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The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common
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The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 1:01 PM

"A lot of people value belligerence in and of its own self. Belligerence is now a virtue."

"A lot of angry men have what I call a core sense of inferiority. They feel like they don’t measure up. And then there is an idea that a Dr. Michael Kimmel has put out there which he calls “aggrieved entitlement.” And that is a lot of men, especially white men, feel like other people are getting stuff that I’m entitled to and I’m not getting it. So I think it’s a complex that has changed over the last 20 or 30 years."

"I think the echo chamber has done a lot to exacerbate and perpetuate male anger. Guys can go online and find thousands of other guys that are just as angry as they are and they bounce it back and forth, getting angrier."


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Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 1:05 PM

What do you feel like you deserve and do not have?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common

Apr 1, 2023, 2:38 PM

elwyn07® said:

What do you feel like you deserve and do not have?

Me? Nothing in my life. Didn't have much growing up but worked my way through college and grad school. Had a successful enough career that when I decided that it was time to say goodbye to corporate life, I could do that without worrying about paying bills. Have a great wife. And a house that is paid for.

Everybody should have the same opportunities as me regardless of their sex, race, color, religion, national origin. I know not everyone gets that opportunity. I know that, despite someone modest beginnings, being a white guy in this country was always an advantage. And I see a lot of anger from people who think if a person different from them is getting a hand-up, that means they are losing something.

The right wing rants on here certainly reflect a lot of what was in that article. And the "belligerence is a virtue" comment absolutely nailed the Trump effect.

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You had more of an advantage than Lebron? And you retired with pennies?***

Apr 1, 2023, 4:34 PM

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Is this a white privilege guilt thing?


Apr 1, 2023, 5:58 PM [ in reply to Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common ]

At what point in the past 50 years in this country was your opportunity not available to anyone?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You seem angry that I'm not angry.


Apr 3, 2023, 8:47 AM

elwyn07® said:

At what point in the past 50 years in this country was your opportunity not available to anyone?

I'm struggling here. I don't feel guilty for anything either. I just want everyone to have access to education, capital, jobs, the ballot box.

It's amazing that you are determined to spin my not being a whiny little twit into being a fault. No guilt, no grievance, here. If you want to cry about others getting a hand-up, when they have been traditionally held down, that says more about you than me. But we already knew that.

"Last 50 years?" LOL. Tell yourself that.

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Re: You seem angry that I'm not angry.

Apr 3, 2023, 8:54 AM

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Re: You seem angry that I'm not angry.

Apr 3, 2023, 10:10 AM

Pardon my grab bag of thoughts here...

There are 614 billionaires in the US. Ten are black. The richest of those ten are, first and foremost, businessmen, while the rest are mostly entertainers and athletes who parlayed their success with their business acumen.

The land of "all men are created equal" had slavery until the Civil War. I don't recall any of the wealth created by that institution being "confiscated." It had formally segregated schools in many places until the 1960s. That baked in some serious inequality in the opportunity department.

Feel free to look at poverty statistics in the US by race. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act was passed in 1974 because of discrimination in providing mortgage loans and we still needed 1977's Community Reinvestment Act to stop loan redlining. Black farmers are still rejected for USDA loans more than any other racial group.

University admissions plans designed to level the playing field are under attack. Nobody's "wealth" is confiscated via these admissions practices. While legacy acceptances perpetuate preferences in admissions from a bygone era.

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Re: You seem angry that I'm not angry.

Apr 3, 2023, 10:17 AM

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Does that explain a year+ of BLM riots?***


Apr 1, 2023, 1:28 PM

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One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males


Apr 1, 2023, 2:17 PM

Do you recognize that the article’s author asks leading questions (‘male anger’ / “Angry young men are in the news a lot these days, between men’s rights activists, the Proud Boys, so much of the alt right.”)? The interviewee (the psychiatrist), rather than amplifying the author’s biases, actually refutes those biases by citing the problem as affecting a broader demographic than just the alt right / white male.

Dude, once again the articles that you post undercut the point that you so desperately attempt to make.

Here are three examples from your article. In the (*) parts, I’m spelling out to you what actually happened.


