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TNET: A restructured ACC?: What ifs on changing league during pandemic
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TNET: A restructured ACC?: What ifs on changing league during pandemic

Jun 30, 2020, 8:01 AM

A restructured ACC?: What ifs on changing league during pandemic

A 2020 college football season could bring some changes and the ACC could very well change its structure, at least for one season, to fit the uniqueness of the year. Full Story »

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Re: TNET: A restructured ACC?: What ifs on changing league during pandemic

Jun 30, 2020, 8:41 AM

I am all for cutting down on exposure to the student athletes and fans. One thing that I haven't heard discussed and would help the teams financially is ON-Demand games. I get about 900 channels on my cable subscription (so there is plenty of room for more!) and I would pay $10-15 a game to see all of the games on tv while also helping the schools as well. It would really help the schools if they can't put anyone in the seats and I bet more money would be made than a full stadium. Don't know how it would be divided among the schools or the whole nuts and bolts but it seems like it could work? What do ya'll think?

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Logistics for this season may be tough. I think On-Demand

Jun 30, 2020, 9:21 AM

will soon be the programming model, though I hope it can be as a CFB package...

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Re: Logistics for this season may be tough. I think On-Demand

Jun 30, 2020, 3:11 PM

I wouldn't pay a dime more than I'm already paying, fighting the cost of this pandemic just as everyone is starting to get completely out of hand when talking about ways for the rich to get richer off the backs of loyal college FB fans that has less to spend bc of the pandemic. I have turned my back to MLB and NFL FB bc of the dumb chit they were doing years ago, and I have never turned to face them again. If College FB TV tries to add more cost to the ridiculous prices that we already pay for network viewing of college FB, I will turn my back to college FB also. I can't imagine ever not loving Clemson sports, especially Clemson FB, but I want stand still and allow the rich to get richer from what little finances I have left after paying for what I thought I was already paying for, bc of a virus pandemic!!! I would bet that I'm not the only one that has similar feelings, and not just from the less fortunate, it will be from the fortunate fan base also, and it will finish destroying college FB as we knew it to be before the covid-19 pandemic. Added cost for the viewing of college sports will just cause it to happen much quicker than we thought it would happen!!! Using covid-19 to get more from me won't work as far as I'm concerned bc, I will be over it, final answer!!!!

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Notre Dame might become an out-of-conference

Jun 30, 2020, 10:10 AM

game for Clemson? Or did I read that wrong?

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Re: Notre Dame might become an out-of-conference

Jun 30, 2020, 10:13 AM

clover65® said:

game for Clemson? Or did I read that wrong?

The hypothetical for this weird pandemic season would be that Notre Dame joins the league as a football school for a year since they were set to play five ACC games anyway.

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Re: Notre Dame might become an out-of-conference

Jun 30, 2020, 10:24 AM

But David had already stated that ND was not being added. Then he said they might have to be OOC like they aren't already - just confused me I 'm a little slow perhaps.

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Re: Notre Dame might become an out-of-conference

Jun 30, 2020, 10:40 AM

Good call, that section might have got mixed up with my plan maybe. It's changed now.

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Re: Notre Dame might become an out-of-conference

Jun 30, 2020, 12:26 PM

I dunno...I consider myself to be of average intelligence and of sound mind and body, but after reading the Rink proposal twice, I still don't understand it. Guess I will go with the other for now. But, it really doesn't matter to me as long as we get to play...Go Tigers.

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Re: TNET: A restructured ACC?: What ifs on changing league during pandemic

Jun 30, 2020, 11:41 AM

I will take either one if it means we play, but I like the simplicity of the North/South divisions and winners of each play in ACCCG.

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