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The tale of three calls....
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The tale of three calls....

Sep 28, 2021, 11:18 PM

Three impact calls out of many ...

In the first picture, this is Spector's "drawing the offensive player" play. The rule states:

ARTICLE 2. After the ball is ready for play, offside occurs (Rule 7-1-5) when
a defensive player:

d. Threatens an offensive lineman, causing an immediate reaction, before the
ball is snapped (Rule 7-1-2-b-3-Exception, A.R. 7-1-3-V Note);

The defensive player enters the neutral zone, threatens an offensive lineman, and causes an immediate reaction. This is the type of offside that most people seem to have trouble with. To be a foul on the defense, there are 4 requirements. If these requirements are not met, the foul is on the offense for

a. false start.?
1. The defender must enter the neutral zone. If the defender is still on his side of the
ball and the offense moves, it is an offensive foul.?

2. The offensive player who reacts to the defender must be in a threatened position. A
defensive player who is head up with a lineman threatens that lineman and the two linemen
directly next to him. A defensive player in a gap only threatens the two offensive players next
to that gap. So a DT who is head up with a guard threatens that guard, the center, and the
tackle on his side. If the tackle or guard on the other side of the line move, it is an
offensive foul. If that DT is in the A gap, he only threatens the center and the guard on his
side. If the other guard or either tackle moves, it is an offensive foul.?

3. Only linemen are allowed to react under this rule. If a back moves, it is an offensive
foul. So if a DE is outside the tackle and there is H-back there as well, only the tackle is
allowed to move. If the H-back jumps, it is an offensive foul.?

4. The reaction must be immediate. If the defender enters the neutral zone and there is a
delay before the offensive player reacts, it is an offensive foul.?

Did Spector enter the neutral zone? Likely yes very briefly, his hand and part of his head were in the neutral zone just as he stopped. The second image shows that when 79 made his move Spector was not in the neutral zone. It is a micro assessment and it was not egregious. Did the lineman "react" to the charge... the lineman over Spector did not move, the outside tackle's (79) reaction was not to start a play but to try and touch Spector in the neutral zone. That is not a football move and clearly intended to tap Spector in the neutral zone and cause an offsides. IMHO this was not a penalty and was as most of the penalties in this game for Clemson had a significant impact as a drive extender, the offense was able to stay on the field and while it ended in a missed field goal the defense was on the field.

Second Picture:

First OT holding call. The call was on 24 (Turner) but they had to mean 6 (Jones). This is OT of a game that has CFP implications. The first pic shows 6 put his hand on the shoulder pad of the receiver (86), good technique to not allow the receiver outside leverage. As long as the ball is not in the air this is not a penalty (even if it was in the air no ref ever would call that minimal contact). Second/Third pic shows 86 make his inside move, the move is unimpeded. Jones has inside help. Fourth pic Jones gets position on the hip of the receiver and puts his hand on the back and looks back to the quarterback. Fifth pic Jones gets a brief handful of jersey but does not impeded the forward progress of the receiver. The ball is throw well over the head of the defenders (Turner is in position to make play if the ball is on target as well as Jones). The call is holding on Turner. Next play is a touchdown from the 3 to tie the game.

Third Picture:
last play of the game, textbook interference. Ross has a step on the defender looking inside to the pass. Defender grabs Ross left arm and clearly pulls the arm back. In the 4th pic you can see Ross was off balance as fought thru the hold. The defender makes no effort to look back at the ball. When I was at the game this happened across the field but even with us in the stands, I was wondering why Ross did not even make an attempt to catch the pass, well he couldn't. This ended the game.

This demonstrates how bad ACC referee's are, this is just 3 calls all of which had a direct impact on the outcome of the game.

We should have won this game straight up. But we are playing against the other team and crap ref's... I suppose that comes with the turf but is unacceptable in a close game.

on to BC.

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Re: The tale of three calls....

Sep 28, 2021, 11:30 PM

I noticed on one of the "off sides" penalties our defender jumped, but got back before the ball snapped. So, the offensive player reached over and slapped him in the head...resulting in a flag on Clemson. The ball was never snapped. The "contact" was obviously committed by NCSU.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

They missed the FG a few plays later after the

Sep 29, 2021, 12:02 AM

Offsides call. The game then went to OT. Yes it was a bad call but it didn’t cost us anything.

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Re: They missed the FG a few plays later after the

Sep 29, 2021, 12:24 AM

Yes... but the last call DID and was decisive!

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Re: They missed the FG a few plays later after the

Sep 29, 2021, 12:29 AM [ in reply to They missed the FG a few plays later after the ]

I said that... but it it was a momentum changer and they got an extra set of downs (means the defense is on the field that much longer and time is off the clock), that was a third down call. That's a mentally crushing call. NC State was on the 30, they should have been back 5 yards with a third and 8... who knows what would have happened on the next play or if they kick again if they don;t make it.

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Re: The tale of three calls....

Sep 29, 2021, 12:08 AM

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Re: The tale of three calls....

Sep 29, 2021, 7:21 AM

On the offsides calls... the NC State offensive linemen are obviously taught to react and put their hands on the defensive linemen if they move even briefly into the neutral zone. This gives the impression that they are defending themselves. I was yelling at the refs the whole game about this. It's just another example of the NC State coach trying to manipulate the rules. The refs have to be smart enough to see what's going on.
The pass interference in Turner was complete BS.
The no-call on the Ross play was hard to see, so I can give them a break on that one.

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Re: The tale of three calls....

Sep 29, 2021, 7:58 AM

If it was PI or Holding on 6 it certainly was on the Ross play. That one was huge.

It didn't look like Spector crossed the neutral zone line or if he did it was very slight. He didn't "threaten" the tackle so it should not have been called.

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The tale of three calls....

Sep 30, 2021, 12:03 AM

Agree the call was bad, while there is parallax error with the angles but looks like his hand went into the neutral zone for a half second. If he went in then Murphy was offside as they were parallel and they did not call that. FWIW the tackle never touched Spector. The guy who made the call could not have made a determination on where Spector was on the line from his position. If Spector was inside the Guard's head that would technically put him in the gap and the tackle is not exempt in that case. Hard to tell from the angles on TV where exactly he was. In either case the defensive player did not "react" to Spector in a football move, he reached out to try and touch Spector in the neutral zone. This was obvious from the replay.

ACC refs are not good...

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Re: The tale of three calls....

Sep 30, 2021, 7:29 AM

Yep... It's very obvious the NC State offensive linemen are taught to reach out like that. It happened all night.

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"If a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal."

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