&A #5. Clear as can be.

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 17, 2020, 11:07 PM

I'd sort of like to know what I could expect in terms of being "ALL IN" before having to decided to redshirt. I guess it's a chicken or egg type thing, but knowing the chances of getting tickets to which games in which areas of the stadium could influence the decision to redshirt or not.

As someone who has to fly to the games, it makes it really tricky. I already had a flight for the originally scheduled UVa game that is now an open date.

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 18, 2020, 12:05 AM

Their explanation is quite foggy as to what everything means and was not explained very well. If you don't redshirt you are buying a pig in a pokeI really need more information to make a decision, but I guess at this stage they can't be more specific. I'd like to know what they are thinking. I may not be too far off from giving up my tickets anyway, so I'm in a little bit of a quandry.

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This as close to a "non-announcement" as they could get

Aug 18, 2020, 7:35 AM

Their email provides almost no useful information. If I want to opt out of my tickets, they do not address whether that affects my seating for 2021. That's the #1 question on everyone's mind, I have no doubt, and they've chosen to glide right past it.

It also would have been tremendously useful to know their leading plan for capacity. They easily could have said "here are your chances of receiving X tickets at the following capacities: 25%, 40%, 50%", etc. That would have helped people make a decision. Instead we're left guessing.

This could have been handled much better.

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see my post below, the website has way more info

Aug 18, 2020, 10:55 AM

Not sure why this wasnt linked with the tnet article or why the article didnt include the FAQ.


If I redshirt the 2020 football season, but would like to return in 2021 will I be eligible to receive my same football season tickets?

Yes. Donors who would prefer not to attend Clemson football this year due to the current health climate, will be able to retain their season ticket location priority for the 2021 season. To be eligible, the donor must have met the IPTAY 2020, June 30th donation deadline and completed the season ticket request process. In addition, donors who choose not to attend Clemson football games this year are able to request a refund for IPTAY 2020, and still keep their season ticket priority for the 2021 season.

For the IPTAY 2021 year the donor who redshirts will need to join IPTAY, have their donation meet or exceed the assigned seat equity value, be at the appropriate donation level required for season ticket quantity eligibility, and meet all posted deadlines.

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Thank you, had visited that website several times

Aug 19, 2020, 11:17 AM

The information about "will we retain our seats in 2021 if we redshirt" was not added until that morning sometime after my original post (around 7:30) and 9am, when I noticed the new information. But I'm glad they added it. Kind of boggles the mind they never bothered to specify that information in the first place.

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This is a complete FAIL by IPTAY,way to be clear and concise

Aug 18, 2020, 8:25 AM

At least UofSUC put out a very well thought out letter with a plan that stated all the various options and clearly explained them up front. After the sob story about how we are all in this together, IPTAY wants to reserve the right to adjust on the fly in the most beneficial way to them and give you the options and details only after you've already made a decision, and we all know the devil is in the details. I can understand that they really cant say who will get seats this year due that they dont know how many will choose to redshirt, but there is no reason they cant present people full details of the various options and incentives and such before hand. They are clearly waiting to see how many people redshirt so they can adjust the options and do what they always do and do whats best for them and them only.

One question, it only says you can redshirt without impact to 2021 ticket "eligibility". It does not explain whether if you get a full refund you would still retain your current seats for 2021 or not. To me "eligibility" is a little vague. Does this mean you will just be eligible to buy 2021 tickets and they may reseat you or does this mean you will be eligible to buy your same seats in 2021?

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Re: This is a complete FAIL by IPTAY,way to be clear and concise

Aug 18, 2020, 10:06 AM

I sent an email to IPTAY this morning asking for clarification. I can’t attend due to underlying health issues. But, if redshirting means I lose my seats that I’ve had for years then that changes my decision. Buy them and sell them I guess. I hate to be the conspiracy theory guy but it makes you wonder if this is a way for them to keep as much of our money as possible. In other words, you can redshirt but you will get moved come 2021. Force people to pay for something we can’t use just so us fans keep what we have. I hope this ISN’T the case but I will check back once IPTAY responds.

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the website has way more info than article, much better

Aug 18, 2020, 10:53 AM

explained. Not sure why this wasnt linked with the tnet article or why the article didnt include the FAQ.


If I redshirt the 2020 football season, but would like to return in 2021 will I be eligible to receive my same football season tickets?

Yes. Donors who would prefer not to attend Clemson football this year due to the current health climate, will be able to retain their season ticket location priority for the 2021 season. To be eligible, the donor must have met the IPTAY 2020, June 30th donation deadline and completed the season ticket request process. In addition, donors who choose not to attend Clemson football games this year are able to request a refund for IPTAY 2020, and still keep their season ticket priority for the 2021 season.

For the IPTAY 2021 year the donor who redshirts will need to join IPTAY, have their donation meet or exceed the assigned seat equity value, be at the appropriate donation level required for season ticket quantity eligibility, and meet all posted deadlines.

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Re: the website has way more info than article, much better

Aug 18, 2020, 11:39 AM

You must have an old website cached then, it has August 19th as the deadline the link show August 21st and there is no verbiage with this explanation on the main page or FAQ from what I found. I'll try another browser to see if I have something cached but I didn't find these words on that link.

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Re: the website has way more info than article, much better

Aug 18, 2020, 11:43 AM [ in reply to the website has way more info than article, much better ]

Looks like they are continuously updating since they are probably being inundated with questions due to their information laden email.

From the FAQ:

If I redshirt the 2020 football season, but would like to return in 2021 will I be eligible to receive my same football season tickets?

Yes. Donors who would prefer not to attend Clemson football this year due to the current health climate, will be able to retain their season ticket location priority for the 2021 season. To be eligible, the donor must have met the IPTAY 2020, June 30th donation deadline and completed the season ticket request process. In addition, donors who choose not to attend Clemson football games this year are able to request a refund for IPTAY 2020, and still keep their season ticket priority for the 2021 season.

For the IPTAY 2021 year the donor who redshirts will need to join IPTAY, have their donation meet or exceed the assigned seat equity value, be at the appropriate donation level required for season ticket quantity eligibility, and meet all posted deadlines.

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Re: the website has way more info than article, much better

Aug 18, 2020, 6:24 PM

Iptay is crooked and they don’t care. I’ve seen this many times before doing fans dirty. I have many stories from all sorts of donor levels.

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 18, 2020, 8:10 PM

The Statement "will be able to retain their season ticket location priority for the 2021 season" is priority the same a same seats? Asking for a friend.

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capacity will be 18k to start. Heisman level & up get 2 tix.

Aug 18, 2020, 9:35 PM

Lesser known accounts will get 1 ticket.

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Re: TNET: IPTAY introduces 'redshirt' option on 2020 Clemson football tickets

Aug 19, 2020, 12:14 AM

I have not seen anything about the IPTAY donation for 2020. If you ask for your ticket money back for 2020 tickets are they keeping your 2020 IPTAY donation. Many people only give to IPTAY in order to be able to buy tickets, so getting a ticket refund and not a IPTAY refund is like getting less than half of your money back. I probably won't ask for either back and apply it to next year, but they really have not explained how that will work.

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