Q. For readers who might be unfamiliar with your work, could you briefly outline a working definition of male anger and how you think about it?

A. I think that male anger is probably like everybody’s anger, only that men tend to express it differently than women. Men tend to be more physically aggressive than women, men tend to be more verbally aggressive than women. But I think in general, anger is anger.

(*). The psychiatrist, rather than amplifying the author’s agenda to lament male anger, refuted it by summarizing that everyone is part of the ‘anger’ problem.


Q. How have cultural understandings of or approaches to anger changed throughout history?

A. I think that public recognition of some of the behaviors that we used to accept is no longer there. While we are a long way from dealing with a lot of the anger-related problems in men, there’s at least, now, a recognition that physical aggression is usually not acceptable, that yelling and screaming at family or co-workers or other people is not acceptable. So I think the acceptability of a lot of traditional angry male behavior is starting to erode.

(*). In this case, one of the core implications of your post is that the ‘anger problem’ is due primarily by the angry white male. In the above Q and A, however, the societal cases of increases in physical aggression in the family include the black males; the black male population is increasing at rates which significantly exceed the rate of growth of the white male population. The answer, you’ll note, makes no reference to ‘white’ males.


Q. Angry young men are in the news a lot these days, between men’s rights activists, the Proud Boys, so much of the alt right. And that seems to intersect so much with social media and the ways we live online. I’m curious what you make of that, or what you’ve learned about that in dealing with your patients?

A. I think the echo chamber has done a lot to exacerbate and perpetuate male anger. Guys can go online and find thousands of other guys that are just as angry as they are and they bounce it back and forth, getting angrier. I think that there has been a great reduction in civility and reasonableness over the last couple of generations, and I think that you’d be wrong to blame social media for that entirely but I certainly think that social media contributes to it. It used to be that if you wanted to get a bunch of people together to complain about something, you had to make some sort of telephone or mail contact, you had to arrange a place to be. And now people can just go ahead with a few clicks and they’re connected to thousands of people that are just as angry as they are.

(*). This one reveals the author’s lefties agenda. Antifa? No mention. BLM? No mention. Alt-right? Focus of the question. Yet the psychiatrist, clearly being polite, addresses the ‘male’ anger problem by purposely avoiding any mention of ‘alt-right’ adjectives in his answer.

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Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males

Apr 1, 2023, 2:52 PM

I think it is more that you don't like taking a closer look at yourself.

Do you think belligerence is a virtue?

One thing I think that the interviewee nails is that a lot of men have lost a sense of what it is to be a man the last couple of generations. A couple of generations ago, men grew up in the depression and fought in the war. Those things kind of defined their "manhood." There was more "moral certainty" (Nazis and the Japanese were bad, we were good).

The boomers didn't have that. Vietnam was divisive rather than unifying. The moral ambiguity was challenging. Read authors like Tim O'Brien and Richard Ford. One went to Vietnam and one didn't - but the ambiguity really is a unifying theme through their works. James Dickey nailed this (before those two) in Deliverance. Without having lived "heroically" men had to manufacturer heroic situations.

Anyway, if you just want to be angry that the writer didn't mention "Antifa" go ahead. If you are angry that he didn't mention BLM? Yeah, violence by police against the African-American community didn't inspire authentic outrage. Did you defend Colin Kapernick kneeling? Because that wasn't violent.

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Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males


Apr 1, 2023, 2:56 PM

yeah, a book was written about this over 30 years ago called fight club.


2024 free_orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males


Apr 1, 2023, 5:43 PM [ in reply to Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males ]

Very typical leftist mindset. Anger is ok, as long as I agree with you.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males

Apr 1, 2023, 5:49 PM

And it's odd that you read his post as being angry, just because he pointed out some facts about the article. There is probably no one on this board that posts more belligerently than you. So maybe, he is not the one that needs to look inward.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males

Apr 1, 2023, 5:56 PM

Woooooooah, me thinks you mistake "belligerence" for "ironic humor" but that's just IMO and it does not always work, but 75-90% is still a solid B and I find myself totally entertained. Maybe one could take themselves a little less seriously?

