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Playoffs and the portal
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Playoffs and the portal


May 15, 2024, 7:19 PM

In the last 3 years Clemson has missed the playoffs, there are only 8 teams that have made the playoffs.
Michigan made it all 3 times, Alabama made it twice, and Georgia made it twice.
Cincinnati, TCU, Ohio St, Washington, and Texas each made it once.
There are 134 D1 schools, and that means there are 122 teams that use the portal that have not made the playoffs.
Clemson has finished ranked in the top 20 each of the last 3 years. So Clemson remains one of the top ranked schools through 3 down years without using the portal.

If the portal is the answer, why haven’t more teams passed Clemson? Why haven’t the playoff teams made it every year?

How many portal players does it take to make the playoffs?

With Dabo being one of if not the best coach in college football and the 2nd most successful team in the last 10 years, how can there be so many people on Tigernet that purport to know what he needs to do better?

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We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll


May 15, 2024, 8:14 PM

So if we were consistently top 4 that means at least 16 teams have passed us; how many more do you want?

Best is the standard we all want to get back to winning natties not just being in the running. The margins are so tight at the elite level if we aren’t utilizing every opportunity to maximize the talent on our roster we won’t be able to compete with the top one or two teams that are.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

not trying to stir up anything - but a real team is more than a


May 15, 2024, 8:19 PM

roster of mercenaries

I like our odds in the long run

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I hope youre right


May 15, 2024, 8:25 PM

If Dabo finds a way to shock the world and compete at the very highest levels without the portal I’ll be there at the playoff games yelling as loud as anyone else. However, the entire college football operating model has changed and I just don’t see how we can be a top team without at least using the portal sparingly to fill holes.

Also I don’t agree that a player who puts his name in the portal is a bad person who will poison a Locker room like many on this board seem to think. If someone is gonna pay me to do something I love it doesn’t mean I don’t love it anymore.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: not trying to stir up anything - but a real team is more than a


May 16, 2024, 7:41 AM [ in reply to not trying to stir up anything - but a real team is more than a ]

I think dabo uses the lack of transfers as a loyalty to the program and recruiting advantage. He is already frugal with offers so they mean something when you get one and he can say it is unlikely you will later get aced out by a transfer later on. Can't ever say never but his track record implies it would be unlikely

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Re: not trying to stir up anything - but a real team is more than a


May 16, 2024, 8:04 AM [ in reply to not trying to stir up anything - but a real team is more than a ]

A bought player DJU cost us 3 years, he was and still is a dud...highly over rated by many of the so c as lled sports experts...no real skills, concrete feet, cannon for an arm but no sights...he was the west coast football poster child...Dabo was patient and loyal...Clemson was in trouble... Dabo can coach and we can still recruit!

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Re: We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll


May 15, 2024, 8:20 PM [ in reply to We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll ]

orrrrr, we finally realized we whiffed on an OL coach... maybe WR coach? THrow in the miss on a 5* or maybe 2 at QB. Notice Dabo's example was on a DB coach for what they prefer.... not the OL or WR coach. LMAO.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Enjoy your laugh


May 15, 2024, 8:30 PM

What’s the DB coach supposed to say when he knows the players he has in his room are the only players he’s gonna have to play a season? What did the OL, DL, WR, and LB coaches have to say. One of the main reasons you use the portal is depth. When we were winning natties we rolled 8 or 9 deep on the DL; our first team guys are elite, but how many guys we got on the 2nd team that would start everywhere else in the league?

But that’s not even the point the OP said that we hadn’t been passed by many programs; the truth is we have. We can quibble about the why all day but it doesn’t change the what.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Enjoy your laugh


May 15, 2024, 8:53 PM

We have had a sub-standard OL for many years. We've had Waaaaay above standard at QB and WR during DW and TL tenures. If we had the OLs to match..... OMG. Even in Tls last year.... the OL made him use all his expertise to even get us to the title game... only to be waxed by LSU. OL was destroyed by a not-stellar defense.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Yeah Matt Luke is gonna make a big difference


May 15, 2024, 9:20 PM

But we don’t have waaay better QBs, WRs, and RBs than everyone else anymore. I’m hopefully that the freshman wideouts are what the coaches expect them to be what we’ll have to see.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Enjoy your laugh

May 16, 2024, 8:05 AM [ in reply to Re: Enjoy your laugh ]

Was it our OL personnel or our system...at times we looked great!

