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TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times
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TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 8:01 AM

TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

In an exclusive interview with TigerNet, IPTAY CEO Davis Babb says the organization is facing serious times but also said he is hopeful that IPTAY can rise to the challenge despite the difficult situation and not fall short of funding requirements. Full Story »

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IPTAY expenses need to get severly cut back, ASAP.

Aug 4, 2020, 8:42 AM

Every industry is currently re-evaluating every aspect of their go forward strategy, and unless you are delivering goods folks need to survive - decisions to cut (or at least postpone) major projects and even employees (furloughs) must be made.

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There's no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people who ask questions.

Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly

Aug 4, 2020, 8:45 AM

Businesses need to be able to weather challenges. I would understand if we were entering year 2 or 3.

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Re: Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly

Aug 4, 2020, 11:19 AM


$8 million for operating expenses out of a $38 million commitment. Sounds like significant mismanagement of overhead expenses.

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Re: Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly

Aug 4, 2020, 12:21 PM

IPTAY’s operating expenses are grossly out of line with their revenue. I won’t continue to support IPTAY until they realign their operational picture to be competitive.

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Re: Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly

Aug 4, 2020, 12:21 PM [ in reply to Re: Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly ]

IPTAY’s operating expenses are grossly out of line with their revenue. I won’t continue to support IPTAY until they realign their operational picture to be competitive.

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You can say that again!***

Aug 4, 2020, 3:14 PM

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly

Aug 4, 2020, 11:32 AM [ in reply to Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly ]

I am a IPTAY member and season ticket holder for almost 50 years. $10/year and tickets $5 each. We didn't have teams like we do today, nor the stadium or BB arena. If you had season tickets to FB, then all other athletic games were free. A group of us decided to send an extra $10 every time we lost. Then we just decided to increase our IPTAY level to begin with. We bought season tickets no matter where we lived. We sold or gave them away. My point: I don't plan to take a refund, but actually send more. I know this will not work for all of us. Some are really suffering, and a refund of season tickets would be a windfall; take it. You can catch back up in later years. I live 600 miles form Death Valley for last 10 years and in Canada before. I'm not taking a refund, in fact I will send more.
I trust IPTAY since I was a student, since it was $10 and all you got was a brochure weekly in FB season and monthly otherwise. No hint of corruption. Sure, some employees may be laid off. But we can't lay off athletes. That would kill recruiting.
Don't let your IPTAY membership lapse, nor season ticket buying. Sure, seat selection and parking is gonna get screwed up, at least this year. IPTAY will do their best based on priorities. My seats may be one of those that has a cross on it and vacant. I couldn't sit there and I couldn't sell the tickets. But I can eat it and will.
Don't be the one that will regret a decision later.
Go Tigers!

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Re: Sounds Like IPTAY Managed It's Resources Poorly

Aug 5, 2020, 6:36 AM

Sounds good; I do want to interject one thought though. If players start to earn money from the use of their likeness and all that, then IPTAY and the school should require the player to pay for his college and the expenses of football. It doesn't make sense that certain players receive revenue but not pay expenses. Business is about revenue minus expenses. If it becomes a business for players, then IPTAY is no longer needed (depending on how much they earn); Let the revenue generating players also participate in the expense of college and college sports.

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Re: IPTAY expenses need to get severly cut back, ASAP.

Aug 4, 2020, 9:11 AM [ in reply to IPTAY expenses need to get severly cut back, ASAP. ]

If asked I would consider donating my 2020 IPTAY payment if no or little attendance is permitted. I might consider donating my ticket payment. I live in a state which requires travelers from SC to self-quarantine if they come into the state, and my company has made it mandatory for me to self-quarantine for two weeks if I travel to and from SC, so chances I can even get to a game this fall are dire.

BUT, I think IPTAY owes it to the donors to let us know the bare minimum budget, after providing scholarship money, IPTAY needs to get through 2020-2021, and to advise what they have done to reduce their operating expenses (furloughs, salary reductions, cancellations, where it is generally cutting the fat). IPTAY donors are charitable people, but charity begins at home.

