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New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?
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New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 8:14 AM

At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Last Saturday’s spring game was a cause for celebration. Fans packed the stadium to not only get a glimpse of the future, but is that future murky because of unease at the most important position on the field? Full Story »

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Every time I hear about how great Bryant is as a runner

Apr 14, 2017, 8:27 AM

I think back to how easily Wiggins took him down in the open field during the spring game! Nothing against Bryant, he has made elite defenders look foolish in the open field. Just really excited to see how Wiggins does this year. I think he will be a monster this year!

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Re: Every time I hear about how great Bryant is as a runner

Apr 14, 2017, 10:39 AM

I also saw a few runs where he didn't just make people miss but he stayed on his feet. He seems to have great balance for a QB, he keeps his feet under him and churning like a RB.

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Wiggins looked really good but this should not distract from

Apr 14, 2017, 1:59 PM [ in reply to Every time I hear about how great Bryant is as a runner ]

Kelly's running. Van Smith looked really good too! I am thinking the DB's will be excellent this year, as will the lb's if they find a leader as good as Boulware.

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Re: We NEED a throwing and running QB!

Apr 14, 2017, 4:45 PM [ in reply to Every time I hear about how great Bryant is as a runner ]

Everytime I hear how well Bryant runs, I think of Louisville's QB that can run like the wind and still had a dismal year. Also, our running game has never been as good as Alabama and we beat them. Time to rethink our great need for a throwing QB with all our receiving talent.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 8:35 AM

For Bryant to be effective as our qb he has to be able to read those zone read plays correctly. Many times I have seen him keep the ball when he should have handed it off or hand it off when he should have kept it. He will be ineffective on that play if he is making his mind up before the ball is snapped on what he's going to do instead of reading the DE

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 9:03 AM

What is KB's ceiling? Is he a less electric Lamar Jackson? Is he Jalen Hurts? I think the rest of the team is so loaded that we'll be in every game but I do wish we had someone who can sling it when the running game is stopped up.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 9:33 AM

He's like a poor mans Lamar Jackson. Not quite as fast and probably not quite the passer. And we all know Jackson is not a great passer

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 10:38 AM

Jackson is fairly accurate though and he has an absolute cannon for an arm. Michael Vick-esque on some throws.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 11:02 AM

Yep. If KB had an arm like that and Jacksons elusiveness he could be great. He's fast no doubt but I think defenses will just stack the box and force him to throw if he can't make throws downfield or get to his second read

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 12:03 PM

Eight teams on our schedule don't come close to our talent on defense or the overall team talent. Bryant's running ability alone with limited passing skills would easily win those games. With the elite level of this program now, its making the playoffs that defines a successful season. Auburn,FSU,Louisville, and maybe Va Tech can put the athletes on the field who can stuff a designed running qb attack. I'm sure the defense will keep the game close but we will have to score points. Bryant or whomever is qb is going to have to complete passes downfield and in the running game to win it. I hope he can. What I think will happen is that Bryant starts against Kent State. They are a nothing team. He will look great against them. I'm hoping Dabo gets Johnson or Cooper in on some meaningful series early. The Auburn game will determine the starter for the rest of the year.

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His running game won't really open up the passing game...

Apr 14, 2017, 8:47 AM

vs quality teams. His game will only work vs much weaker competition. He will get stuffed vs FSU and a few others. I think the team can win 9 or 10 games with him, but we are writing off the playoffs with him. JMO

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I tend to agree

Apr 14, 2017, 8:59 AM

although I never really expected to make the playoffs this coming year. My prediction was 10-2 but if KB is truely are starter all year a repeat 2014 season w/ 9-3 is also easy to fathom. KB has had a lot of time in the system thus far and the passing game just isn't there for him, heck of an athlete and a weapon in the wildcat. If we really want to be better then 9-3/10-2ish and be a legit playoff contender we will need Cooper or Johnson to get the system down comfortable fast and elevate their game to the next level, both showed moments of brilliance and moments where they looked lost in the spring game. I think I trust Hunter Johnson on 3-17 more then any of the other QBs though to be honest.

