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Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?
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Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 17, 2022, 9:52 PM

Please remember that Trump started pushing the narrative that their would be rampant voter fraud several months before the actual election. Then the election happened and then he claimed election fraud. That’s fine. Give him a chance to prove it through the legal system. He did not do that at all. No evidence of election fraud to this day. And then January 6th happened. Now to this day he still will not concede he lost the election. How do you people not see-through trumps agenda? He has no interest in reality, and if something doesn’t happen that he doesn’t like he thinks he can just keep pushing that it really did happen and all his stupid followers will believe him. Sadly this has happened if you look at statistics of the number of Republicans that believe the election was rigged. For you believers that thinkTrump really won the election, ask yourself when has Trump ever in his life admitted that he lost anything at all? If you have a brain you should think about this and reconsider your position.

It’s shocking to me that people cannot see through trumps BS. He is a narcissistic personality nut job who has a completely untrustworthy person.

If you want to make the argument yeah I know he's screwed up but he has some good ideas and he’s in lesser of the two evils versus the Democratic candidate, OK. That’s a reasonable argument. Being a lifelong Republican, I reluctantly was going to vote for him until just before the election and then I decided I just can’t vote for this horrible human being.

So it’s just incredibly frustrating to me how many people have been duped by this con man. Again, if you want to say he’s the lesser of the two evils then that’s fine and I get that. But the most shocking thing in my lifetime is how many people seem to be OK with Trump lying his ### off and not calling him on it. I just don’t get it.

I know what’s coming in your responses. Whataboutism responses like what about Biden and others who have seen me post over the last couple of years will say why do you keep posting the same thing over and over again beating a dead horse about your dislike of Trump. Well let me me get ahead of the coming responses and say that I don’t care that I’m repetitive because it’s incredibly important in my view that dear follower leaders understand who he really is, and understand I’m OK if you think he’s the lesser of the two evils. But please don’t tell me Trump is not a narcistic lying con man, He just is.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 17, 2022, 10:38 PM

opants said:

Please remember that Trump started pushing the narrative that their would be rampant voter fraud several months before the actual election. Then the election happened and then he claimed election fraud. That’s fine. Give him a chance to prove it through the legal system. He did not do that at all. No evidence of election fraud to this day. And then January 6th happened. Now to this day he still will not concede he lost the election. How do you people not see-through trumps agenda? He has no interest in reality, and if something doesn’t happen that he doesn’t like he thinks he can just keep pushing that it really did happen and all his stupid followers will believe him. Sadly this has happened if you look at statistics of the number of Republicans that believe the election was rigged. For you believers that thinkTrump really won the election, ask yourself when has Trump ever in his life admitted that he lost anything at all? If you have a brain you should think about this and reconsider your position.

It’s shocking to me that people cannot see through trumps BS. He is a narcissistic personality nut job who has a completely untrustworthy person.

If you want to make the argument yeah I know he's screwed up but he has some good ideas and he’s in lesser of the two evils versus the Democratic candidate, OK. That’s a reasonable argument. Being a lifelong Republican, I reluctantly was going to vote for him until just before the election and then I decided I just can’t vote for this horrible human being.

So it’s just incredibly frustrating to me how many people have been duped by this con man. Again, if you want to say he’s the lesser of the two evils then that’s fine and I get that. But the most shocking thing in my lifetime is how many people seem to be OK with Trump lying his ### off and not calling him on it. I just don’t get it.

I know what’s coming in your responses. Whataboutism responses like what about Biden and others who have seen me post over the last couple of years will say why do you keep posting the same thing over and over again beating a dead horse about your dislike of Trump. Well let me me get ahead of the coming responses and say that I don’t care that I’m repetitive because it’s incredibly important in my view that dear follower leaders understand who he really is, and understand I’m OK if you think he’s the lesser of the two evils. But please don’t tell me Trump is not a narcistic lying con man, He just is.

All I can say is 40 years and the career con man is still sucking you guys in. Now you have sucked everyone else down the toilet with your poor choices! Good job fella!

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Re: RollCall who believes election was rigged? Stacey Abrams

Mar 18, 2022, 9:24 AM

Yeah boy ... you're on to something.

Stacey Abrams believes that there was voter fraud (GA gubernatorial election) and so did much of the MSM.

That is, until real election fraud was (and is still being) covered up in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia in the 2020 presidential election. Almost like magic, the MSM quit with their theorizing about voter fraud in the S.Abrams case.

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Re: RollCall who believes election was rigged? Stacey Abrams

Mar 18, 2022, 9:41 AM

Bullsh!t. That is not what she said.