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Re: We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll


May 15, 2024, 8:29 PM [ in reply to We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll ]

Preach Geech… don’t understand why so many are trying their d@mndest to persuade those of us who have eyes that their is zero possibility Dabo could be wrong.

You can always tell how the people like the OP are trying more to talk themselves into we don’t need it than they are trying to persuade others we don’t.

It’s clear as day… use the resources given to you. If Georgia/Bama/Ohio St use it then it’s obviously working.

But they’ll come back an tell us how you can’t keep a roster with the right numbers over X amount of years by using the portal knowing that we don’t mean to go recruit an entire team.

We want to use it to plug up our weak spots just as Georgia/Bama/Ohio St and others are doing. They just cherry pick which is what we should be doing.

If only Dabo knew how ridiculous he sounds preaching we have the guys we have the right guys and then we turn around when the season gets her an lose to Duke/NC St/Miami (with a freshman taking his first snap in college football).

My question is if we’re so good at every spot then why are we a 9-4 football team? Let Alabama go 9-4 under DeBoer 1 time and watch how fast they remove his @ss out of Tuscaloosa. Same goes for Georgia or Ohio St. None of those play in the ACC either which is not the same competition level as the. Big 10 or SEC as much as we all hate to admit it.

Some of y’all act like those 4 losses were all to top 5 teams but they weren’t. Nobody is saying go recruit an entire team out of the portal like Colorado. We’re saying be honest with ourselves and look at the weak spots on the roster and then go fill them.

Please don’t give me the “they have to want us to” bc that doesn’t seem to be an issue when we get 4/5 star commitments from high school kids. It’s bc we put in the time and effort to get them to Clemson. We don’t use that same effort to recruit the portal regardless of what Dabo says. If we did… we wouldn’t be the ONLY school in America that didn’t take a portal kid other than the military schools.

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Re: We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll

May 16, 2024, 10:50 AM [ in reply to We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll ]

You lost me when you said natties. I hate the slang term....

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Re: We finished last season ranked 20th in both the AP and Coaches poll

May 17, 2024, 6:56 PM

Sorry darling...I would rather be top 20 team regularly than be a second tier
flunkie in the SEC...this is all still Dabos call and I still would not trade him for two Jimbo Fishnets and a Frank Broyles! Changes may not be good for Clemson or College football, despite our best efforts the patient may not survive... diagram won't help!

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Re: Playoffs and the portal


May 15, 2024, 9:50 PM

It matters how many good players you have, not how many Portal players you have.

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Re: Playoffs and the portal


May 15, 2024, 10:43 PM

That’s exactly right and we don’t have near enough of the good ones like we used to.

I can literally name off 20 guys right now that have no business on this roster and that’s just off the top of my head without actually looking at the roster.

We didn’t have that issue when we were winning national championships.

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Re: Playoffs and the portal

May 17, 2024, 8:13 PM

We are getting them and building.

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Re: Playoffs and the portal

May 17, 2024, 8:41 PM [ in reply to Re: Playoffs and the portal ]

That’s exactly right and we don’t have near enough of the good ones like we used to.

I can literally name off 20 guys right now that have no business on this roster and that’s just off the top of my head without actually looking at the roster.

We didn’t have that issue when we were winning national championships.

Do you understand that we had much lower rated guys on our NC team in 2016 and the runner up team from 2015? We had a lot of 2 and 3 star guys that turned out to be pure studs, and that was the result of better coaching. We have more 4 and 5 stars now than we’ve ever had. The difference is we had vastly better coaching and developing back then. Our guys the past few seasons have not been properly developed.