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Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males


Apr 1, 2023, 6:27 PM

I agree. You should.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

No chance. He knows it ALL!***


Apr 1, 2023, 8:54 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’


Apr 1, 2023, 9:36 PM [ in reply to Re: One Thing All Angry Men piece: Hardly all about white males ]

You invited me to take a look at myself. You asked for it …

Very long answer coming. Short answers about causes of ‘anger’ are unproductive ‘ya ya ya ya’ conversations. No worries if you don’t read it (or choose to not admit that you read it).


I have strong political opinions about what is correct and what is wrong, but only express them in highly toned down language when in the company of those whom I know (or suspect) are not sympatico to my way of thinking.


Among my closest friends, nearly all are conservative (one notable exception being an extremely liberal guy).


Among my very friendly acquaintances, ~ 50% are conservative and ~ 25% are liberals; other ~ 25% find politics to be a bore.


In my work environment, I am aware of ~ 35% liberals and ~25% conservatives; the others have not provided hints about their political leanings. For those who are conservative, we usually trust each other to provide thoughtful dialogue on topics in which we might disagree (COVID vax, global warming, pluses & minuses of undocumented immigrants, pluses & minuses of public schools and policies that might fix them, ongoing relevancy … if any … of affirmative action, Energiewende, etc.). For those who are liberals, politically oriented policy discussions are avoided. My boss (a really good friend who is on the verge of radical) admits that his (truly radical wife) suffers from clinical depression when Democrat party’s political outlook is bad (summer of 2022). We both make sure that any interactions between she and I are strictly superficial and very brief.

It’s all cool, no ‘anger’ towards or from anyone in the work environment.


In the family environment, my wife, older cousin & his wife, and aunt are the only conservatives in the family. My brother-in-law (his wife died) is ‘as the wind blows’ political; he embraces whatever political figures that his friends like. My brother, sister, nephew (lawyer employed by Fed Govt) & nephew’s wife (another lawyer employed by Fed Govt) are totally committed liberals.

Political discussions are conducted with great care (even among my cousin & his wife, and aunt). My wife and I disagree with their position on global warming (of which my wife & I admit to holding ‘unpopular with most people’s’ views).

Neither my wife, cousin, cousin’s wife, or aunt are ‘angry.’ Disgusted at the flip-flop narratives of the Democrat party? Heck yes! But not angry in the least. Circumstance? My cousin & his wife are well educated STEM graduates who have enjoyed considerable career success and a stable & happy family life. Aunt lives nearby to them.


My nephew (with whom my wife & I have a superb relationship) admits that he is nervous at the thought of his Fed govt job being defunded; having been initially employed during the Obama admin … when the Federal bureaucracy grew a lot … he was deeply concerned that Trump might downsize his department. He shared that his wife shares his sentiments. In summary, my nephew & his wife are bought-&-paid for committed Democrats; both recite Democrat party talking points as if robots … but neither of them are angry.


My radically liberal brother and sister, unfortunately, are truly angry people. My wife and I know their political stances, and vice versa. My wife & I do our darndest to not discuss politics with either one. When they toss out politically charged comments or questions, we either answer them with non-political answers or deflect with a shrug or a ‘you know that we can’t discuss politics’ statement. We all get along fine and help each other out during especially tough times.

However, my only brother and only sister are NPR propagandized lefties. Both (like me) are 50+ years old. My brother and sister are both smarter (based on SAT scores) than me; all three of us didn’t like math. Coincidentally, both my brother and sister chose collegiate majors which were ‘math free’; unfortunately neither of their majors offered any meaningful career prospects unless they got a Ph.D.