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Re: RollCall who believes election was rigged? Stacey Abrams

Mar 18, 2022, 11:05 AM

Fraud: A person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.

Just choosing your own definition of fraud, and then claiming that Stacey Abrams' decision to not accept the results of the GA gubernatorial election, does not change the fact that she is making unjustifiable claims to being the 'true' governor.

S.Abrams hasn't proven shizz ... despite what her backers claim.

Simply attempting to twist the semantics does not change the fact that S.Abrams has claimed election fraud kept her from being governor.

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Re: RollCall who believes election was rigged? Stacey Abrams

Mar 18, 2022, 1:32 PM

That is simply not true. Abrams absolutely did not claim election fraud, meaning somebody reached into the guts of the machine and produced false results.

She never disputed the veracity of the results. What she did claim - with substantial justification - is that the game was rigged and unfair to begin with, and that Kemp being both secretary of state and controlling the election produced a massive conflict of interest. Only an idiot would argue that. It was, like I said, banana republic stuff and should not have been allowed.

So Abrams, at no point, ever claimed "fraud". That word is not accurate. She did not claim there was ballot-box stuffing, tampering with the results, or that the results tallied were not the results of legitimate votes cast. (Trump and his MAGA devotees still insist this...you still stubbornly insist - despite myriad evidence to the contrary, including Cyber Ninjas' audit that produced 300 more votes for Joe Biden, that Arizona's results were fraudulent. And nobody has ever produced a shred of evidence how this might have been done...because it wasn't.)

Abrams did point out that her political opponent was also the ref of the contest and had found ways prior to the casting of ballots to artificially restrict access to the ballot box. And she has a definite point. Because Kemp, as Secretary of the State of Georgia, was indeed the ref of the contest, and he absolutely did do that, by, among other things, systemically closing polling places at the last moment with no notice in urban areas to create long lines and transportation issues, especially for the elderly. No reasonable person can claim that is somehow acceptable.

Without Kemp's hijinks prior to the actual casting of ballots, would Kemp have still won? Doubtful. The margin of victory was .2%.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 17, 2022, 10:46 PM

Big Tech/ Social Media seriously and inappropriately affected 43,000 votes in three states, handing Biden the win! And I'm NOT a Trumper.

Boy, wouldn't a few mean tweets and prosperity look good right now?

2024 orange level membermilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Modern ballot stuffing was used at around 3 AM in several key counties in swing states

Mar 17, 2022, 11:45 PM

To steal the election. It is obvious.

Anyone who is honest with themself knows that basement Biden didn’t beat Obama’s vote total by millions of votes.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 1:35 AM

Every registered voter is issued a bar code that corresponds to their Voter ID#, you can not just invent ballots, they will not be processed if the bar codes do not match. If the same bar codes, or fraudulent ones came up 35k times as Miura suggested, it would have triggered a major red flag that there was a fraud, this did not happen. You guys are gullible AF. People a lot smarter than you set this up, so just stop.



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Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 1:54 AM

B#llshit. I'm looking at my voter ID right now, and whaddaya know? No barcode!

Got one on yours, do you, oh smart af balm?

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Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 2:53 AM

It is on the Mail-in Ballot return envelope, with additional codes on the ballot itself, you know, the ones allegedly being stuffed in a box at 3:00 AM as Miura suggested? They actually have several bar codes, and number sequences, each with a different purpose; precinct, election, voter ID, mail sorting, etc.. And no, you can not tell if a person voted dem or republican by the barcode, however, you can not just invent bar codes, or they will be rejected, even if you were a master at forging the return envelope, which again, has a unique bar code for sorting, and several others inside to verify if it is legit.

But I am always in awe of people who think they are smarter than the fine people who created this system, as if they can see loopholes nobody bothered to think of first, it takes quite a bit of hubris, and an utter lapse of critical thinking and logic to lead people to these conclusions. Or possibly they would rather believe a lie rather than confront the truth, as in trump lost fair and square, so get over it?

I suggest you work on these things, I think you would be a happier person if you did; fewer dumb arguments at Thanksgiving and on Tnet, a sense of closure, others respecting your sound judgment.. etc...

but carry on.

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Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 5:54 AM


2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 8:27 AM [ in reply to Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread. ]

The US Government has developed CYBERSECURITY to the level that it's IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANYONE TO HACK any American computer system!!!

How could you believe an electronic mail-in ballot system could be manipulated in this day in age?

For goodness sake peeple....