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Agreed.. open the books

Aug 4, 2020, 9:15 AM

Let's see where the money goes.

Let's see who donates what and where their seats are. Let's crack this good ole boy code.

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Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Re: IPTAY expenses need to get severly cut back, ASAP.

Aug 4, 2020, 11:08 AM [ in reply to IPTAY expenses need to get severly cut back, ASAP. ]

I agree with every word, and I feel for every IPTAY giver more so than I do for IPTAY. And yes Davis Babb will have to tighten the strings of IPTAY just as the donors have had to do, and prey on the wealthy and lighten up on the donors that has filled those stadium seats for the past decade at home and away games!!!

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 8:57 AM

Time to tighten the purse strings.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:20 AM

It's worse than what the article mentions. Though University athletics and academics have a firewall between finances, The University at large is still the guaranteeing entity for all capitol construction for the Athletic Dept. The numbers for that will make the shortfalls of IPTAY look like pocket change. Imagine how bad it would be if our football team was mediocre. Iptay should be in a much better position than many other fund raising entities at other Universities.

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Refund IPTAY donations? Yall can keep mine.

Aug 4, 2020, 9:23 AM

Only want a refund of tickets, if there are no fans or if we don't qualify or whatever. Nothing will change whether we play or not, get tickets or not, with our IPTAY anyway. THAT donation is solid no matter what.

I think the problem is going to be the debt the AD has to service, and lost revenue from less games, and ticket sales, TV, etc. I expect that's about the same as the revenue that just comes from IPTAY. Heck, if tickets are refunded for whatever reason, I'll just tack that onto our IPTAY donation. I would suggest everyone else do the same, if possible.

But this is going to be a massive problem long term I'm afraid. We were already leveraged in debt, counting on games, wins, 80K people in the stands, and playoffs, and a full schedule. Without covid, we were being "responsible" with our debt levels. But debt is a finicky thing. It can help a lot, until it hurts.

And this will be felt across the university as well, not just in the AD. Clemson's been doing a little bit of building lately....and that has to be paid for.

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Re: Refund IPTAY donations? Yall can keep mine.

Aug 4, 2020, 11:48 AM

In my heart I feel the grandest appreciation for Dabo and our coaching staff. I also understand that that the staff that has been with Dabo from the beginning were making a lot less than they are now, and the living they have come accustomed to living has grown from their beginning, and they, from Dabo to the lowest paid on that payroll should tighten their purse strings also, and maybe give a little something themselves to help ease the financial strain that the FB program will surly face during these covid-19 times.

Nobody can fault Dabo for asking and receiving a bigger piece of the pie that he was responsible for baking. But in times like now where his pie is at risk of ruining financially, maybe he himself should give back some of those cool millions to help his pie to survive for another decade where those millions he gave back has helped him gain even more in the season to come.

I know that I haven't been educated at a university like a Clemson, but a person don't have to be to know that in stressful times, taking less can make it to where you can receive more when times get better and times are good!!!

Message was edited by: allinallorangeallthetime52®

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:25 AM

I pay money into Iptay each year for one sport: Football.

If "women's softball or mens soccer or the equestrian team" have financial issues from one year of a global pandemic....so be it.

From what I can tell, most of the students won't be allowed back on campus anyway....and football is really the ONLY sport at Clemson that generates true revenue.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 3:23 PM

Yes that is correct, but I do believe that Basketball and women's softball will most likely pay for themselves, and if they don't completely, they won't be a huge strain on the FB revenue!!!

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:41 AM

Ok. I'll be fair and a team player, as well as a Life Donor. If we DON'T GET OUR 8 SEASON TICKETS, credit our payment for all 8 Season Tickets and Parking to my Iptay Life Donor Account. Condition for this to happen, you provide me proof that no one else in my donor category gets tickets below me. GO TIGERS!!!

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pac 12 players getting 50% of revenue

Aug 4, 2020, 10:04 AM

If Players get anywhere near the 50% that the west coast idiots are asking for, Iptay won’t get any more of my money. Doubtful any of that happens. Funny they demand revenue in the middle of a financial crisis - shows how intelligent they are. At that point, it’s no longer college athletics. It will become the football version of NBA G league, of which I care nothing about. I have started to watch soccer some anyway. Seems that’s the direction of youth sports anyway.

