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Should Cain and Watson be in the stadium working on timing now, or 1st thing in the a.m.?
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Should Cain and Watson be in the stadium working on timing now, or 1st thing in the a.m.?

Sep 6, 2015, 9:48 PM

Long snapper and punter should join them.

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Re: Should Cain and Watson be in the stadium working on timing now, or 1st thing in the a.m.?

Sep 6, 2015, 10:19 PM

What the h311 are you talking about?!

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Re: Should Cain and Watson be in the stadium working on timing now, or 1st thing in the a.m.?

Sep 6, 2015, 10:22 PM

the idiocy on this board knows no bounds

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Re: Should Cain and Watson be in the stadium working on timing now, or 1st thing in the a.m.?

Sep 6, 2015, 10:25 PM


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Schussler is the one who missed him wide open for TD

Sep 6, 2015, 10:29 PM

I'd be more concerned about McCloud trying to field those line drive shots from the punter.

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Re: Should Cain and Watson be in the stadium working on timing now, or 1st thing in the a.m.?

Sep 6, 2015, 10:32 PM

Good grief. DAPOTD

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Haha. Must've missed the article mentioning DW and AS running routes in the dark on a Fri night

Sep 6, 2015, 10:43 PM

To perfect timing, etc...

It's what the greats do. Put in the extra time. Work while everyone else sleep's or party's.

Think Rocky drinking a couple of raw eggs @ 4am before a long winter run in philly.

Our punter needs to be punting balls until either his leg falls off or he can consistently pin it inside 10 yd line.

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I think they should probably go work on their studies. You

Sep 6, 2015, 10:49 PM

know, being that they are all student athletes and that sort of thing ;)

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Re: Haha. Must've missed the article mentioning DW and AS running routes in the dark on a Fri night

Sep 6, 2015, 11:19 PM [ in reply to Haha. Must've missed the article mentioning DW and AS running routes in the dark on a Fri night ]

If you're saying this because Williams is out, Cain doesn't back up Williams Thompson is his back up. Secondly the players are only allowed 20 hours a week for football, NCAA rule and the team must keep records. The punter, well you can practice all you like and if you don't have the talent it won't matter.

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Re: Haha. Must've missed the article mentioning DW and AS running routes in the dark on a Fri night

Sep 6, 2015, 11:21 PM

I'm pretty sure they are only allowed 20 hours of organized practice a week.

If DW4 and all of the receivers want to go run routes and throw the ball around in their free time there is nothing the NCAA can do about that.

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^^^^^^This^^^^^^ They can be out there all day if that's how they choose to spend their leisure time

Sep 7, 2015, 9:04 AM

> I'm pretty sure they are only allowed 20 hours of
> organized practice a week.
> If DW4 and all of the receivers want to go run routes
> and throw the ball around in their free time there is
> nothing the NCAA can do about that.

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Leisure time

Sep 7, 2015, 6:54 PM

As much as I love Thompson and G-Hop, neither have 3/4ths the talent (Speed/Hands/Open field elusiveness/knack for defying the expectated unlikeliness of finding a way into endzone from anywhere on outside the redzone).

Thomp and Hop have the experience, timing, tendencies down pat with DW and would be the only reason for the more talented Cain not being fully utilized vs UL/ND/GT.

Watson can help change that - only if he's willing to work many hrs off the clock.

Hey, Puffy/P Diddy/ Puff Daddy's 1st job was unpaid (after begging to work for free to learn industry) at a major recording corporation.

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