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One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored
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One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 2:00 PM
IMG_2619.JPG(193.4 K)

Just tried a really good one last night, a little on the expensive side but very good. Around the world 12 times while aging in used barrels. This was Voyage 16, they have several flavors.

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monter le cheval de fer
A coot will usually blink when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer

Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 2:07 PM

Agreed, very good bourbon

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 3:00 PM

Isn't it about $90 to $100 for 750 ml? I know it's good, but that good? Knob Creek Single Barrel is a lot better for the money and 120 proof vs 90 proof (more bang for the buck).

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 3:07 PM

MD 20-20 is the way to go. Very, very inexpensive and you will need all the money you saved for the bail money.

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 3:21 PM [ in reply to Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored ]

Yeah, Ocean is really good but, I don't think its worth it when you can find Elijah Craig Barrel Proof under $60, Weller of any type under $50, and plenty of fantastic bourbons for ~$30-$40.

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 4:53 PM

I swear bourbon snobs have gotten worse than wine snobs. $35 to $45 for a bottle of bourbon will buy a perfectly fine bourbon.

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 7, 2019, 12:52 PM

IMHO McKenna 10 year old Bottled-In-Bond is one of the best out there. $30.

I dont get bourbon snobs, bourbon was never supposed to be a snobby drink. Its the muscle car of the whiskey world. Muscle cars give you Ferrari horsepower for the price of a family vehicle. Bourbon is in that same spirit.

I understand a Pappy or an ultra rare type from an old, highly regarded distillery. But I'm not paying $100 for some new craft bourbon with no history. That's what irks me about Bookers. It tastes identical to Knob Creek (because it IS Knob Creek).

Or any type of "sourced" bourbon. If you dont make your own bourbon, or you blend it, you have no business charging me $50+ for a bottle. There's no craft or ingenuity behind it. Yellowstone, Smooth Ambler, Redemption, Michter's, etc etc. No thanks. They buy all of their whiskey from a giant distillery in Indiana called "MGP", which makes literally everything en masse. Some guy starts an LLC, comes up with his own "unique" label, buys cheap whiskey from MGP, and drop ships it to a distributor and marks it up to $80 a bottle calling it a "craft" bourbon. Its BS.

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Just like the beer snobs on here now .....

Mar 7, 2019, 2:14 PM [ in reply to Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored ]

who can't be satisfied with anything brewed by a major American brewery - beer has to come from some micro/craft brewery.

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Re: Just like the beer snobs on here now .....

Mar 7, 2019, 5:06 PM

Agreed. I'll admit, I prefer an IPA, but honestly, its beer. I do prefer a Sierra Nevada over a Bud Light but, you can bet I am not complaining about the 24 oz budweiser tall boys at the Bilo center when I go to a show.

I'm willing to be a little pickier with bourbon just because its production is more involved than beer, but not significantly so. But my pickiness with bourbon is only as far as preferring straight bourbons from the "old" distilleries. Buffalo Trace, Heaven Hill, Beam Suntory, etc. over the new sourced bourbon no one spent a year aging themselves.

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 7, 2019, 4:56 PM [ in reply to Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored ]

I agree with this. I don’t mind spending 60-80 once a year on a good bottle, but I’m finding a lot of bottles in this price range to be disappointing. I supported an up and coming distillery before it even released its product, and when it was finally released it was a total let down at a $52 price point.

There’s a lot of perfectly drinkable bourbons under 40 with Knob Creek Single Barrel around 45 being a near-perfect bourbon at that price.

I’m more irked at the prices in SC. I saw a Weller 750ml on the shelf last week for 49. I can get that same bottle readily in Georgia for 19, and the 1.5l for 42. Picked up a Stagg Jr for 39 there and here it would be at least 80. Don’t get me started on Buffalo Trace. That stuff is not “elitist” and shouldn’t be priced as such.

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 7, 2019, 5:08 PM

I have a secret spot in Piedmont, literally a gas station in the middle of nowhere, that always has BT, Eagle Rare, Stagg Jr, Weller, and Blantons on had at MSRP.

Blantons is $60, BT, ER, and Weller are $28, Stagg Jr is $40.

Blantons is the only bourbon I'll go over $50 for.

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Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 4:57 PM

Is that a bottle with Georgia Tech in there? What's that? =o)

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Busted on the GT bottle

Mar 7, 2019, 6:47 PM

didn't even see it. Have had it for years but not displayed. Glad you didn't spot the Dawg bottle peeking out from left....look closely

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monter le cheval de fer
A coot will usually blink when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer

Re: One more suggestion for the Bourbon drinkers on the bored

Mar 6, 2019, 5:06 PM

Yes, very good sipper. Always thought the Oceans thing was pretty gimmicky and not worth the extra $$. But, if you like it, all good.

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My nephew may be a bourbon snob, but he can afford to buy

Mar 6, 2019, 5:09 PM

all the bottles of Blanton's in his local liquor store. Can't wait to visit him!

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My dad just got some of this

Mar 7, 2019, 12:57 PM

for his bday in January. I'm looking forward to trying it.

My favorite right now is Angel's Envy.

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Snowflake Basher........Out

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