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Re: pac 12 players getting 50% of revenue

Aug 4, 2020, 2:01 PM

Every group with a grievance, real or imagined, is jumping in. There is blood in the water. That’s what they mean when they say, it’s time for a change. And you know, never let a crisis go to waste.

Meanwhile, no IPTAY refund for me. A credit for next season on my ticket money. 41 year member

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:47 AM

Dear IPTAY: Open it up and make it optional: if you are too scared to attend, you get a refund. I would bet a large number would opt for that and we will have a natural limited number of fans and tailgaters. Those who get refunds lose no priority for next year. I have no idea why they would want to undertake an impossible task of determining who gets a ticket and who doesn’t when a large number of people are too scared to attend or face impossible travel and quarantine issues.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:47 AM

Dear IPTAY: Open it up and make it optional: if you are too scared to attend, you get a refund. I would bet a large number would opt for that and we will have a natural limited number of fans and tailgaters. Those who get refunds lose no priority for next year. I have no idea why they would want to undertake an impossible task of determining who gets a ticket and who doesn’t when a large number of people are too scared to attend or face impossible travel and quarantine issues.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 10:13 AM

This was not year to raise the dues. Timing in life is everything....

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:47 AM

TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

In an exclusive interview with TigerNet, IPTAY CEO Davis Babb says the organization is facing serious times but also said he is hopeful that IPTAY can rise to the challenge despite the difficult situation and not fall short of funding requirements. Full Story »

Dear IPTAY: Open it up and make it optional: if you are too scared to attend, you get a refund. I would bet a large number would opt for that and we will have a natural limited number of fans and tailgaters. Those who get refunds lose no priority for next year. I have no idea why they would want to undertake an impossible task of determining who gets a ticket and who doesn’t when a large number of people are too scared to attend or face impossible travel and quarantine issues.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:52 AM

Please consider making 5,000 tickets available to the general public through a lottery drawing. Perhaps a max of 2 per winner.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 10:11 AM

$38 million? Surely there is one billionaire among Clemson alumni that could make that all go away with one check.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 10:27 AM

I have already gotten my Ticket refund, when they announced electronic tickets only. I have been an IPTAY member for over 30 years and in the past 5 years I have felt like IPTAY has forgotten it's donors. When I called the IPTAY in the past, it took 10 minutes to actually talk to a live person. In January, I called about a seat next to my seats that has not been assigned for the last 2 years.When I got to speak to someone I inquired about the seat and increasing my donation to acquire the seat. I was flatly told that I could increase my donation, but they could not guarantee that I would get the seat. In the Ken Hatfield years, I did this inquiry and got an extra seat when my daughter was old enough to attend. The people there wanted to help back then, now I feel like I am a bother. At this time I leaning on quitting IPTAY all together. Loyalty is a two way street.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 10:31 AM

All of us individuals are supposed to have emergency funds in case we lose our jobs. Meanwhile an organization the size of IPTAY is about to go under due to one difficult season? IPTAY should be able to weather this storm for one season, I get it if it pushes on for years, but one season???

Poorly run. Disappointing.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 2:04 PM

I don’t think “go under” was used.

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Some thoughts based on IPTAY's recent emails and this

Aug 4, 2020, 10:46 AM


1. IPTAY knows that a majority of folks give to IPTAY because of football and to get season tickets/parking pass.

2. IPTAY knows that a significant number of it's 2020 donor base is not going be allowed to get their football tickets this year due to attendance restrictions and as such fears a lot of donors will ask for a refund of their 2020 donation.

3. My IPTAY donor level is determined by my own economic situation balanced with stadium ticket and parking location considerations for football season. I suspect a lot of other donors do the same balance.

4.There is something IPTAY could do to both incentivize donations for the 2021 football season while deterring people from asking for a refund of their 2020 IPTAY donation. If an IPTAY donor does not get 2020 football tickets AND does NOT get a donation refund, then the following applies for the 2021 football season ticket allotment/parking: Add their 2020 IPTAY donation amount to their 2021 IPTAY donation and allot their 2021 football tickets and parking based on this combined total.

