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New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer
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New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 15, 2014, 8:28 PM

Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

The Clemson Tigers will be without their field general when they take the field December 29th in Russell Athletic Bowl, but after a successful surgery he is one step closer to being able to lead the troops once again. Full Story »

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 15, 2014, 8:48 PM

I don't know why but I can't help but be optimistic about the programs future despite all of the changes we've seen in just a few short weeks. Hopefully we can carry all of these good vibes out onto the field for the bowl game and pull out a W from those Sooners!

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LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 15, 2014, 8:49 PM

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 15, 2014, 8:55 PM

Seckinger got hurt off of a short pass play during the Scar game. Got hit down low and didn't get back up. You could tell it was bad as soon as it happened.

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 15, 2014, 9:02 PM

I can't believe they are going to start Cole Stoudt. They just don't seem
to learn. Game lost. OK defense will eat him alive. Our Ol has no confidence
in him whatever. Put this one in the L column.

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 15, 2014, 9:07 PM

Get off the board coot

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Dec 15, 2014, 9:21 PM [ in reply to Re: LCL? Did I miss something?*** ]

who should they start, coach? Really, who should they start? It's not going to be Watson, so who?

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

what the he11 do you know about football?

Re: so.....

Dec 15, 2014, 10:04 PM

The third string quarterback you #######

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Do you even know his name?***

Dec 16, 2014, 11:05 AM

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If i were you id be more worried about whose gonna play defense for your coots***

Dec 15, 2014, 10:32 PM [ in reply to Re: LCL? Did I miss something?*** ]

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 16, 2014, 11:09 AM [ in reply to Re: LCL? Did I miss something?*** ]

Crawl back under your rock you loser.
You are with us or against us.

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 16, 2014, 11:12 AM [ in reply to Re: LCL? Did I miss something?*** ]

So are you rooting for Oklahoma to win? Maybe the new QB coach will inspire Cole. I hate reading posts by people like you.

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 16, 2014, 5:54 PM [ in reply to Re: LCL? Did I miss something?*** ]

Cole is not the only player on the team. Lets support him & OL, DL and Special teams,as we will as a Tiger fan.

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Re: LCL? Did I miss something?***

Dec 16, 2014, 5:52 PM [ in reply to LCL? Did I miss something?*** ]

Don't know if you are a Tiger or not. Have you been gone from this area for awhile or are you trying to be cute?

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Will we ever be able to believe what the coaches are

Dec 15, 2014, 9:03 PM

selling us on Cole Stoudt?

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Re: Will we ever be able to believe what the coaches are

Dec 15, 2014, 9:12 PM

No more than the bridge I have for you in Brooklyn, the Ocean side property for sale in Nebraska or the freezer I want to sell you in Alaska!

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Dec 15, 2014, 9:15 PM [ in reply to Will we ever be able to believe what the coaches are ]

Do you know any coach that is going to go bad mouth a player to the press? what do you expect him to say .. wow, Cole really stunk it up today in practice, he completed more passes to the d than to his receiver.. not sure how we are going to win with him behind center, he sucks.... is THAT what you expect..cause it's never going to happen, its going to be rainbows and unicorns.

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Re: Honestly

Dec 15, 2014, 10:00 PM

I do realize you are correct...just get a bit frustrated to keep on hearing the same "he had a great week of practice"...maybe not saying anything would be better than saying something...JMO.

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Re: Honestly

Dec 16, 2014, 9:54 AM

remember those other guys are 3rd aand 4th string for a reason. Have you seen any practices?

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"Maybe not saying anything would be better than saying

Dec 16, 2014, 11:15 AM [ in reply to Re: Honestly ]

something". Maybe we all should follow that excellent advice.

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Re: Honestly

Dec 16, 2014, 7:40 AM [ in reply to Honestly ]

Actually, Spurrier does this all the time . . . and people wonder why Garcia had became such a head case. That's when I decided I hated SOS. He beats up kids to the point they'll need counseling for a game.

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If you want complete transparency from football coaches

Dec 16, 2014, 11:03 AM [ in reply to Will we ever be able to believe what the coaches are ]

you're never going to get it. And there's a good reason why - look at the example of Steve Spurrier and how his comments about coaching maybe three more years has had a significant adverse impact on their recruiting this cycle.

I know it's frustrating, but when a coach gives an interview you better hope he isn't giving the whole truth.

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Like Dabo said 1st 3 games: Cole gives us best chance to win

Dec 16, 2014, 7:19 PM [ in reply to Will we ever be able to believe what the coaches are ]

Clearly Stoudt was better than Watson. Watson's NFL-caliber TD-pass to Peake vs. UGA was just a fluke. Stoudt was clearly superior for the first 3 games, but Watson studied hard while sitting on the bench for the 1st 3 series vs. FSU, passed a test, and suddenly became the better QB.

