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Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU
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Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU

Jun 8, 2015, 11:14 AM

they were on a steady decline and underachieving in both recruiting & on field performance. Bowden was a HOF coach who built FSU into a national power, but his time had passed and they had to move on. There was a lot controversy when he was "forced out" both about the way it was handled, and the new coach that was brought in. But everyone knew it had to be done, and a program on a solid foundation and a history of winning can bounce back and sooner than you think. In only 4 years, they won a NC with Jimbo, who i still have my doubts about. I know there are differences when comparing that to Clemson Baseball's current state, but there are also a lot of similarities.

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Re: Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU

Jun 8, 2015, 11:19 AM

A new coach wasnt brought in at FSU. Jimbo was the coach in waiting. Firing Bobby was as much about not losing Jimbo as anything. There was no rocky transition. No interruptions in recruting.

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Re: Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU

Jun 8, 2015, 11:24 AM

Jimbo was a part of the reason for Bobby's last few years being rocky. I do not want a "win at any cost" coach like Jimbo taking over Tiger baseball.

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bobby says he stopped recruiting along the lines, that it

Jun 8, 2015, 11:39 AM

was "laziness" on his part and that stellar recruiting classes were filled with mostly skilled guys, so fsu suffered.

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Re: Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU

Jun 8, 2015, 11:28 AM [ in reply to Re: Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU ]

Yep, while I hope a new coach can get us in the hunt. Comparing fsu football to Clemson baseball situation is comparing apples and oranges.

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"Clemson has been historically better than Carolina. That's pretty obvious." - Classof09

"No one knew we were overhyped until the season started." - Classof09

fsu avoided a payout to jimbo by having

Jun 8, 2015, 11:37 AM [ in reply to Re: Remember when Bobby Bowden left FSU ]

bobby do what he committed to years before, step aside.

they asked jimbo to avoid other hc opps and that payout, should bowden have stayed beyond the time, was designed to make jimbo whole for lost revenue.

Bowden, 78, said he supported the plan brought to him last week
by the president and Proctor, who have both known the coach since
the early 1960s.

"I think it's a great plan," Bowden said. "Hey, when you get
78 years of age, it's hard to say how you're going out, but we've
got a plan. It kind of all started with my contract.

Bowden, whose present five-year deal with the school expires in
three weeks, made just over $2 million in 2006, state records show.

"My position hasn't changed. As long as I'm healthy. [And] If I
can win enough games."

It's the falloff in wins in recent years that has increased
focus on Bowden's age.

"I do have an obligation to the university to win enough ball
games,'' said Bowden, who is 14-11 the past two seasons heading
into a Dec. 31 Music City Bowl game against Kentucky.

Fisher, a disciple of the Bowden coaching family who played and
coached for Terry Bowden, spent much of his time praising the
family patriarch and avoiding details on what exactly he agreed to.

"This gives me some peace," said Fisher, who has not been a
head coach before. "I'm content to wait for it."


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