For example, a 2020 IPTAY donor did not get football tickets due to stadium restrictions for the 2020 football season AND did not get a refund of their 2020 donation. That person made a 2020 IPTAY donation of $3500 (IPTAY Level) and a 2021 IPTAY donation of $1700 (Tiger Level). For the 2021 football season ticket distribution IPTAY should consider that person to be at a $5200 donation level (i.e. Jervey Level).

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 10:49 AM

They need to tighten up the budget.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 11:05 AM

ESPN contract notwithstanding, try pay-per-view.

... and IPTAY should give a general public account of its finances, including cost reduction efforts as well as how much $ they hold in reserve for emergencies.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 2:07 PM

Pretty sure records are available. And there is a by-law required yearly meeting with budget gone over. Open to all IPTAY members. You should go.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 7:02 PM

Fair enough. But when the "ask" comes, it shouldn't require people to go look for information. Lay out the cards, show the sacrifice, and others will sacrifice with you.

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THIS GUY Looks Kinda Shady...Like a Used Car Finance Manager

Aug 4, 2020, 11:28 AM

Who tries to sell you into buying floor mat protective coatings. I present Davis Babb - CEO IPTAY

Message was edited by: morbidtiger®

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whew... Looks like he sells caskets at a funeral home***

Aug 6, 2020, 2:10 AM

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 11:32 AM

Some of you make me really glad that I moved out of S.C. years ago. IMO, Graham lost his way after McCain died. He’s flip flopped on Trump Who knows what he believes, other than he wants to be re-elected?

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 12:24 PM

You don't need football scholarships if you don't play football.

"championships begin with scholarships", well if you football isn't played then you can't win a championship and therefore you don't need a scholarship. Academic scholarships and student loans are available for the student body.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 7:16 PM

Um??? So scholarships, which pay for their schooling, isn't still needed when they are going to school, in person or virtually....regardless if a physical contact sport is played or not.. Though they have to keep their bodies in shape for the next seasons? They still will need to have the proper nutrition given by the school nutritionists.... They still need a dorm they stay in... They still attend classes...


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How about a little give and take

Aug 4, 2020, 12:37 PM

How about IPTAY allow for legacy memberships so that parents can pass down IPTAY memberships to their children with ease so that seats and donor levels and points can be maintained in exchange for us maintaining our giving in a critical year. On top of that, IPTAY needs to improve their cost just like every other organization that exist in order to maintain black figures. How about that as a starting point?

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I don't like that idea at all.

Aug 4, 2020, 3:25 PM

It sets up a system where it's nearly impossible for new donors/fans/young alumni to reach a donation threshold for decent seats. It seems like it would take a Heisman or Riggs level donation for a non-legacy alum or new member to jump over someone who has had IPTAY donations in their family for a couple of generations.

I understand your point of honoring loyalty, but the other side of that coin is that you need to make it easier for new alums and fans to start participating in IPTAY. If their ability to ever get decent seats is compromised because of legacy memberships, many people will decide it's not worth it.

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"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

I have talked with numerous friends and neighbors over the

Aug 4, 2020, 12:46 PM

past few weeks, and there seems to be a 90%-plus theme of "pay cuts" and "reduced hours" among them. Would be nice to see a little "real world" perspective from Mr. Babb, and some "here's what we are doing to cut costs" as a lead into the "we would like our donors to BLANK". To start where he did seems a bit out of touch.

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Wow. This is a tough crowd.

Aug 4, 2020, 2:14 PM

The man said members can get a refund. If you need it or want a refund, take it. Do what you want/need to do. Any organization would ask its members to think about not taking one.

I’d hate to see reaction if we were still going 7-5 in football.

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IPTAY shouldn't have to refund anyone's donation.

Aug 4, 2020, 3:19 PM

A yearly donation to IPTAY isn’t simply a hoop to jump through to buy football tickets. I know people look at it that way, but that is the wrong way to view it IMO. IPTAY donations are to support the athletic department as a whole, and the athletic department needs those donations now more than ever.