Suffering from low self esteem after college (in large part … due their own admissions) from meager spending power due to awful (& low paying) jobs with virtually no prospects for meaningful advancement. Both were mystified how society had let them down. Both were disdainful of blue collar non-college educated ‘rednecks’ who wore uniforms to work, or who drove trucks, or who worked construction jobs. Both were disdainful of the nerdy engineers and accountants who slaved over their boring jobs just so that they could make lots of money to support their boring lives. Both overtly profess to be sympathetic to ‘oppressed blacks,’ but are Negro phobic and avoid contact with black people except in the work environment (which neither one can avoid). The materially modest blacks who they perceived to be their peers in the ‘social ladder’ were their proxies for being disregarded by society. They know (from me) that BLM is good for the slogan, but doesn’t pay out well to the black people whom BLM purports to help. Better pay-out black oriented charities are of no interest to them (not that they have any money to donate anyways). BLM signs can be gotten for ~$30 (affordable for virtue signaling). In other words, sadly, my brother & sister are both virtue signalers who care little about blacks.

Society owed them a good living; after all, they are college graduates who (in their own minds) studied hard and should have prestigious jobs in the arts and social work.

They are entitled; society let them down; those ‘social status rival’ blue collar rednecks we’re doing better than them (respectable homes, fancy vehicles [El Camino, Chevy Blazer, Ford 500, etc],

They are both angry and disdainful of the American values which allowed others to prosper … but which had also relegated them to meager lives.

Democrat social oriented politics … pushing the idea that everyone is equal and entitled to America’s bounty, disdain greedy rich people have taken too much money and who don’t want to pay for what they have to offer, disdain for the ignorant (& better off) blue collar rednecks who they perceive look down on them and their black ‘proxy’ sufferers … hit all the right notes with them. NPR makes them feel smart and reinforces their political biases. They depend upon ‘belonging’ in the only party that ‘understands’ their grievances, and believe that those enemies are not entitled to fair treatment … since their enemies never treated THEM fairly.


Summary: The only truly angry people in my life are liberals whose sense of entitlement was undercut by the ‘traditional values’ American society. Hard core liberals whose shred of self respect depends upon being part of a large group of (perceived) like-minded people.

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Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’


Apr 2, 2023, 8:13 AM

True liberals are typically some of the coolest people I know. Middle class redneck conservatives - usually a lot of fun too. The most lefty leftists - the most miserable people I encounter. Total generalization but seems to hold true for the most part in my world.

Message was edited by: p6fuller®

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’


Apr 2, 2023, 11:20 PM [ in reply to Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’ ]

That is a very thoughtful comment, I appreciate the time you put into it, and you had me to almost the very end.

I don't personally know any Democrats who think that the net worth of the US should be divided by 360 million and we should all get an equal share. That would be closer to socialism, and (contrary to dumb campaign rhetoric) that is not our goal. What Democrats like me would like to see is equal access to the tools that allow all 360 million Americans strive for success. If we put everyone on a level playing field, then let's see how success plays out.

Otherwise, I genuinely appreciate your thoughts.

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Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’


Apr 3, 2023, 6:24 AM

If the net worth of 360 million were to be divided equally that would be “closer to socialism”? Lol. If that’s not socialism what is?

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Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’


Apr 3, 2023, 7:38 AM [ in reply to Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’ ]

You are very kind to endure my marathon post.

The foundation for my generalizations about leftists are based on a deep understanding of those who are dear to me … including the angry lefties. Recognizing their behavior and understanding their motivations for their anger + political preferences, I believe that I am well founded in both recognizing and understanding the sentiments behind why other hard-core leftists have such anger and virulent dislike of conservatives.

Shocker alert: Not everyone agrees with me.

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Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’

Apr 3, 2023, 7:55 AM [ in reply to Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’ ]

How often are we supposed to adjust this "level" playing field, i.e. take from someone and give to someone else? How long is the adjustment process supposed to last?

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’


Apr 3, 2023, 8:24 AM [ in reply to Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’ ]

Here's where I completely part ways with the Dems. I loathe identity politics.

There was once a time when we strove to be color-blind, gender-blind, and blind to less visible things like religion and sexual orientation.

I agree with all that. But where Dems have created the problem is they actually help create divisions by acknowledging them. The recent liberal practice of capitalizing "White" and "Black" is one of the most wrongheaded and destructive things I've seen...and it's flat wrong anyhow. Those distinctions are arbitrary and artificial.

