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Clemson Conqueror [11271]
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Congrats to the players and media of College Football
Jan 18, 2025, 9:37 AM
College sports have become Iraq, post Saddam. We've effectively knocked the Iraqi Regime (NCAA) out of being able to control anything (with more lawsuit Ls to come), and we now have a void in leadership. Terrorist networks (tampering Athletic Depts) are running the show everywhere, Defense Contractors (players) and dirty politicians (NIL agents) are making tons of money, and American taxpayers (fans) are becoming more and more frustrated. The only way anything changes is when everyone begins losing money. Fortunately, fans control the cash... But, just like the American taxpayer, group self-discipline to cut off funding, stop watching, and motivate change is lacking.
Fans are hoping a change will be initiated. But by who when everyone is making so much?
Orange Immortal [60175]
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Re: Congrats to the players and media of College Football
Jan 18, 2025, 10:06 AM
Excellent assessment!!!
We can all say it, but if your team is playing, you're going to watch. Tampering doesn't bother me too much. It's always been and will be. But that can be controlled to the point that if proven, you don't play. It won't be the ncaa but there's got to be a governing body.
Imo, everything can be controlled except nil. Nil brings the whole thing down. But nil is free market and capitalism. So, imo, the only feasible option is to set up a new governoring body that implements the pro system. Got to have contracts for the players and there has to be a salary cap. I really don't see anything else now that it's open season.
Clemson Conqueror [11271]
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Re: Congrats to the players and media of College Football
Jan 18, 2025, 10:16 AM
Even with a new system, NIL can't be controlled. Donors will always be able to flow money through a business or NIL endeavor. Also, the schools that create the biggest platforms for true NIL (i.e. Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, etc.) will keep whipping schools with smaller platforms (i.e. TCU, Clemson, Tennessee, Alabama, etc).
The question becomes... What is Clemson doing to create a larger platform for players to leverage personal (true) NIL deals?
Campus Hero [13768]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Congrats to the players and media of College Football
Jan 18, 2025, 10:24 AM
Surprisingly, Clemson’s NIL purse jumped from around 17th largest to top 10 largest amongst public universities. We just haven’t been using it the same way. I remember the first Clemson NIL deal was DJ with BoJangles and Beats. That was a true NIL deal. That’s what it all has to become. Those changes can be made by Congress and the senate. Tommy Tuberville is working on a bill right now!
Clemson Conqueror [11271]
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Re: Congrats to the players and media of College Football
Jan 18, 2025, 11:05 AM
I'd bet everything I own that Clemson won't even be in the top 15 in 2-3 years, and the annual "NIL/Rev Share Salary" for football will look something like this (sustained salary...not one random year), in rank order:
Sustained NIL+Rev Share Football Annual 'Salaries' School Ranking
#1-2 - $80-100M per year #3-5 - $70-80M per year #6-#10 - $60-70M per year #11-14 - $40-60M per year #15-20 - $35-40M per year #21-30 - $30-35M per year #31-50 - $25-30M per year #51-70 - $20-25M per year
Campus Hero [13768]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Congrats to the players and media of College Football
Jan 18, 2025, 10:21 AM
Spoken like a true soldier. Great analogies as well.
It is broken. I’m an addict and can’t stop watching. It’s attached to my heart strings.
The ONLY hope we have is government regulations. Congress could pass laws that make them follow common sense. As it stand right now, we have a very liberal judge in the 9th circuit court writing laws and making up as she goes along. Perhaps an appeal to a higher court without such bias could make things right.
The biggest problem I see is that NIL isn’t NIL. It’s just a slush fund to pay a player to play. Rules making NIL deals true endorsements of products need to be put in place. The national clearinghouse idea would make sense. Instead of 110 Society giving Cade $1 million to stay, it should be Cade becoming the spokesperson for Pepsi and earn money from his name image and likeness. The tampering needs to be stopped as well.
Varsity [103]
TigerPulse: 92%
Rules need to be put in place
Jan 18, 2025, 10:25 AM
To limit how much you can make from your work, too. Because, if you don't support that, your statement is nauseatingly hypocritical.
Clemson Conqueror [11271]
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Re: Rules need to be put in place
Jan 18, 2025, 10:54 AM
You're right, and the judge ruling on NIL already stated she won't restrict an athlete's ability to make NIL money. No league does that, in fact.
So, nothing is going to change except the drop in the bucket schools will be paying.
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