When it comes to football tickets, of course refunds should be given if those tickets cannot be used this season due to COVID. Issuing refunds for those is the right thing to do, and I'm sure IPTAY will do just that.

I don't know anything about the inner workings of IPTAY, but from what I've heard over the years it's a well-run organization that is careful about how it budgets and feels accountable to donors to be good stewards of those dollars. It doesn't seem like anyone is getting rich from their position within IPTAY.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 4:06 PM

Clemson has been blessed with excess. We have spent money based on those blessings. Someone posted salaries - staggering the money spent on salaries. Our AD left GT with 250 million debt. The university and athletics must begin to reduce costs and work on debt.

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Whenever an organization like this...

Aug 4, 2020, 5:46 PM

And I mean one that brings in millions a year, starts claiming times will be tough due to a crisis, it's time to start looking at upper level salaries.

Just for reference, Babb makes $265,000 a year plus a company car and other perks. Like most Clemson admins whose salaries are approved by the BoT, they have been given raises year after year while expenses have simultaneously gone up (tuition and fees to pay academic high-ranking officials and athletic costs for those folks... the budgets are separate). The increase in salaries has gone hand-in-hand with those cost spikes.

Clemson upper echelon officials' salaries and raises have been out of control for the last 15 years.

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[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Re: Whenever an organization like this...

Aug 4, 2020, 7:12 PM

I agree with you whole heartedly

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 8:26 PM

Stanford is a money tree (pun intended) who bit the bullet and cut like 11 programs. That is how you handle shortfalls. I am sure that this was a painful decision, but it is a necessary part, along with personnel and other cuts.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 9:07 PM

Yep, and Stanford has a $27+ billion endowment.

Iptay (Babb), DRAD, and the BOD need to operate Clemson Athletics and The University like a business that is accountable to shareholders and bond holders.

Overhead expenses are way too high. Scholarships will suffer as a result for student athletes.

A day of reckoning may be coming.

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Re: Could be coming

Aug 4, 2020, 10:07 PM

For lots of organizations. We're not alone but need to act with utmost responsibility. There will be pain I'm a fred.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 4, 2020, 8:31 PM

I don't mind IPTAY asking donors if they can keep our donations. That's fine. I wasn't planning on asking for it back.

I do mind being asked--which they haven't yet done as far as I can tell, although they're kind of hinting at it--if they can keep my season ticket money if I'm not going to get tickets. That's not a donation in my mind; that's a purchase. So we'll see what happens there.

I appreciate the position IPTAY is in with regards to figuring out plans for allocating tickets at X% capacity. They should have been working on those plans for months and have them ready to release the instant a decision is made. And they probably do; they just don't want to tip their hand. I sure hope that's the case anyway.

It would be nice if they would give donors some warning, i.e. "hey if we have to go to 40% capacity, you won't get tickets this year", but I also understand that they don't want their phone lines to be clogged for months. They also don't want people yanking their donations prematurely.

I've said since March that my 2020 donation/tickets wouldn't practically serve as anything other than placeholders for 2021, and that's certainly bearing itself out.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 5, 2020, 8:56 AM

In addition to being an IPTAY member and season ticket holder, I also own pro football season tickets. The team gave holders the option this summer to forego their tickets and either apply the purchase price paid to next year or get the payments returned. They did this in part because it helps them know, and reduce, the number of season ticket holders among whom the team will distribute the limited number of game tickets available (assuming attendance is permitted).

From a logistical standpoint for distributing game tickets, the voluntary opt out would have been the way for IPTAY to go. That however would have required IPTAY to actually return or commit to return donor ticket sales money and possibly donations. I guess I don't blame IPTAY for running the clock down until the absolute last minute.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 6, 2020, 9:27 AM

I would have greatly appreciated the opportunity to opt out of season tickets this year, provided it didn't penalize me the next year. I don't know if I would have taken it or not, but having the option would have been great.

IPTAY has run like a mom-and-pop operation for decades and despite having a new CEO and modernizing recently, in many ways they still run like a mom-and-pop shop. Occasionally that has its advantages, but oftentimes it's simply frustrating.