Why? Because almost all of us are mutts, that's why. The average white guy in the US is somewhere between 5% and 10% black by ancestry. The Moors invaded Spain and Italy back in the late 700's and interbred with the locals, and the Spanish and Italians in turn have long-since interbred with everybody else. The average black person in the US is around 40% white by ancestry. Colin Kaepernick making such a thing about his "blackness" is one of the most ridiculous jokes I've seen. His mom is white, and then throw in the fact that he was likely at least 40% white on his dad's side the dude is probably around 70% white by ancestry.

Here...say "hi" to Colin:

Now say howdy to Doctor Segun Fatumo of Uganda, who leads the African Computational Genome Group. What do you think he might find upon DNA testing Colin?

The "bias" is real in no small part because the media (wrongly) perpetuates these artificial (and completely wrong, from a genetic standpoint) myths about "white" and "black" like there's some actual hard line there. There is not. And the idea of "reparations" - taking money from people with primarily European ancestry and giving it to people of primarily African ancestry and calling it "fairness" is one of the stupidest, most destructive ideas of all time. Are we trying to start a race war?

We are not our parents, much less our ancestors. (I haven't talked to my parents in going on 15 years now, and there's very good reasons for that.) I am not responsible for their sins. All I can do is try to be better than them. And if somebody tried to make me pay reparations for what they did - or what their ancestors might have done 200 or even 400 years ago, I would fight them tooth and nail, even go to war if I had to. The answer is no, no, and a million times no.

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Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’

Apr 3, 2023, 8:40 AM

Great post and analysis of the problem. I think it was Morgan Freeman who said something like “the best way to solve racial problems is quit talking about it”. He’s right.
Sorry about your parents. Tough to read that. Hoping the relationships can heal in time.

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Re: Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’

Apr 3, 2023, 9:29 AM

Appreciate it, but that ship with my folks has long sailed, I think. But Morgan Freeman is 100% right.

Bias is real, and we need to do a better job of identifying our own biases. In particular we humans all have this tendency towards what's called "affinity bias", which means we tend to favor those who remind us most of ourselves, and also towards "stereotyping", which means we tend to apply largely unconscious assumptions to those with certain sets of characteristics. (The idea that Jews are cheap, for instance, or that Asians are smart, or that black people are lazy, angry, etc.)

But that also isn't racism. Racism is, IMHO, increasingly rare in America. Very few of us are neo-Nazis or Black Hebrews fostering the idea that our race is superior and the other one deserves to be expunged. What we actually are is being poor about identifying our own biases, mostly because we're often not aware of them or even what kind of biases actually exist, for that matter.

No, we're too busy trying to be fair to "all races" (when in reality people who are 100% of a particular ancestry are pretty much unicorns out in the world and certainly here in the USA), and as a culture we're missing the point that these divisions are just arbitrary lines we've drawn in our heads and are continuously reinforced by all forms of media, when what we need to be doing is identifying biases, in particular those regarding affinity and stereotyping. The lines between "races" are blurring more from a genetic standpoint with each passing generation. And the next generation (maybe even from Gen X down) is going to have the ability to decide what race they want to be, since superficial (from a genetic standpoint) traits like skin color, eye color, and hair textures are going to be easily modified via easily-affordable genetic grafts. They're already doing it with animals.

There was a pic of "white AOC" floating around on the Internet awhile back. In 10 years or so, that could well be the actual AOC if she decides she wants to be.

This kind of switch is going to be easy and routine in a few years. Why are we still worrying about this?

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Apr 3, 2023, 8:01 AM [ in reply to Real life about ‘angry whites’ doesn’t match ‘the narrative’ ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 3:07 PM

Does the color or shade of your skin indicate the severity of your angry?

Can you post the scale so we know who are the most important to avoid?

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 3:20 PM

Don’t worry, be happy.

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Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 3:21 PM

The group with 'the problem' is the leftists with their noses in their phone far more than conservatives. Proud Boys? What is their membership total - like the he man woman hater's club? Come on. The numbers round to zero compared to the liberals that are addicted to social media and having to get mental health support.

Over half of young female liberals have been told by a doctor they have mental health issues. A doctor.

