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Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.
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Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.


Oct 29, 2023, 8:49 AM

Maybe my expectations were too high, but wow.
First. Cade cannot run a 2 minutes offense. He does not get the ball out on time. He makes way too many absolute mistakes. So, yes, he should be benched for a game or two.
Second. Scheme. We can’t run the ball. Yet, no changes. No, 2-3 tight end sets. No jet sweeps. No defensive linemen running the ball. No shovel pass. No reverses. Nothing but more of the same.
No creativity. Trick plays? Nope. Creative schemes? Nope. Do something - anything.
While Dabo is responsible for the decisions. The new OC is where the blame lies. And stop with the BS that Dabo calls the plays.
At this point, maybe Dabo should call the plays. The offense is dead.
Also, stop with the receivers being the blame. Even without the nfl ready receivers - most teams can throw the ball.

Also, stop with the Venables was the reason we were successful. Our defense is really good. It has not dropped off. In ways (pass defense), we are better.

The offense is the issue.
Every single game it seems that our offense provides points for the other team. Most easy points.

Dabo has got to look at Riley and ask himself if he was the right hire. Or, does Riley have it in himself to fix this? Will we get back to dynamic offenses of DW and TL? Probably not. But right now, nobody really is. Ohio state, Bama, are both plodding along (but winning). But we can be more creative and adapt to our personnel better.
Soul searching time.

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Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.


Oct 29, 2023, 8:54 AM

I'm going to start with two things you've overlooked on offense:

1) O Line. It's a raging dumpster fire. Worst O Line since "maybe" 2008.

2) WR's: Right now, we have NOBODY who can stretch a defense. No one. We've clearly missed on some signings (Randall, Dacari Collins, Ladson, Williams, Ajou, the list is long)

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Screw Calford.

Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.

Oct 29, 2023, 8:56 AM

Every time they showed Dabo and LR on the sidelines he was feeding him the calls!

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Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.


Oct 29, 2023, 9:00 AM

You do have to wonder if Riley's previous success wasn't more of a product of playing against very bad Big 12 defenses for sure! Little to no imagination/ creativity being shown this year at all.

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Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.

Oct 29, 2023, 9:27 AM

I’m not sure we would be better against b12 defense. Or southern conference. Or Div iii. Or 2A high schools.

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Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.

Oct 29, 2023, 9:04 AM

The "dynamic" offense you pine for was only dynamic because it had generational talent at QB a stable of top notch receivers and also out talented an ACC full of bad teams.

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Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.

Oct 29, 2023, 9:08 AM

yes I agree Morris was the most creative. disappointed yes I think Riley is running the head coach offense. Personally I'd get an NFL guy to run my system. They give defenses a ton of things to think about.Look st the chiefs

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your expectations were too high....a new OC was only ONE of many issues.....


Oct 29, 2023, 9:05 AM

the rest of which weren't addressed.

What many clemson fans DON'T see is how BAD our offensive TALENT is compared to our "elite days"..........I and a few others have seen it coming for 4 years, unfortunately for our fans and coaches, it took a complete TRAINWRECK season like this one for others to see.

Got to take your head out of the sand and the orange glasses off when assessing your own team, or you'll never see clearly.

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Re: your expectations were too high....a new OC was only ONE of many issues.....

Oct 29, 2023, 9:27 AM

I appreciate your response and point of view. But I am not buying.
Sure, our talent dropped off (some). First, it would be impossible to remain as high as we were. Second, we had people that threw them the ball. We had some creativity as well.
But more importantly, while we may not have 5 stars, we sure have a lot of 4 stars. The same 4 stars that more other top 10 schools wanted.
While I am not excited about our o line. I don’t think it is all on them.
Our talent is still well above the rest of the ACC - except maybe fsu. This is about offense scheme.
As for your 4 year ago prediction. Let’s just say, we disagree. Hope you made bets based on your crystal ball.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.

Oct 29, 2023, 9:13 AM

I will add this “Generational Quarterback” nonsense to the list. Anyone continuing this idiotic absurb notion that we only succeeded because of that is part of the current issue. Google a list of a dozen generational quarterbacks who dont have a national championship. We are getting destroyed by quarterbacks who will sell cars in 5 years. We can do better, but not with this disfunctional staff.

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Re: Offense under new OC is disappointing at best. (Not news). My take.


Oct 29, 2023, 9:26 AM

Two things that are apparent. One, RB this year are a disappointment. They seem to stay behind the blockers two long when there is wide open areas to the left or right and they both lack speed. Two, Cade has terrible technique with the ball dropping back, he holds,the ball too low around the chest( see basics of ball position when drooping back for QB) which allows for a lot of tipped balls when he goes to throw and fumbles win hit. I hate to say it but it’s probably time to bench him for a game or half to see if someone can move this anemic offense.

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