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Orange Immortal [66598]
TigerPulse: 100%
TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 6:41 PM
My Pop was a "real" hunter.
My Pop grew up as a hunter as that was needed to help feed the family. He had lots of brothers and sisters, all were salt of the Earth folks with solid values. Not a one of them fell short in life. All those boys could hunt and fish as it was important. I learned from the best. My uncles were all expert as to hunting. fishing, and guns. It was the "best generation".
Pop later worked in the Mill to feed me, but missed the outdoors he grew up in. He raised bird dogs, and his hobby was hunting Quail. As a tyke we would let the dogs (Toby and Dan) run as we walked for hours through the brambles (often he had to carry me over them). My Chihuahua (Sandy) went sometimes - she had to be carried a lot but was feisty and loved hunting.
The big deal was training the dogs to "locate" and then remain motionless until we arrived. Pop would walk forward, the birds would fly. Your heartbeat would be off the chart. Mom would cook the Quail as she also grew in the woods and was an expert chef.
Pop knew all the fields/woods/people and was welcome everywhere. This time of year in the back of his mind he would be also be looking for the perfect Christmas tree as we walked for hours. He was an excellent shot as in his youth missing might mean no supper. I too became expert with rifle and shotgun, but early on Pop saw I was not going to shoot a critter. He and all who went with us were OK with that. Often the DeWitt's and the McWaters boys were with us. They taught me in the fields and later protected me as a teen in the pool hall. I had so many great mentors, most kin are surprised at how poorly I turned out.
Baiting a field and sitting in a tree stand or around a baited Dove field with a glass of Chardonnay or cold beer as you wait to murder a deer is not hunting. That is not hunting. Hell, I can sit here in my porch chair and murder deer, and turkey, and squirrels, and Doves everyday, but why would I? Pop would never allow something like that.
Ultimate Tiger [34243]
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Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 6:53 PM
Maybe you missed your calling. Being a Game Warden. Enjoying the outdoors and protecting the animals.
Even though i am a hunter, not the kind you describe at the end of your post, I respect your choice to not hunt.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [99886]
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Hunted 1 time with a group..bringing up the rear I saw a rabbit
Oct 11, 2024, 7:04 PM
And fired at it from behind the others which startled them since we were there for bigger game which was in front of us hopefully.
I calmed down, went along with them to learn and later near dusk was allowed to fire again, at a large bird I “believe” it was. Haa..
Enjoyed the home-cooked meals especially breakfast at the large cabin on a cool ranch somewhere mid SC.
But, never again touched a rifle or gun.
Orange Immortal [66598]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 7:06 PM
[ in reply to Re: TD this --- ] |
I have guns. All my guns were chosen to defend my home from people.
Orange Immortal [66598]
TigerPulse: 100%
Game Warden
Oct 11, 2024, 7:22 PM
[ in reply to Re: TD this --- ] |
As a homicide investigator in Charlotte saw more dead folks than any of my VN friends. Maybe that was my "calling"?
Orange Immortal [60323]
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Re: Game Warden
Oct 12, 2024, 7:20 AM
Enjoyed reading the post. Appreciate all the responses. Kudos to you for being a homicide investigator.
Valley Legend [12603]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 7:07 PM
I harvest wildlife as I need to restock and I enjoy consuming my efforts. But I have never been a trophy hunter nor one to say I shot my limits of whatever. I consume what I will eat or if someone asks for something I will share. Same goes for fishing, I catch and release 95% of my fish, but I do take a few every now and again just like the big batch of catfish I fried Saturday night for FSU game and 5 Clemson grads.
So I consider myself a harvester as needed and acceptable by law, and I appreciate every bit of the outdoor experience just like watching a nice 8pt buck walk right by me this morning as I didn't need to take a nice buck. I would rather take one that doesnt help the gene pool.
But I don't begrudge anyone from legally using the natural resources especially as a consumer of its fruits.
