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TNET: Monday Practice Notes: Freshman defensive linemen continue to impress
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TNET: Monday Practice Notes: Freshman defensive linemen continue to impress

Aug 31, 2020, 9:32 PM

Monday Practice Notes: Freshman defensive linemen continue to impress

Clemson began preparations for the season opener at Wake Forest Monday, practicing for two hours at the practice fields outside the Reeves Operations Center. Clemson linemen dished the latest Monday. (Photo per Clemson athletics). Full Story »

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Player comments?

Aug 31, 2020, 10:52 PM

"*Some kind of activism could happen on gameday but nothing is set in stone."
NO JUST PLEASE NO! We want football not politics please leave this outside of the gameday experience; PLEASE!

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Probably a lowlife reporter asked a question to

Aug 31, 2020, 10:54 PM

bait them into saying something.

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Taking a knee or messages on jersys?

Aug 31, 2020, 11:06 PM [ in reply to Player comments? ]

Don't blame em, as long as it does not interview with game.

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PLEASE...no antics during the National Anthem!***

Aug 31, 2020, 11:56 PM [ in reply to Player comments? ]

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No matter who you vote for, BUY AMERICAN...it's a vote for American jobs.

well, that would happen in the locker room***

Sep 1, 2020, 8:51 AM

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Cat on a tin roof, dogs in a pile,
Nothin' left to do but smile, smile, smile!!!!

Re: Player comments?

Sep 1, 2020, 1:47 AM [ in reply to Player comments? ]

Please do anything that you see fit to do young men. Represent Clemson with class. Yes, JUST YES!!! Have searched far and wide for people who don’t politicize anything and everything and its made me realize that that horse has left the barn. Hell, you cant wear a mask without it being political, cant even go to a simple college Football fan website and read the comments anymore without politics. Go for it KJ

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Leave politics out of your profession

Sep 1, 2020, 3:18 AM

Unless you’re a politician. Exactly why the Tigers need to be the model. Play football, represent yourself as a fine young adult and citizen, get your education. DONT do anything you see fit to do. Generally, acting with class and doing whatever you feel (as a young person) is oxymoronic. It may not work out how you envisioned (or more likely you didn’t envision). You are in that window where you are supposed to be gaining the critical thinking skills that will make you successful. Use the old If/Then test.

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It's sad that Hood and others ask about Social Justice first

Sep 1, 2020, 4:27 AM [ in reply to Player comments? ]

instead of football. It's too bad that sports has to be the face of political opinions.

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Re: It's sad that Hood and others ask about Social Justice first

Sep 1, 2020, 8:53 AM

They've accomplished their goal of ruining sports and driving a wedge between Americans (the left-wing puppetmasters, that is). That was always the goal.

Why not ask Nickelodian channel for our national foreign policy strategy while we're at it?

When are people going to wake up and realize they're being played, used, and manipulated??? (by people way smarter than them)

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Re: Player comments?

Sep 1, 2020, 9:16 AM [ in reply to Player comments? ]

I hope the players do something every game to make people talk about racial inequalities. If it pisses you off so what, dont watch. Glad the players are continuing to use their platform to call out injustices. I couldn't be more prouder of them.

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Re: Player comments?

Sep 1, 2020, 9:30 AM

Agreed. Anyone paying attention knows the powers that be have avoided change for POC, specifically blacks, even in the face of protests- peaceful and violent.

The laws are made to imprison blacks disproportionately and it is absolutely disgusting. If you don’t listen to these great young men about the conditions of the country that they’re supposed to love are actually still barbaric, then you need to open your mind.

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Re: Player comments?

Sep 1, 2020, 11:01 AM

There is always room for improvement, and the level of trust between law enforcement and many black communities could certainly be improved upon. However, claiming laws are ‘specifically designed to imprison blacks’ seems a little far fetched and unsupported by any actual evidence. I don’t know if any current laws on the books that target a race specifically and the vast majority of America would oppose them if they did exist today. I would challenge anyone who thinks America is barbaric (besides what we are seeing from Antifa and rioters) to actually go visit literally any other country in the world (particularly ones with comparable racial and cultural diversity) and get some perspective on just how great we have it.

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Re: Player comments?

Sep 1, 2020, 9:44 AM [ in reply to Re: Player comments? ]

Im perfectly fine with players discussing any topic they hold close to their heart, and I did not particularly take issue with the campus protest event (despite disagreeing with the premise). They are citizens who can freely express their thoughts just like anyone else. I just think its bad taste to use a sporting venue to do it. It hijacks an event that should not be divisive and makes it a political tool. Having said that, I fully expect some sort of activism to occur during the season, and just hope its respectful of ALL points if view, and done with class.

What is missed in all of this ‘discussion’ are actual proposed solutions or push for policy that they think might actually alleviate their concerns. Maybe police outreach to the black community, classes for the black community on how to better handle interaction with law enforcement, shoot maybe even elimination of due process since that seems to be more in line with what the actual current push is.

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Re: TNET: Monday Practice Notes: Freshman defensive linemen continue to impress

Sep 1, 2020, 9:29 AM

Love hearing that our new d line guys are great. Just love hearing how the team continues to recruit at such a high level. Hope this just keeps rolling. Unfortunately, it will swing back to another team, at some point. Enjoy it for all its worth.

P.s. if you want to make your voices heard about other issues, its already there. Dont belabor the issue during at an inappropriate time. If you want my attention on something, be smart about when and how you approach it. Timing is everything. Otherwise, you may lose me entirely.

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Replies: 14
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