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 8:30 AM

How many people would have to be in the know to pull off this "stolen" election?

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 11:08 AM [ in reply to Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread. ]

You called it with your smartly-crafted sarcasm, CUnext.

And for the high tech wiz's who claim that the electronic mail-in ballot system is foolproof, we can reference the old Mark Twain saying:

It's easier to fool someone, than it is to convince him that he is a fool.

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Re: it is literally impossible for it to be widespread.

Mar 18, 2022, 11:23 AM

Do you have any evidence of this "widespread" fraud that DADDY claims "stole" the election from him? That's right, YOU DON'T.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

So what? There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Mar 18, 2022, 9:03 AM [ in reply to it is literally impossible for it to be widespread. ]

Who says the ballots were ever mailed out?

Who says the ballots were mailed to the right address?

Who says the people who filled out the ballots were the actual correct person for each ballot?

Who says there is no way to override a batch in the tabulation software so that ballots can be run multiple times? Dominion has admitted this is possible.

I could list out probably 20 or 30 more possibilities but it’s not worth the effort.

The idea that Biden got like 81 million votes when Obama only got like 69 million is enough for any intelligent person to realize what happened.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: So what? There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Mar 18, 2022, 10:44 AM

So it's impossible for Biden to have gotten 12 million more votes than Obama, but makes perfect sense that Trump received over 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016?

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Hold up...did you not know the voting age population....

Mar 18, 2022, 10:59 AM [ in reply to So what? There’s more than one way to skin a cat. ]

increased by about 22M people from 2012 to 2020?

Man...it really is incredible. You said:

"The idea that Biden got like 81 million votes when Obama only got like 69 million is enough for any intelligent person to realize what happened."

Like you've done this great research and it's obvious that there was fraud...all along, you don't know even the most basic information on population change.

2012 to 2020 had about 22M more voting age population

2012 to 2020 had about 25M more votes cast

That's based on a higher voter turnout in 2020 vs 2012. In all of your deep research, you didn't consider voter population increase and record voter turn-out??

You really ought to seriously consider stopping posting. You are a misinformation machine on here.

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The election had 25 m more votes counted

Mar 18, 2022, 11:27 AM

And the population only increased by 22 m. Good point.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Google "voter turnout"....sigh***

Mar 18, 2022, 11:30 AM

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More on that...3M votes is 2% of total votes cast....

Mar 18, 2022, 1:15 PM [ in reply to The election had 25 m more votes counted ]

do you not think voter participation can increase by that amount in a polarized election like we had in 2020?

I'm not sure why it bothers me but it does....you actually think you have things figured out, but even the most basic in logical concepts escape you.

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^^ This is how you know the claim of widespread fraud is BS***

Mar 18, 2022, 7:39 AM [ in reply to Modern ballot stuffing was used at around 3 AM in several key counties in swing states ]

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 5:38 AM

Hillary leveled those accusations in 2016. Stacey Abrams still says so. Ditto Trump.

No to all three.

Hillary even told Biden not to accept the results of the election if Trump won.

All three have done a disservice to the country.

Message was edited by: rons1®

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 8:41 AM

Hillary was a sore loser, yeah. So was Abrams. But their accusations were a little different. Hillary accused Trump of being aided by massive interference from Russia. He undeniably was. Their troll farm was shown to have absolutely flooded our social media with pro-Trump, anti-Clinton messaging, and their state security apparatuses undeniably hacked the DNC and posted those contents to WikiLeak (via Roger Stone!) two weeks before the election, which had a notable effect. (Mind, this in no way changed the fact that Hillary massively underestimated Trump's grassroots support, ran a lazy, complacent campaign, and was a weaksauce candidate to begin with.)

Abrams pointed a finger at restrictive voting laws, and the manner in which Brian Kemp, who was running for governor even as serving as Secretary of the State of Georgia, strategically opened and closed polling places and forced black voters to face long lines. There was some credence to those accusations, whatever you think of Abrams, and it was definitely a massive banana-republic type conflict of interest that never should have been permitted.

But neither said: "the system itself is fraudulent and the results are bogus and we really actually won", and then refused to abide by the results. They just whined about the ground rules being unfair.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 11:15 AM

Please ... not the 'Trump was "aided by massive interference from Russia"' thing again.

The Steele dossier has been proven in court to be Bull Shizz ... and by inference (in the absence of any other 'proof' of Trump / Russia 'collusion') ... the Russia conspiracy / Trump election success conspiracy theory has been debunked.