Paw Master [17100]
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Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 7:19 PM
My Dad also taught me about hunting everything from rabbits, squirrel and quail but he was not a deer hunter. He grew up in a family of share croppers and used to hunt with an elderly black man, also a share cropper, who taught him a lot about hunting. I have hunted about everything in the woods in Upstate SC and I've shot and field dressed deer but I made a decision to stop "killing" deer, but not hunting deer as long as I had a good job and could afford groceries. I used to say I was going hunting but just went in the woods and watched the deer and other animals walk by.
I could and still can tell you where the deer concentrate from my home area to the SC/GA and SC/NC state lines. I used to to tell people where they were and even take them to have an excuse to go camping, but not anymore. Camping you say? Well it was required when you have to hike miles to the places and if you're lucky enough to shoot a deer, there's not enough time to hike in, shoot it, field dress it, cut it up and pack it out in one day.
Asst Coach [838]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 7:36 PM
Unless you are wrasslin bears with your hands or spear fishing in the crick that ain’t real hunting bo
Paw Master [17100]
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Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 9:26 PM
Oh, I hunted and found them. I didn't pull off the road, walk in 100 yards and hoped one walked by. I found them, watched them and learned their habits for different areas. I just quit killing them.
I ran a bear off not too long ago because he didn't want any part of it. I also taught my son and daughter to hunt and fish. And if I ever kill another deer, I'm calling my daughter because she's the best at helping to field dress one. If you really want to wrastle a bear, I'm sure I can find you one nearby.
Clemson Sports Icon [58442]
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If you ever flushed a covey behind a locked down pointer or setter...and YOU
Oct 11, 2024, 8:14 PM
WERE NOT HOOKED ON THE SPOT.....something is wrong with you....And I am with you Tug about modern deer hunting. You used to go scout...look for bedding areas and routes between there and a good stand of white oaks...and climb little spikes in a tree to get 25 feet off the ground to hang on the side of a tree for several hours waiting on your feet to thaw out so you could enjoy it....and then if you killed one, you drug it a quarter mile or so to the truck....Now days, I see videos of guys climbing a ladder into a plywood blind, with CARPET on the floor so you don't make any noise,hot coffee (well, I did have a thermos),a small heater, and a BENCH REST to shoot off of.....I just don't see the sport in that at all...
Valley Legend [12603]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: If you ever flushed a covey behind a locked down pointer or setter...and YOU
Oct 11, 2024, 8:27 PM
10-4 on this! Was in California 2yrs ago hunting with friend that Trials GSPs and it was a blast. But I hunted upland birds in Iowa behind dogs multiple times and I appreciate watching the dogs doing what they do with pure pleasure.
My friend has since moved to Montana and she has 4 GSPs now abd wants me to come up next month but I dont think I can. Montana has 13 species of upland game birds and I will be there next year if I cant go next month.
While I enjoy the hunt, the harvest, I also enjoy the dynamic of 2 great pointers working together. My Boykin, while not a true pointer, she still had her moments. But usually she would pause and be a great flusher when I released her. Unfortunately my 13yr old girl is in full retirement but she earned it!
Tiger Spirit [9771]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TD this ---
Oct 11, 2024, 8:14 PM
Thanks for this - my daddy grew up during the depression and hunted quail, dove, squirrels coons and possums because they needed the meat. He taught me how to hunt with that same mindset. He didn't much hunt deer. But he put meat on the table with fish and game.
1st Rounder [681]
TigerPulse: 91%
Re: TD this ---
Oct 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
I never hunt or fish these days. Did some as a teen, but i was never really into it.
That said, the animals you harvest likely have much better lives than animals that end up as grocery store meat. And I buy that meat. So perhaps it would be better for animals if we all hunted.
Orange Blooded [2444]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: TD this ---
Oct 12, 2024, 12:35 AM
Really enjoyed reading this Tug.
My youth seems not only a lifetime ago, but also a different life. Hunted and fished as a purpose: Put food on the table. I remember going out before sunrise and sitting/watching quietly as nature wakened. I seem to recall always coming home with something. Sometimes a lot. I was quite adept at cleaning squirrels and rabbits. It’s strange how the things I did so easily in my youth seems to turn my stomach a bit now.
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