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Now, just maybe, they won't screw up....

Aug 4, 2020, 9:21 PM

the West End Zone with the NFL style seating as part of the expansion. Stop spending tens of millions of dollars trying to turn Death Valley into a NFL type of stadium. Stopping that alone just might fund IPTAY for a few years!! Rant over.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 5, 2020, 7:00 AM

Probably let them keep my IPTAY donation but along with a little note saying

I hope you remember this next time you move me from my parking spot of 30 years to give it to someone who gives more money and probably just jumped on the bandwagon and me and my family (IPTAY Members since the 50’s)
are relegated to the bottoms by the Seneca River and then kicked out of there because of softball stadium

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 5, 2020, 9:38 AM

Why should you get priority just for being there longer if someone is willing to spend more? Because they give more they should get less because you have been there longer? Not trying to pick a fight, just want to know how you think that is right. Some of these people are younger donors (and graduates) like myself who haven't been around 50 years, but graduated and are now successful and can spend the money to go to games. I want to be rewarded and expect to get more for spending more.

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 5, 2020, 10:39 AM

I’m just saying the only loyalty IPTAY recognizes is money. I’ve been there through 3 and 8 and never complained but typical of our world today money conquers all. Just buy your way to the top and don’t care who you step on to get there

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Re: TNET: TigerNet Exclusive: IPTAY CEO says organization facing serious times

Aug 5, 2020, 11:14 AM

I understand your side and point as well, trust me. Loyalty should factor in for sure and as I get older and have been donating longer I would want to get rewarded for that as well. I wouldn't exactly call it spending my way to the top and stepping on whoever to get there. I would argue that I should get what I pay for. I have been through the hard times too, trust me. I have stayed loyal and always will. I love my Alma Mater and annoy people around with me how much I talk about it. However, to your point, loyalty should factor in and should represent a certain "monetary" value as well do increase your chances of staying where you have been. I think IPTAY needs to consider both but as you said, the "what have you done for me lately" mentality will always resonate especially when it comes to money.

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they do consider both- that's why they use the priority

Aug 5, 2020, 12:44 PM

point system. You get some value from years of service, total contributions and current contribution........... it's done fairly, pony up now if you want better priority or chip away years of giving and loyalty. The fact you say you should get what you pay for indicates to me that you need to evaluate your own expectations. You're competing against a lot of other people for limited spots and is based on a system that rewards all of the items mentioned above. You may be giving what you think is a lot to you, but that's not necessarily a lot to someone else(or enough to get what you consider "you" deserve)

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Re: they do consider both- that's why they use the priority

Aug 5, 2020, 9:42 PM

Swing and a miss! You should go back and reread the posts. I am happy with what I am getting and understand how the system works. I don't have false expectations and have evaluated what I give. It was him complaining about how he is getting jumped. I was saying that I should get more if I pay more.....with loyalty factored in. He was complaining about people "paying their way to the top".

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Tearing down a very nice office and rebuilding a

Aug 5, 2020, 8:09 AM

a Taj Mahal. Iptay has never managed resources very well.
That fabulous office doesn't help recruits or anybody else and just provides a place for an arrogant bunch to hang out in suit and ties.
Not too many of them care much about the average Clemson alumn/donor.
Don't believe that try to go over there and speak with one of them.
They are certainly doing you a favor if you ever get the chance to talk to anyone.

They're pretty much a bunch of self-serving bureaucrats.

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Re: Tearing down a very nice office and rebuilding a

Aug 5, 2020, 9:48 AM

I totally agree with your assessment

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I pretty much do, too.***

Aug 5, 2020, 10:23 AM

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Brad Brownell: Only Larry freaking Shyatt has a WORSE overall winning percentage among Clemson basketball coaches since 1975. Let that sink in. It's Larry Shyatt & then Brad Brownell.

Refund donations? Do people really donate for the sole

Aug 5, 2020, 10:26 AM

purpose of getting good football tickets? Interesting...

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Do you think he sent the email

Aug 5, 2020, 11:44 AM

from his lake house or his beach house ??


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