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I expect to make the playoffs every year

Apr 14, 2017, 9:03 AM

And you should too

Best is standard

Clemson is here

Go tigers

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Re: I expect to make the playoffs every year

Apr 14, 2017, 9:25 AM

I wish hoops had a thread of this attitude

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Re: I expect to make the playoffs every year

Apr 14, 2017, 12:04 PM [ in reply to I expect to make the playoffs every year ]

I agree! Best is the standard. I expect this team to make the playoffs this season.

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Re: I tend to agree

Apr 14, 2017, 9:06 AM [ in reply to I tend to agree ]

On 3rd and short, I'll take Bryant. On 3rd and medium, I'll take Israel. On 3rd and long, I'll take Johnson. And on a Hail Mary, I'll take Cooper.

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I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

Gonna be a bump & Grind year for QB success, after DW4!

Apr 14, 2017, 9:40 AM

Hold onto your seat & hope the D can do its job.

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It kind of helps on 3rd and short though if they don't know

Apr 14, 2017, 9:43 AM [ in reply to Re: I tend to agree ]

exactly what is coming like they might know with Bryant.

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Re: It kind of helps on 3rd and short though if they don't know

Apr 14, 2017, 12:35 PM

But if they stack the box and bring everyone, you can release a TE or run a quick slant to the middle with Renfrow. The opposing team "knowing" that you're going to run opens up that type of play. See Tim Tebow jump pass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCoCMm_Jfu8 Watch the lbs crash the los opening up the middle...

The question is, can KB make that throw accurately and consistently? I don't necessarily mean the jump pass throw, I mean in general with quick slants or out routes or whatever? is he consistent enough throwing the ball.

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True. If Bryant can handle that situation.*****

Apr 14, 2017, 3:50 PM

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I would start Johnson first game

Apr 14, 2017, 1:20 PM [ in reply to It kind of helps on 3rd and short though if they don't know ]


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Re: Israel deserves a shot!

Apr 14, 2017, 4:55 PM [ in reply to I tend to agree ]

I agree, but Israel showed more poise than the others and impressed me as someone who can read the defense. His body presence was good. I know he hasn't been the favorite from the start, but neither was Swinney when he started his job. Israel isn't as impressive in stature, but he does impress in movement and throws.

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And writing off our offensive identity for the next two yrs***

Apr 14, 2017, 2:59 PM [ in reply to His running game won't really open up the passing game... ]

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The problem is that we are so used to seeing Watson run the

Apr 14, 2017, 9:42 AM

offense so smoothly that what we saw from the quarterbacks in the Spring game was a bit jarring. We HOPE that the 3rd and four will be completed instead of EXPECTING it. We are concerned about what easy pass will the QB miss next etc.

We should realize that DW4s are hard to find and that there was no QB like in the COUNTRY for the last three years. We should give them time as the article suggests. Our present group of QBs may not be All American (but perhaps I am wrong), but they can certainly be all ACC. And that may be good enough with the defense that we have.

We also forget that once the QB is finalized, the coaches will make sure that the offense is structured to suit his strangths (as they did with Stoudt against Oklahoma). But with all that, are we going to miss DW4 - you can bet on that!!

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Re: The problem is that we are so used to seeing Watson run the

Apr 14, 2017, 12:25 PM

Remember when Tajh used to call his own number on 3rd and short and somehow always made it??? And then managed to complete 4th and 16 against LSU in the Peach Bowl. I can see KB doing the same things. He's got more weapons around him that Tajh had as well. Sometimes you just gotta believe......

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This what i call QUALITY reporting!!!

Apr 14, 2017, 9:55 AM

Go Tigers!

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My Two Cents...

Apr 14, 2017, 10:35 AM

Granted, I've only watched the first half of the Spring Game (I intend to watch the rest of it tonight), but KB's appearance on the field sets him apart. He's tall, looks like he's in great shape and looks very much like an impressive athlete to me. Now, I'm not saying he can make all the throws - the jury is still out on that. But it's just that, it's way too early to judge his overall ability. And there's no doubt the torn tendon in his throwing hand pinkie finger affected him in the SG. He made two throws on the first drive. The first was a nice out route throw prior to injuring his finger that looked pretty good. After hurting his finger, he sailed a bubble screen throw over Ray Ray's head.