The snowflake lefties are the ones with serious mental issues. Virtue signaling is a big reveal. They need to show their virtue and win acceptance of their 'friends,' and they need to believe they are better than the deplorables they look down upon. This is how they form their faux sense of self worth. It is not by having morals, ethics, principles, and living to them. It is by finding reasons to hate.

They do not have intestinal fortitude. They can't see anything objectively because of their warped sense of need to be like and accepted by their echo chamber buds. The go with the narrative no matter what it is. They are told what to think and don't know how to think.

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Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 3:27 PM

If anything the guy being interviewed sounds like he's pointing at the left. Here's one reason why. He says "I think that there needs to be consistent discipline."

No one in their right mind believes democrats and the left want or can deliver consistent discipline in any context.

The left has slowly but surely removed discipline from schools. Kids rule the roost and they know it.

The left has DAs all over the country not prosecuting criminals. The left has politicians all over the country raising the threshold for crimes, like shoplifting.

The riots were condoned by the democrats. The democrats watch smash and grab and see oppressed people getting what they need. W T F?

And you people think you can deliver disciple?! What a joke.

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Apr 1, 2023, 3:28 PM

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Apr 1, 2023, 3:41 PM [ in reply to Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common ]

You seem very angry. I hope the article helps you.

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You seem very cognitively challenged


Apr 1, 2023, 3:56 PM

You offended by a few 'faux' F-bombs? Does that make me sound angry to you? Do you go into the fetal position after reading one of my posts?

I'll share a recommendation with you - the movie "the subtle art of not giving a f*ck." Seriously, check it out. It's not a political commentary - at least I did not take it that way.


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Re: You seem very cognitively challenged

Apr 1, 2023, 4:00 PM

F-bombs? No, all of the same dumb shidd you post on here every day and needing three posts to respond because you are so worked up.

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Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 4:19 PM

The prisons are full of angry men and they are 90% Democrat.

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Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 4:25 PM

Uh oh , here comes the “wrongly imprisoned” crowd.

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Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common


Apr 1, 2023, 5:41 PM

You hang around a lot of angry white men?

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: The One Thing All Angry Men Have In Common

Apr 2, 2023, 8:50 AM

fatherly.com lol…nice source

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Good piece, and explains a lot on this board.***

Apr 3, 2023, 8:13 AM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Re: Good piece, and explains a lot on this board.***

Apr 3, 2023, 8:29 AM

It's an opinion piece dressed up like an interview. No actual stats or measurements to back up his claims.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Maybe he should come here for more research.***


Apr 3, 2023, 8:35 AM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

[Catahoula] used to be almost solely a PnR rascal, but now has adopted shidpoasting with a passion. -bengaline

You are the meme master. - RPMcMurphy®

Trump is not a phony. - RememberTheDanny

Re: Maybe he should come here for more research.***

Apr 3, 2023, 9:28 AM

Or, perhaps he could start with violent crime statistics, if he's going to call out certain groups of people for being angry. Seems like a logical place to start.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I think you are confusing...

Apr 3, 2023, 9:35 AM

...two completely different subjects.

The root causes of crime are certainly worthy of study. (Maybe you should start a thread instead of trying to change the subject of this one's, because you don't like an expert's conclusions.)

But I think the interview is pretty clear in showing where, how, and why there is (and it is why I used the first quote - which said absolutely nothing about politics) this increasing belligerence in society. Call it "keyboard warrior syndrome" or whatever you want. We all recognize it.

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Re: I think you are confusing...

Apr 3, 2023, 9:37 AM

It's an opinion piece with nothing to back it up. Sorry bud, you're not the thread boss

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I think you are confusing...

Apr 3, 2023, 9:40 AM

I did start the thread and am trying to keep it on topic. I get that this contradicts your world view. Too bad.

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Re: I think you are confusing...

Apr 3, 2023, 9:47 AM

As, this supports your world view, you must be around a lot of angry men. Sorry for your predicament.

Message was edited by: p6fuller®

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I think you are confusing...