We have no lack of talent if you look purely at our recruiting star power on the team. Case in point, the offensive line. That unit has been full of 4 and 5 star guys the last few years yet they played last year like they were still going up against high school competition. And look who the O-line coach was then?

I’m not saying the portal would not benefit us here and there. I’ve no issue against the portal as a matter of fact. I’m saying our problems have been deeper than just talent lately. Maybe getting some talent from the portal would mask some things like Trevor and Etienne were masking things in 19’ and 20’. However, it does not fix the main issue of poor coaching and an almost complete lack of development.

Maybe the guys you speak of that shouldn’t be on the roster would have faired better with better coaching.

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Re: Playoffs and the portal


May 16, 2024, 12:43 AM

Dabos trying to prove a point .

Here’s my question about that, say in 3 years the portal is gone . Will there be an award given to those coaches who were against it all along? It’s not as if a kid whose 14 right now and one day will be a 5* is going to eliminate Texas , Alabama, Ohio State from their recruiting portfolio due to the fact only Dabo was against the portal. 25 years from now , Dabo refusing to try and fill a weak spot on the team because of injury or recruiting mistakes and possibly missing the playoffs due to a glaring hole in a specific position will be remembered. Folks notice the number of playoff appearances listed on the Upper Deck in Memorial Stadium 10-15-20 years down the road. Not whether Clemson is allowing itself to compete with a hand tied behind their back against other programs who fund their programs greater than the GDP of some 3rd world countries, like Clemson does.

If we were Wake Forest and the budget for our entire coaching staff was 5 million and only had 20 people on our entire support staff, then take your stand because we’re not going anywhere anyway. The funding doesn’t match the coaching staffs willingness to make sure Clemson has as much a shot at a National Championship as the Top 10 programs in the country right now.

Go attempt to fill 3 or 4 spots on the roster that we’ve obviously missed on in the previous 3 or 4 recruiting cycles and let’s get back to being a Top 10 program. Really hate for everyone to look back 20 from and say “ man we missed a huge opportunity to extend our dominance in college football “

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Re: Playoffs and the portal

May 17, 2024, 8:23 PM

So it’s that easy to plug those holes with starters? Wow, I’m convinced now.

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The fallacy is that the portal is a magic box of great players


May 16, 2024, 10:34 AM

and everyone can just go there and have their pick.

Dabo has explained how we went after some OL's but they didn't want to come.

I could see where a WR or 2, even a QB maybe but these guys want to know they are going to start, and at Clemson they ain't getting anything but a chance.

Regardless, we can all say Dabo should this and Dabo should that, but its just meaningless chatter because Dabo is the coach he'll do what he thinks is right. It's pretty clear to me that, unlike Tommy Bowden, Dabo doesn't coach against the fans. He doesn't consider our opinions when he makes decisions.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Dude, weve been declining since 2018.


May 17, 2024, 8:07 PM

2018: no losses
2019: 1 loss
2020: 2 losses
2021: 3 losses
2022: 3 losses
2023: 4 losses

Lots of teams have passed us. We aren’t elite anymore.

I don’t think the transfer portal would solve all of our problems, but I do think using it to fill holes in our roster due to injury or players not developing as predicted.

We would need to have a significant talent advantage over every other team for us to be able to get away with not using the portal. It clearly isn’t working.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: Dude, weve been declining since 2018.

May 17, 2024, 9:36 PM

I think the losses of Morris, Scott, Elliot, BV (and some of their staff) and lacking a stud QB and elite WRs the last 3-4 years have contributed far greater to our decline than anything else. Dabo had a coaching system that worked and allowed him to be the CEO, which is his best fit as a HC. Once he had to take on more of the load himself, including developing young coaches, instead of just delegating to them, the system kind of fell apart. And we made some bad hires that set us back as well.

I'm hopeful some of the recent changes will start to get us back on track but I'm still concerned about our OC and his system. I recognize he needs some time to recruit the right type of players to run his offense and that may include a different QB.

We are still a team in transition and I'm hoping this is the year we start to see some real improvement and a step toward getting back to where we used to be.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

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