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The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and
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The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 2:06 PM

yet play so bad was when Ken Hatfield was coaching the Tigers.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 2:19 PM

Nailed it. Hopefully we don’t go into a two decades spiral like we did last time

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 2:32 PM

At SEVERAL positions we do NOT have very good talent

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DW4 would suck on this team


Oct 22, 2023, 2:44 PM

Not according to the recruiting services.

Clemson is regularly losing football games in spite of its talent, not the other way around.

Care to enlighten the masses and point to the positions where our starters aren't at least a highly rated 4*?

Exactly. Personal opinions aside, Clemson is talented at every position. Mistaking bad coaching and poor player development for lack of talent won't fix a thing.

DW4 would suck on this team.

(To further elaborate. When Bobby Bowden started slipping it wasn't talent, but poor assistant coaches that did him in. Same for Phil Fulmer at UT. Remember his team that T. Bowden & Clemson smacked around in the Peach Bowl? Loaded with 4/5* talent. Les Miles at LSU.... tons talent, but poorly coached. Not to mention Clay Helton at USC....he took over the most talented program in the country and ran it into the ground. The list goes on. The common denominator is always the same. Lots of talent + poor coaching = bad football teams.)

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Re: DW4 would suck on this team


Oct 22, 2023, 4:28 PM

It’s always been about coaching them up. I have no confidence in our coaching.

Perhaps it’s the in house coaching, perhaps it a need for new coaches outside the program. It should be Dabo’s drive to reach out and hire the very best coaching for Clemson for the betterment of the program…. The in-house hires are not not bringing new ideas and techniques to the program.

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Re: DW4 would suck on this team


Oct 22, 2023, 5:03 PM [ in reply to DW4 would suck on this team ]

You can't just say because a guy is a 4 star that he is automatically has the specific type of ability that you need.

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Re: DW4 would suck on this team


Oct 22, 2023, 5:22 PM

You're correct.

Statistically speaking, teams with the most highly rated 4* and 5* guys tend to win more games and championships. (I.e. Nick Saban)

But, if you consistently lose games you shouldn't it's because your coaching stinks.

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Re: DW4 would suck on this team

Oct 22, 2023, 7:24 PM

Or it's because you don't have 4 or 5 stats with the specific abilities you need. For example, if I have a 4 star possession receiver, but what I really need is a deep threat receiver, that 4 star possession receiver isn't helping me that much.

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Re: DW4 would suck on this team


Oct 23, 2023, 8:07 AM

Of course, and Dabo and his assistants are the ones responsible fo recruiting the right mix of talent. But again, DW4 would suck on this team.

Dabo himself said at the beginning of the year that this was "his fastest team" and "deepest team". He said "we're 3 deep" at every position for the 1st time in his career as HC. Straight from the horse's mouth.

He's the expert. I guarantee you NOBODY on Tigernet that can evaluate talent better than Dabo.

That leaves only coaching. The talent is fine, the coaching is not. Dabo didn't suddenly forget how to evaluate talent. He just has too many crappy assistants that can't coach. Period, end of story.

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Re: DW4 would suck on this team


Oct 22, 2023, 5:06 PM [ in reply to DW4 would suck on this team ]

I don’t know if you’re right or not, but this is a really interesting analogy to how all those former Kings fell. This is the kind of stuff I come here for.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 4:05 PM [ in reply to Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and ]

You are correct

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and

Oct 22, 2023, 4:18 PM [ in reply to Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and ]

You’re absolutely right but the TE position is 💪. They must have a great position coach.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 2:54 PM

I don’t think we are as talented as Dabo talks about especially on offense … seriously go down the list and take the Clemson biased and our love for our guys out… and tell me where we are very talented on offense. Cade is a very developmental qb and has potential when he grows up physically and mentally… rbs are decent for what they are but we lack seriously there with speed and breaking tackles… OL I mean I won’t comment they are horrible… wr we have a couple that can be great but no threat for 50/50 balls down the field or anyone you can trust deep…Williams and brown are the same type of wr and would be so much better with some other wr that could stretch the field and create separation. Kicking has been horrible… def has been pretty dang good but got destroyed and stood up all night last night , I’ll chalk that up partially to the offense not being able to stay on the field.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 3:55 PM

Do you think the coaching staff is "as good as we've ever had?"

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and

Oct 22, 2023, 4:20 PM


Dabo's current coaching staff won't win us any championships.

I have significantly more faith in Clemson's football player-talent than I do coaching-talent. We have some good assistants, just not enough of them.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and

Oct 22, 2023, 4:21 PM [ in reply to Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and ]

Not at all, you could argue as a whole outside of Dabo (being the constant) this is possibly the worst most inexperienced staff we have had yet.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 4:16 PM [ in reply to Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and ]

It’s not a Clemson bias that Clemson is loaded with talent, but rather based on recruiting rankings. Josh Pate has his breakdown preseason and Clemson was #4 based on the percentage of its roster that’s 4/5 stars.

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and

Oct 22, 2023, 4:52 PM

It doesn’t matter the star rating, these kids are lacking coaching! The fundamentals are not there. Miami drove down the field at will late in the fourth and we could not stop them….

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and


Oct 22, 2023, 4:52 PM [ in reply to Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and ]

It doesn’t matter the star rating, these kids are lacking coaching! The fundamentals are not there. Miami drove down the field at will late in the fourth and we could not stop them….

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Re: The last time that I saw Clemson have this much talent and

Oct 22, 2023, 7:56 PM

The lack of quality coaching is showing up way more- in all of these games- way more than lack of talent. The playcalling, development, game planning, and even which players to play in which circumstance are all phases of coaching that are seriously lacking this season. And even the past few seasons. There will be no “quick fix” or “come to Jesus meeting” that will fix this team.

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Never forget being at that Cal Bowl Game.

Oct 23, 2023, 8:09 AM


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We have talent at "skill positions", but NO talent, at least none that has

Oct 23, 2023, 8:16 AM

developed well, at Offensive Line, or for that matter, Defensive line. Our best defenders on the D-Line are a couple of TRUE freshman, who had developed themselves enough in high school to surpass what we had coming back. Think about that for a minute. As far as the Offensive line, I keep pointing to Ryan Linthicum, who was supposedly THE #1 center in the nation as a high school recruit, and can't hardly crack the two deep after three years in the program. He is a waste of a scholarship and training table steaks. He does look fat and happy in his pictures though, so there is that. And we have the obligatory false start to look forward to from Blake Miller, every single game. Not really singling out those two, but they are just emblematic of the lack of development that is going on at O-Line. I think Miller was also actually better as a freshman than his is now.

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