Why would we doubt Dabo when he says that Cole (not Schuessler or Olson) gives us the best chance to win now?

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Swinney Blah Blah Cole Blah Blah Cole

Dec 15, 2014, 10:07 PM

It's a big week for Cole. Dabo must be making house calls to Coles mom. Something doesn't add up here. Put the third string guy in there.

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Dec 15, 2014, 10:39 PM

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Bunch of Whiney Hypocrites

Dec 15, 2014, 11:14 PM [ in reply to Swinney Blah Blah Cole Blah Blah Cole ]

If Cole Stoudt has a good game and Clemson beats Oklahoma, those throwing Cole Stoudt under the bus today will be the first to remind everyone that their blood runs Clemson Orange tomorrow. Would a genuine member of the Clemson family demean any Clemson student athlete?

The satisfaction felt when publicly demeaning others for their shortcomings is a true measure of ones insecurity.

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Re: Bunch of Whiney Hypocrites

Dec 16, 2014, 6:01 PM

AT this point, every COOT wants to see more Stoudt. What COOT would want to see us give our back up some reps at this point? We cannot win with SToudt. Period. End of Story. STop pretending.

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Two ligaments repaired...Summer workouts?

Dec 15, 2014, 10:18 PM

Man...this knee rehab time is getting shorter and shorter. This guy didn't just have 1 ligament repaired but TWO! I want him back bad...really bad. What has changed in the human body that is reducing these recovery times for multi-ligament reconstruction? I know they won't let him play until he is cleared, but this kid already has enough Heisman pressure on him, to not have to push him into the battle with a <100% knee.

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J. Marc Edwards
Cary, NC

Re: Two ligaments repaired...Summer workouts?

Dec 16, 2014, 7:51 AM

> What has changed in the human body that is reducing
> g these recovery times for multi-ligament
> reconstruction?

Research and knowledge.


Of course, you can always turn to the doctor turned unethical radio pundit that the cacks employ for the scoop on what OUR players need.

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Swinney has a humongous heart & i do see

Dec 15, 2014, 10:29 PM

Him starting Cole out of sheer respect to the kid that sat behind Boyd for all that time & has had a less the stellar season, BUT i do see him yanking him out the game with his 1st interception. He will then throw in Shuessler & the other kid (Olsen?). Swinney may be a push over when it comes to Cole & its hard to blame him being he has watched & mentored him for 4 yrs, but the man knows how to win. Hes NOT going to let a remake of the WV Orange Bowl a$$ whipping again. Lets just put a little faith in the coaches & players & give them our utmost respect, even if its just because its our seniors last game in orange. Go Tigers!!!!

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 16, 2014, 7:18 AM

How do u call yourself a Clemson fan and already calling for the "L", I don't care who we play before the ball kicks I think we will win every game, I BLEED BURNT ORANGE

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 16, 2014, 7:43 AM

No offense but isn't burnt orange more like Texas colors?

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 16, 2014, 6:58 PM

NO!!!! Burnt Orange IS the name of the Clemson Orange color!

Go tigers... BURN the Sooners!

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 16, 2014, 7:28 AM

He sprained an LCL before Georgia St...tore ACL Thursday before SC. Get it right.

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Watson is the smartest player we've had in a while

Dec 16, 2014, 8:54 AM

As a player, nothing sucks more than spring practice. 3 weeks of drills followed by the reward of getting to play against yourself. Watson has successfully found a way to miss spring practice twice and still earned a starting role! Genius I tell you. ;)

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How about some Streeter interviews!***

Dec 16, 2014, 3:49 PM

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 16, 2014, 5:50 PM

Deshaun, we pray your knee will heal and you will be able to resume your college career and able to play and not be hurting. Thank you for bearing the pain against SC. Take care and great healing time. I will never understand how you was able to stand the pain. I've had two knee surgeries and I could hardly walk. God Bless You.

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Re: New Story: Watson's surgery a success, Swinney hopes his QB will be ready for summer

Dec 16, 2014, 7:34 PM

That good to hear I (along with most of the Carolina fans I know) wish him nothing but the best.

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Cole Stoudt is a QB in the mold of Streeter

Dec 16, 2014, 7:42 PM

Brandon Streeter is a nice guy. I worked with him for a season at one of his coaching stops.

I also attended games at Memorial Stadium while he was the starter. He did not have a winning record as a starter, had career numbers of 17 TDs and 28 interceptions, and had a freshman nipping at his heels named Woody Dantzler. Similarly, the fans openly questioned why Tommy West, then Tommy Bowden, would go with the slow, immobile, inaccurate upperclassman rather than the upstart, athletic, exciting freshman.

If anybody can understand what Stoudt is going through, it's Streeter.

Will that make Stoudt stop throwing DIRECTLY to the guys on the other team? Who knows. But, according to Dabo, it's our fault that Cole is playing so poorly. o_O

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