Let's give the man time. He's earned it.

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Re: My Two Cents...

Apr 14, 2017, 12:32 PM

Did years in the system earn Stoudt a start over the more talented Watson? If Lawrence comes in next season and is clearly the best, would we start a true freshman at qb?

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Re: My Two Cents...

Apr 14, 2017, 1:58 PM

As we all know, Watson was a special, special college football player. Your comparison is not apples to apples. In my opinion (and we all know what those are worth), none of the younger quarterbacks CURRENTLY on our roster possess DW4 type talent (of course I hope I'm wrong about that). It seems to me the talent gap between our 4 QBs is a lot smaller than it was between Stoudt and Watson.

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Excellent article. Right on $. Each QB brings something Different

Apr 14, 2017, 10:39 AM

I definitely agree with that! I also see coach Swinney giving the nod to Bryant due to his wait. Problem is Kelly has never proved in 3 years he could make the difficult throws at this level. Back shoulder throws, deep posts, streaks, and this past weekend add 3-4 simple flat passes that were on the ground or in the Bench area. Im hoping so much that it was just his finger aiding to that. I want him to succeed. I see the coaches letting this continue into games. In the end we may have a Cole stout situation on our hands again where the fans eventually demand the starter just like with Watson. May the best man win! If it were me i would start Bryant and have Tucker come in some as well. May help offset the defenses targeting run play all game.

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Re: Excellent article. Right on $. Each QB brings something Different

Apr 14, 2017, 10:58 AM

People are concerned with KB's passing within reason, BUT all of the criticism toward back shoulder throws, fades, outs, etc aren't fair b/c when he's been in games in mop up duty, there was never a reason to call those plays, THUS, how can you judge him? To me, it's a very hidden yet plain agenda that most want the newer qbs to get the job b/c of high school tape, yet I see accuracy issues with ZC and a qb that has the tendency to stare down receivers and fold under pressure HJ. Two years ago, many on here were saying that KB needed important in game reps just in case DW4 got hurt, now the same are crucifying the kid like he's lost us a game or threw 2 pick 6's in a game like CS. Like the article states, the coaching staff knows right now who they can win with and we as fans have to deal with whomever wins the job. Keep in mind, we had TB and it took him 3 years to win a BCS game and up until 3 years ago, he was the best ab in Clemson history.

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obviously all the qb's

Apr 14, 2017, 1:06 PM [ in reply to Excellent article. Right on $. Each QB brings something Different ]

Need some more work. Fortunately we have more than three months to help all of.them improve. May,June and July will be big months for everyone. In the end, the coaches will have an idea of who we can consistently win with. A good decision will be made and you know that if you are a CLEMSON supporter. Dabo and staff just do not make major mistakes!

I have watched Bryant closely as all of you have. I just don't see him at this point being 'the' guy. A very good scrambler but quite ordinary at hitting receivers. Wide receiver U doesn't need a good running QB .... imo.

None of us have seen any of the QBs playing with the starting OL and receivers against the starters on D so we really can't accurately evaluate any of the guys .

As always, play calling is going to be important and I expect to see a few new things for this team.

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Re: obviously all the qb's

Apr 14, 2017, 1:09 PM

Don't forget Brice is coming this fall. I don't expect it but he may take the job.

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The Receivers will have a lot to say who the starting QB is.

Apr 14, 2017, 2:28 PM [ in reply to Excellent article. Right on $. Each QB brings something Different ]

... a couple of them have been very outspoken when a certain QB does not throw them a catchable pass.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 10:57 AM

I find it hard to read when KB and LJ are mentioned in the same sentence. KB has not earned that right yet. IMO, he never will.

Hope in one hand, and poop in the other, and ...

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Re: Once again...

Apr 14, 2017, 1:18 PM

whoever the new starter will need to be someone that will not lose a game for you. Steady, consistent, move the chains. You have 3 plays to get 10 yards. The offense simply needs to be efficient. With ball control on offense and the ability to rest a defense that should be good the end result will be a "W" in the column. Does anyone remember who the Quarterbacks were on the last three National Championships Alabama won and where are they now? Who was the Quarterback the last time Ohio State won a National Championship and what is he doing now? However you try to dissect things it's still a "team" sport. Anything less shouldn't be acceptable team wise, coach wise, player wise or fan wise.

