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Trevor Lawrence Heisman
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Trevor Lawrence Heisman

Apr 15, 2020, 11:02 AM

Does Trevor Lawrence have a chance to win the Heisman this year? Check this out.

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Thank you, not clicking and welcome to TigerNet...

Apr 15, 2020, 11:04 AM

please tip the owners, operators, editors, contributors, writers, both senior & staff.

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Re: Thank you, not clicking and welcome to TigerNet...

Apr 15, 2020, 12:30 PM

I would never give a dime to people who run a site with a thumbs up/down system that discredits good, passionate, subjective fans. It’s a liberal site with a bunch of Woosies. To be frank about it

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You sound poor...

Apr 15, 2020, 12:39 PM

are you poor?

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Whines about TDs, but calls everyone else here "Woosies"

Apr 15, 2020, 12:55 PM

If you're in the mood for some irony, ToBeFrank's post is like an all you can eat buffet.

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"IDIOT POSTER OF THE MONTH SO FAR...GWP-- You have won IPM Award for your failure to completely comprehend a clear post & then choose to attack someone who points out your ignorance. While you are not yet in the same No Class Catagory as deRoberts, ClemTiger117 & Tigerdug23, you are getting closer to the Sewer Dwellers." - coachmac

LOL, that line trips the light fantastic; it's hilarious...

Apr 15, 2020, 1:40 PM

but don't let it go to your head.

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Re: Whines about TDs, but calls everyone else here "Woosies"

Apr 15, 2020, 6:06 PM [ in reply to Whines about TDs, but calls everyone else here "Woosies" ]

Who is whining? It’s a stupid system but I’m not whining about it. Yes this site is loaded with snowflakes.

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Re: Whines about TDs, but calls everyone else here "Woosies"

Apr 15, 2020, 6:11 PM [ in reply to Whines about TDs, but calls everyone else here "Woosies" ]

Not to mention whining is defined by a sound. The term you’re looking for is complaining but I couldn’t care less. That’s why I don’t donate. It’s free. I would complain if I DID pay and still got discredited while contributing financially. People who pay for this site should never be td’d. They’ve earned that IMO
People like me who don’t pay, fire away. Don’t care

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Re: You sound poor...

Apr 15, 2020, 6:12 PM [ in reply to You sound poor... ]

Nope. I’m fine. I make lots of money off college football, basketball and pro football. Occasionally mlb too but rarely.

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You can crawl back to your safe space now Frank

Apr 15, 2020, 1:13 PM [ in reply to Re: Thank you, not clicking and welcome to TigerNet... ]

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Re: You can crawl back to your safe space now Frank

Apr 15, 2020, 6:17 PM

Safe space? Lol that’s insulting

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The media is going to pimp Justin Fields...

Apr 15, 2020, 12:19 PM

like a $5.00 ho on a Friday night.

Write it down and take it to the bank.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

$5 ho's??

Apr 15, 2020, 1:54 PM

I just got my stimulus check.. where do I find these young ladies?

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You better save $1100 for

Apr 15, 2020, 4:26 PM

Post-Friday night treatments. Gonna need 'em!

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Trevor Lawrence Heisman

Apr 15, 2020, 12:24 PM

That was very wise to wait 2 days before making your first post. If you're attempting to shake your trail it will almost be guaranteed to work!

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Re: Trevor Lawrence Heisman

Apr 15, 2020, 12:28 PM

No chance. We don’t win heismans, we win titles. When the games are blowouts, we play backups because we care about our future. Other teams care about stats and individual awards. In the 2nd half when it’s a 4 td game we got TP and DJ both needing big time reps to prepare for life after Trevor.

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He is perhaps the best QB in America and definitely has the

Apr 15, 2020, 1:51 PM

potential to win the Heisman. Now, whether or not he plays enough snaps to accumulate the glaring numbers and win the media-hype award, probably not.

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Re: He is perhaps the best QB in America and definitely has the

Apr 15, 2020, 2:55 PM

In my opinion, it will be very difficult for a Clemson player to win the Heisman. ESPN determines who wins this award because the Heisman Committee is a sham. Disgusting politics in college football will not allow that to happen. Hope I am wrong.

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Re: He is perhaps the best QB in America and definitely has the

Apr 15, 2020, 6:21 PM

Espn has absolutely nothing to do with why we can’t/won’t win a heisman. They pumped up Trevor ALL last season dude. If he would’ve earned it he would’ve won it, no doubt. He didn’t. We don’t win heismans because we play backups and we don’t pad stats. Plus we’re very balanced. Trevor isn’t throwing 40 times a game on avg and ETN isn’t getting 20 carries a game. WE 2 DEEP

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If Deshaun couldn't get it then i'm not going to spend a

Apr 15, 2020, 3:04 PM

whole lot of time worrying about it b/c for some reason its ridiculously hard to get one in Clemson. IF it happens, great. but its control by bloggers and media personel. Many of which live in areas no where near Clemson and only gives credit to SEC teams, and big market areas.Bc they're too lazy to research adn do their job. they just take whatever they're told as truth.

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The Heisman was literally stolen from DW4...

Apr 15, 2020, 4:17 PM

and I will go to my grave maintaining that.

Since then, the Heisman is a completely dead/meaningless award to me.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Re: The Heisman was literally stolen from DW4...

Apr 15, 2020, 6:40 PM

You are correct Big CH, Frank is wrong.

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Re: The Heisman was literally stolen from DW4...

Apr 16, 2020, 6:44 AM

I’m not wrong at all. I believe DW4 should’ve won the heisman but we played KB whole Lamar Jackson was taking EVERY snap and running up numbers against the likes of Marshall. Lol they’re all about numbers, not intangibles. What is wrong is your stupid conspiracy theory that ESPN won’t let Clemson win a heisman. It’s childish

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ESPN did hype Trevor but half of them also hyped how bad

Apr 22, 2020, 8:40 AM

the ACC was and that is what will always do him in. Hopefully UNC will actually play consistent this year and help us out in the ACC championship game to create marquis top ten matchup. Thats what alot of this comes down to. Big games, big stages, and big numbers in those games. Hopefully Notre Dame has a good record as well. And if possible maybe USuCk won't be so garbage this time around. Playing an SEC team is great but if they're horrible every year then what good are they?

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