Apr 3, 2023, 10:11 AM [ in reply to I think you are confusing... ]

Oh, I would agree that belligerence has indeed started to become a virtue among a subset of people, the MAGA's in particular. But belligerence already was a virtue among "oppressed minorities".

The root cause is exactly the same: the notion that my group are the Real Victims Here and as such is owed something by someone of another group. What's relatively new (or actually old, since so much of this is recycled from the furor around integration in the 60's and even the debate over slavery in the 1850's in America), is that increasingly more often it's white folks who think they're actually the aggrieved party in the equation. That's new. (Or old, depending on how you look at it.) Modern MAGA's are a whole lot like the "Know-Nothing Party" of the 1850's that presaged the Civil War...hopefully we'll get out this time without one of those.

Both the far left and the far right have one thing in common: they think they're entitled to their anger. And they miss two things: the fact that perpetually angry people are almost always the bad guys...and that the idea of "race" is artificial anyway. The group is what people think it is, and those definitions are forever changing.

And both the left and right get that sense of victimhood from the same place: the media they're watching. The MSM constantly features stories about all the injustices perpetuated by white people against people of color and breezes right on over stories about people of other ethnicities doing violent crime, while Fox/OAN/Newsmax go exactly the opposite direction. Feed the base, feed the base. It gets you eyeballs. And so they do...to everyone's detriment.

The reality is, IMHO, a lot simpler: humans can be real d!cks sometimes. Nobody's got a corner on that. And the more you feel victimized, the angrier you're likely to be. What's different nowadays is that the right has gotten as irrational and aggrieved as the left has been for a good long while.

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Thank you for that great comment.

Apr 3, 2023, 10:32 AM

quozzel, that is a great, great comment!

Although you noted it, I think there is a profound difference between oppressed groups being angry about that oppression and members of a majority culture (white, christian) being angry about... presumably not being able to oppress anymore. (Especially complaints about attacks on christianity in a country that is 65% christian. Nobody is stopping anyone from attending church on Sunday.)

The vitriol aimed at Colin Kaepernick for kneeling. (What is less belligerent than kneeling!)

The vitriol aimed at the LGBTQ community (and the tranny insanity we've been seeing on here the last few weeks). Nobody is asking anyone to "be" gay. Nobody is asking anyone who doesn't personally believe in gay marriage to get married to a person of their sex.

And, of course, women have never had it very good - with the attacks on reproductive rights, it's no wonder they march on Washington.

The anger from the right is anger from people who aren't being subjected to any sort of bona fide oppression. This anger seems to be about being asked to live in a pluralistic society.

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Re: Thank you for that great comment.

Apr 3, 2023, 12:01 PM

You guys are out to lunch. MAGA and the right under no circumstances feel like they are victims or are oppressed. Victimhood is reserved for the left.

It's unbelievable how you turn what you are doing and feeling straight to the 'other' side. Comical if not sad.

And, W T F did Grimm do to achieve the mammoth amount of white guilt he is carrying? Did you say n i g g a h a few times way back when? Has that been hanging on your conscience for all these years? Do you feel guilty for driving an SUV and running your AC in the summer? You got 'killing the planet' guilt too? Feel bad because you made a decent SAT score but only because you are white and all the questions are made for white people? And you took a spot in college from a more deserving oppressed minority individual that is still stuck in the ghetto thanks to you. And it must be horrible to feel so helpless against the 200M people that know you and your types are the crazies.

Have you started to see your psych again? Sounds like you may need it to work out a few things.

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Re: Thank you for that great comment.

Apr 3, 2023, 12:13 PM

Your last two sentences are very ironic considering what you constantly post on this board. Tigernet is your echo chamber.

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Re: Thank you for that great comment.


Apr 3, 2023, 12:25 PM [ in reply to Re: Thank you for that great comment. ]

Lordy. Talk about aggressively proving someone's point for them....

Rock on, NC. Self-awareness is a gift.

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Re: Thank you for that great comment.

Apr 3, 2023, 12:11 PM [ in reply to Thank you for that great comment. ]

I piously stand here and proclaim, my anger is righteous. And therefore, my violence is acceptable.

Out to lunch, fo sho.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

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