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Re: Once again...

Apr 14, 2017, 2:00 PM

You nailed it.

Also, we could improve in other areas to reduce the impacts of what we have lost on offense:

Cut out the turnovers

Improve productivity on kick-off and punt returns

Improve productivity in the run game

Stingy defense

Just find a way to get the job done.

Go Tigers!

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Sometimes the road to the truth is so elusive it's confusing and reality becomes illusion.

Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 1:44 PM

Clemson hasn't recruited all these dynamic receivers for Kelly Bryant to run the ball 25 times a game. If he continues to struggle throwing the ball, he won't be the starter for long this fall. I'd rather have any of the other 3 that will get the ball to Ray Ray, Deon, Renfrow, Higgins, etc, etc.. Right now, I think Israel is the best distributor of the football and that may be all we need.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 2:05 PM

Agreed! Can Israel win the job? I don't know . I do know Israel, Cooper,and Johnson are all capable of getting the football to our great wrs. Remember it's this brand of football that has made us a national champ. I would never change the style to an Auburn like running qb game to suit a a qb who won't be starting next year.

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I like Isreal, but I see him like Baker and Pagano, a grad.

Apr 14, 2017, 2:05 PM [ in reply to Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern? ]

transfer, who will be really good for a team like Coastal Carolina or Georgia Southern for example.

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Re: I like Isreal, but I see him like Baker and Pagano, a grad.

Apr 15, 2017, 9:31 AM

I see Israel graduating and going to a Group of 5 school, probably in Florida. If the Gators can't find a QB by then, he could end up at UF.

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Israel showed more ability to distribute!

Apr 14, 2017, 5:11 PM [ in reply to Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern? ]

I agree... Israel showed more ability to consistently distribute the ball than the others.

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Unless he improves passing, he will rotate in as wildcat qb

Apr 14, 2017, 2:03 PM

and that could be effective, with the starter being a better passer.

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Re: Unless he improves passing, he will rotate in as wildcat qb

Apr 14, 2017, 2:30 PM

I like that idea.

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Apr 14, 2017, 2:59 PM [ in reply to Unless he improves passing, he will rotate in as wildcat qb ]

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We can not go to a run first or run only offense!!! This

Apr 14, 2017, 2:57 PM

program has been built on being able to pass whenever we want or need to. If we spend a year trying to nurse along a QB that can't throw, then you look up and he will want the job the following year. Next thing you know the program has lost its identity and may not regain it. Do we have all of the five star receivers because we are going with a qb that still has to develop his passing game three years after arriving on campus! Do we have five star passers for that reason.

We will not be good enough in the run game to be run only. Nobody is these days, except Alabama and they can't even do it any longer.

To answer the question, #### right its time to be concerned. Al of the qbs should have looked better Saturday. They don't have to be Deshaun Watson, but they have to look like they can be an FBS quarterback.

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Re: We can not go to a run first or run only offense!!! This

Apr 14, 2017, 3:11 PM

I'm hopeful over the summer Cooper and Johnson work hard on their games and come back in August ready to take the job. Our offensive brand is based on a pass first run second type . It's why 5 star receivers come here. Cooper,Johnson,Israel , and next year Lawrence all can execute the DW4 offense. So can the incoming player Brice. Bryant won't be the starter next year and maybe later this coming season.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 9:41 PM

No, just throw it to Cornell!

Go Tigers!


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A running QB can't get it done on third and long

Apr 14, 2017, 10:33 PM

We really didn't get to see the fist team offense against the first team defense so we don't know which QB can see down field and go through progressions. We don't run over people like Bama. I think we need a passers. Someone that can force the defense to play cover 2.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 14, 2017, 10:38 PM

Quarter backs always look poor against their own defense. The defense knows the play book.

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Re: New Story: At quarterback, is there cause for concern?

Apr 18, 2017, 7:24 AM

No cause for concern. You graduate players and reload. Not cause for concern, simply reality of the game.

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