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Plyler's Blog: Friday Email Bag
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Plyler's Blog: Friday Email Bag

Oct 6, 2017, 10:56 AM

Friday Email Bag

Friday Email Bag
Each Friday I publish your comments and answer your questions. To submit a comment or questions, please email me at mickeyplyler@hotmail.com.

Hey Mickey!

I like thinking about "today" and "tomorrow" On offense I see The Tigers rotating ALOT of players includ

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enjoyed. Thank you. Regarding Chad Morris:

Oct 6, 2017, 12:27 PM

Great man, great tactician and led us to a more exciting offense but then I think Scott and Elliott have taken us to the next level. Chad Morris’ offense was fun to watch. But it was either on or off. There were times where it sputtered and had a hard time getting going. As you mentioned we’ve only lost two under this helm. One being to THE STANDARD in a very well played game and we were right there in it. The other was to a Pitt team where we still scored 40 points. If our oc says he was frustrated I’d rather him be honest than to try to cover up flaws. They actually have some very well designed plays and seem to know when to hold em, know when to play em.

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Re: enjoyed. Thank you. Regarding Chad Morris:

Oct 6, 2017, 12:31 PM

Kenny Rogers "The Gambler" should be the theme music for Clemson's offense. :)

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Chad also

Oct 6, 2017, 6:26 PM [ in reply to enjoyed. Thank you. Regarding Chad Morris: ]

Changed our culture and identity than any coach since Ford. I'm amazed at how people fail to give this man MASSIVE credit for the run we are on.

Chad was also a masterful recruiter and brought in a boatload of talent for Elliott/Scott, moreso than he had.

There is no way to know but to suggest Elliott and Scott are better than Chad is simply homerism because of the National Title.

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I love Chad,

Oct 6, 2017, 6:48 PM

but to minimize Scott & Elliot's contributions is ridiculous.

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"Dabo crushed my soul." --- Classof09

Re: Chad also

Oct 7, 2017, 7:36 AM [ in reply to Chad also ]

I love Chad, and pull for SMU just because he is there. I am a fan of Elliott and Scott as well, I think they do a better job in some areas than Chad did. They are more adaptable to our players and the opposing defense than Chad was.

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Re: Chad also

Oct 7, 2017, 8:36 AM [ in reply to Chad also ]

This is true. No telling what Chad could have done with DW. I think we would have won it all with him. Scott and Elliot have done a great job though and not many can do it better if any at all.

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Re: Plyler's Blog: Friday Email Bag

Oct 6, 2017, 12:45 PM

Mickey, good bag edition this week. Great insightful questions and answers. The Tigers are on another level from 5+ years ago, when we started to show consistency against all teams. Us fans can get wrapped up in the today and lose sight of where weve.been and more importantly where we are assuredly heading. Our coaches are the anchor, and we need reminding of that time to time.

Enjoying the ride is nor time limited. It means to me smell the sweet aroma of success and happiness in Tiger football each and every game, even if it's years.

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QB situation, Kelly will probably be drafted, Isreal will

Oct 6, 2017, 9:10 PM

transfer. he will be a great pick-up for a smaller school. That leaves 4 to fight it out, and one or two may transfer the next year, but not the coming year.

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Re: QB situation, Kelly will probably be drafted, Isreal will

Oct 7, 2017, 7:38 AM

Tucker will decide if and when he is able. He should remain in our prayers.

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Re: QB situation, Kelly will probably be drafted, Isreal will

Oct 9, 2017, 12:20 PM

Tucker was on the sideline Sat in uniform, I wonder if he is practicing?

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As for HJ & CB, they will gain from this yr

Oct 7, 2017, 9:01 AM

And HJ no doubt learned at spring practice ... that said, IMHO both should be researching schools now and leave asap after natl championship ring fitting. Because as much as I love my alma mater and I do, I don't believe in taking away hard work and opportunity.

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