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So here's what I got on UGA recruiting in the 70s-80s. No better or worse than
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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So here's what I got on UGA recruiting in the 70s-80s. No better or worse than


Feb 27, 2024, 4:55 PM

anybody else's rumor, innuendo, exaggeration and lies. None of us were there on the inside back then and know for an absolute fact. I did have two cousins at UGA in the 70s, and they were pretty well connected. For ex, when one cousin died unexpectedly in the 80s, he was buried in the Oconee Hill cemetery, in the shadow of Sanford stadium. Mostly occupied by Confederate generals, UGA legends and the like. I have no clue how he got in there. My other cousin (his younger brother) spent most of his life in Athens and was a part of the local music scene back then, which later became legendary. And he has a framed Erk Russell towel with blood on it. You either know what that means or you don't.

I was told that the new cars like Hershel got was fairly routine. They said if a big network televised game was coming up, that a GA would go to the football dorm on Friday and tell the players to move their cars to regular student parking. They didn't want all the new cars visible, especially the ones that still had paper tags from the same Athens dealership. They had no reason to lie to me, and I believe them. Nor was I shocked. If you watched the ESPN 30-for-30 episode about what was going on at SMU and other schools back in the day, this was just kinda the norm. And yes, it was going on at CU too, that's just how the recruiting game was played in those days.

I should not have mentioned the two UGA players by name. By all accounts they are both super upstanding guys and were just part of the 1980 UGA nat'l title team. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and overheard some comments as a fly on the wall. In a joking manner they confirmed what I had already heard. Again, nothing shocking...

I used to have a video of a Herschel interview by a local news station after his commitment, and at the end he drives off in his new Trans Am. I cannot find it now on youtube. I probably still have it somewhere on an old external drive or zip drive, but not gonna spend time looking for it.

Anyway, that's all I got.

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Just hanging around the bus station picking my nose.

My apologies, I posted something about football on the football board. I didn't

Feb 27, 2024, 6:33 PM

say anything about Trump, Biden, Nikki, Libtards, MAGATs, RINOs, guns, Jesus, the refs, or what I had for breakfast.

I'm a slow learner.

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Just hanging around the bus station picking my nose.

Re: So here's what I got on UGA recruiting in the 70s-80s. No better or worse than


Feb 27, 2024, 6:50 PM

UGA has been dealing from the bottom of the deck or had an Ace up their sleeve for as long as I can remember. I believe that have connections to higher connections and also believe IGA has recruited under the table since the Vince Dooley days. Also, I don’t believe school staff or coaches care if their football players graduate or not or whether they can read or write. At Ga. winning is all that matters.

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Well, the other thing is... and I've been saying this for probably 40 years....

Feb 27, 2024, 7:27 PM

UGA has the most natural recruiting advantage in the nation. For whatever reason, the state of GA produces the most football studs (per capita) than just about any other state in the nation. And almost all of em grow up bleeding red and black. It's not like they have any instate competition... GaT ain't getting nobody that UGA wants. Heck, Clemson is probably the biggest threat.

Fla has a ton of great athletes, but you got FSU, UF, Miami and other schools going after them. Calif, Texas, etc... they all have a lot of schools that battle over the top HS athletes. Even LSU can't lock down their state the way UGA does. Bottom line is - UGA will probably always have the most pure talent on the field. Always have and always will.

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Just hanging around the bus station picking my nose.

Re: So here's what I got on UGA recruiting in the 70s-80s. No better or worse than

Feb 27, 2024, 7:43 PM

No one cares.

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True. And no one cares about anything you post. But you still do.

Feb 27, 2024, 7:56 PM

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Just hanging around the bus station picking my nose.

Replies: 5
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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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