Accusations of fraud are not limited to those which are holistic. Fraud can take place on micro and macro levels.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 5:13 PM [ in reply to Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged? ]

And Hilary did attend the inauguration and did not hold a rally on inauguration day and incite a riot.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 7:22 AM

I would really love to see a mean tweet right about now. I’m thinking millions agree with me.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 7:34 AM

Do you believe the election was stolen, or were the J6 riots based on a lie from a sitting POTUS? I'll wait.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 7:41 AM

I’ve accepted the idea that millions of people really were stupid enough to give the congress, senate,and presidency to the democrats.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 7:48 AM

At least we agree that the J6 riots were from lies told by a sitting POTUS. Sad that you would like to see more tweets like that. Also, why is Putin the only person immune from "mean tweets"?

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 8:03 AM

No idea. I don’t think about much of this stuff these days. I’m just out here basking in the utopia created by the democrats. So glad they have control now.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 8:32 AM

Very hard to believe DT was up 10% in Pencilvania with 90% of votes in and he lost that state. Not logical. Almost, if not impossible. I love numbers, I've always been good with them. Ive learned a few things about them. They never lie, but can be manipulated to the narrative.

Also,in situations when power or lots of money is involved is generally when numbers are manipulated

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For relaxing times, make it Suntory time

I'm pretty sure your math is off here....

Mar 18, 2022, 9:01 AM

I don't believe Trump was up by 10% with 90% of the votes counted.

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Re: I'm pretty sure your math is off here....

Mar 18, 2022, 9:18 AM

He was up by substantial numbers in several states and it flipped. I'm not a Trump homer,but several things. Biden has averaged adding roughly a trillion $$$ in debt per month since in office. Gas prices are obviously through the roof. Obviously causes inflation on everything. We have natural oil here to sustain and lower inflation. Uncle Joe will not allow it.

The funniest and most ironic thing is cows farting emitting methane lol. So this administrations idea is to cut down beef consumption....That means more cows farting if I don't eat a filet or T-bone.

It's just backwards thinking

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For relaxing times, make it Suntory time

Re: I'm pretty sure your math is off here....

Mar 18, 2022, 9:54 AM

yeah, let's change the topic when we get caught making shit up.

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Huh? I thought we were talking about vote count in PA....

Mar 18, 2022, 10:23 AM [ in reply to Re: I'm pretty sure your math is off here.... ]

Trump wasn't up by 10% with 90% of the votes in.

As long as we agree that your statement was wrong, then....

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

He’s good with numbers, he said so himself.***

Mar 18, 2022, 12:38 PM

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Also expert on 'Pencilvania'***

Mar 18, 2022, 1:17 PM

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 9:57 AM [ in reply to Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged? ]

Pennsylvania had 2.5 million mail in ballots that were not counted until after the election was over. Of course a majority of those were going to be for Biden since Trump and conservatives had been railing against mail in voting. They wanted the people in urban areas to have to stand in long lines in the cold in the middle of a pandemic.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

The problem is, this was the most watched election in years

Mar 18, 2022, 8:44 AM

so there were a bunch of people who have no idea how elections are run thinking that something isn't done right.

That would be like me observing the functioning of a nuclear submarine and railing about stuff not being done right. I have no clue how those work

We see that with the comments ITT

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I like your funny words magic man

Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 10:48 AM

Just like you people like to whine about Russian Interference, yes there was and still is MAJOR INTERFERENCE in the election process by monopolies that spew leftist propaganda - namely MSM and social media.

I mean really, just take the HB laptop example which is 100% true and real, but MSM and social media not only chose not to cover it, but SUPPRESSED it. They actively suppressed it and continue to do so. That's the definition of propaganda. There is legit evidence, LEGIT, about Brandon having inappropriate relations with Chinese industry and probably the CCP. It's there.

That laptop has more important evidence on it than the Steele Dossier ever thought about having.

So, was their wide spread election fraud in terms of ballot counts - probably not.

But, was the election swayed by liberal monopolies? YES.

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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 11:17 AM

Timely example:



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Re: Roll Call, who believes the election was rigged?

Mar 18, 2022, 11:34 AM

Unfortunately, it isn't a "timely" example.

NYT is having trouble maintaining their aura (if you can call it that) of credibility.

They conveniently wait until a 'revelation' is too old to help their political opponent (i.e., DJT in this case) before acknowledging something.

18 months late works out well for NYT, and they can always use their belated acknowledgement of Hunter's criminality as evidence of their fair and balanced reporting.

But the fools believe what they want to believe ... and as long as the NYT is a main source of their information, then they blissfully bask in their ignorance.

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