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Speaking of TAMU
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Speaking of TAMU

Aug 7, 2019, 5:32 PM

I wonder where they will hold their “yell practice”. I’d also add that I hope all Tiger fans show respect for their tradition and just leave them alone.

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Re: Speaking of TAMU

Aug 7, 2019, 5:54 PM

I think I read in another post they will be having Yell Practice somewhere in Greenville. I think the Aggies are good with visitors who attend as long as they are respectful and enjoy it with them. The first time they had it in Columbia the coot fans really showed their true colors and wanted to fight. We would not and have not taken that approach in previous games with them....

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Re: Speaking of TAMU

Aug 7, 2019, 8:56 PM


1 - Virtually certain it will be in Greenville, though I haven't heard an official announcement. It was in Greenville the last time we visited (2005 ish).

2 - Absolutely correct - We enjoy respectful fans of other schools coming out to it. I think many of your fellow Clemson travellers enjoyed seeing the home version of Midnight Yell in College Station last year. I have no doubt though if any of you show up, it will great - y'all were great guests in Aggieland last year.

Gig 'em

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Re: Speaking of TAMU

Aug 7, 2019, 9:10 PM

Be cool to check it out in person! One of the very cool traditions in college football. I pray we don't have any of that 10% show up and be disrespectful. I don't we will; not CU fans style!

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Speaking of TAMU

Aug 7, 2019, 9:28 PM

Meh... Honestly, we have held away game Yell Practices and had some of the opposing fans "sportingly oppose" it. It can make it fun, if done right. Our Yell Leaders tell a joke about the opposing school, usually corney as hell. We have thick skins as long as it's meant to be fun.

On the other hand, I made the trip to Lubbock (aka "Lubbuttox"), TX for the game with Texas Tech... once... note... once. Let's just say their fans showed up at Yell and were not too sporting about it. Will never forget the sound of beer bottles breaking all around us in a Wal-Mart parking lot...

No idea yet where it will be in Greenville, but if I remember to do it, I'll post it on your board.

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Re: Speaking of TAMU

Aug 8, 2019, 12:18 AM

I believe breaking beer bottles in a Wal-Mart parking lot IS a Tech tradition. It’s like an internship for a “career” of sweeping Wal-Mart parking lots......after they graduate from Tech.

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