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TNET: Furman head coach expects Paladins to earn their check against Clemson
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TNET: Furman head coach expects Paladins to earn their check against Clemson

Aug 31, 2018, 8:04 AM

Furman head coach expects Paladins to earn their check against Clemson

Furman head coach Clay Hendrix wishes his school was getting paid more for Saturday’s trip to Clemson’s Death Valley. After all, he expects to the Paladins to be more competitive than Kent St. was in last season’s opener. Photo by Rob Kinnan / USATODAY Full Story »

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Kent St was a disgrace. They shouldn't have even come.

Aug 31, 2018, 8:14 AM

Maybe even worse than SC St. At least SC St tried.

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That Kent St game was awful

Aug 31, 2018, 8:41 AM

Coach V was furious during interviews.

I hope we never play them again.

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Re: That Kent St game was awful

Aug 31, 2018, 8:54 AM

And the worst thing about it is that Kent State is an group of 5 school, not an FCS school like SC State or Furman.

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Re: That Kent St game was awful

Aug 31, 2018, 10:57 AM [ in reply to That Kent St game was awful ]

What happened with Kent State? Why was Venebles mad about it?

I missed that part, I was out of the country lol

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Re: That Kent St game was awful

Aug 31, 2018, 11:38 AM

They basically came in and laid down in front of us. Threw maybe five passes all game. Every series was run, run, run, punt. No imagination whatsoever. It was pathetically obvious they were here to get a check and leave, not to play a football game. Yeah, I get they were gonna get stomped, but at least try to make us earn it, you losers!

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I had forgotten that about Kent St. That's pretty pathetic.

Aug 31, 2018, 9:14 AM

Good for coach Hendrix to have the mindset he does, and I hope both teams come out of the game with no injuries. I always pull for Furman unless they're playing Clemson.

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Re: I had forgotten that about Kent St. That's pretty pathetic.

Aug 31, 2018, 9:37 AM

I think I blocked it out! I remember (now) that would not have been a good scrimmage.

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This guy talks big, but still gonna get beat just as badly

Aug 31, 2018, 10:32 AM

as Kent did.

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Re: This guy talks big, but still gonna get beat just as badly

Aug 31, 2018, 11:25 AM

I think the point is at least they aren't going to lay down and give up like Kent St. The film for that game last year was worthless

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Re: This guy talks big, but still gonna get beat just as badly

Aug 31, 2018, 12:19 PM [ in reply to This guy talks big, but still gonna get beat just as badly ]

I agree, and his talk causes me concern, is he a coach that would ask or instruct his guys to make a dirty hit against one of our guys if the opportunity was there to do so and get away with it, I hope not. He seems pretty mad about the pay$ difference in what Kent St received, and what Furman will be paid. I guess that coach Hendrix isn't going to take into consideration that Furman can get on a bus and be on Clemson campus in about 40-45 minutes, and Kent St had to get all their traveling personnel on an Air plane in OHIO and fly into Greenville, SC I guess, and then rent buses to get them to the motel, and to get them to Clemson, and repeat back the other way when the game is over. I would say there is a huge cost difference between those two schools in traveling to Clemson... I personally don't know the in's and out's of getting those types of programs to come in and be used as a season opening practice team actually, but I am sure they can refuse. I'm also sure that it's not in the head coaches job description to talk about what they got paid to come in, compared to what another school got paid to come in from OHIO. Coach Hendrix should have taken a chill pill before his interviews with the media!!! But I guess he did soften up once they started talking FB, but still, he feels that they were wronged on the money end of things. I just hope it's a great practice game with no injuries for either team. And HOPEFULLY, Coach Hendrix will see and learn something from playing us that will help them at some point in their season!!! Gooooo Tigersssss!!!

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From a Furman graduate,

Aug 31, 2018, 1:11 PM

I married into the Clemson family. I wear orange on most Saturdays other than tomorrow. I do not enjoy Furman-Clemson games. When I have attended those games, I often have a purple Clemson shirt and a Furman hat or vice versa. I am sure I look bi-polar at times.

I do hope Furman gives Clemson a challenge. If an opponent just mails it in to collect a check it is not fair to either team. Furman players need a mindset of playing to win each week no matter the opponent. If Furman exposes a weakness somewhere Clemson's side of the ball, it is better to discover that now rather than have it exposed at Texas A&M or a conference game. Clemson's 2nd and 3rd strings should get valuable playing time. So, Go Paladins! Go Tigers!

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Re: TNET: Furman head coach expects Paladins to earn their check against Clemson

Aug 31, 2018, 2:46 PM

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Then, Clay. Raisehell at the state to supplement

Aug 31, 2018, 7:51 PM

Hellthey hold us hostage to schedule instate and threathen to take our state funding.


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I've been wrong two times, but this isn't one of them.

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