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New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Syracuse
Oct 15, 2017, 10:12 AM
Campus Hero [13955]
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you're too kind in your evaluation of the defense***
Oct 15, 2017, 11:20 AM
110%er [7834]
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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Syracuse
Oct 15, 2017, 11:24 AM
D’s are generous
Orange Immortal [64060]
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You spent a lot of time grading an F, that said...good job.
Oct 15, 2017, 12:02 PM
The painful details reveal just how bad it was in every phase of the game.
I'm more upset at the D than I was before. Pitt and Syracuse know how to handle us. As do NCSU.
The trip to Raleigh is looking pretty tough.
Orange Blooded [2454]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Syracuse
Oct 15, 2017, 12:07 PM
Guess grades about right. It's kind of like the perfect storm. All 3 seriously sub-par performances led to the loss. If one of the 3 had been ok, we would have been shocked/concerned but a winner. Let's move on to the fixes.
Paw Master [17705]
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We looked like Ohio State out there...A good team would have
Oct 15, 2017, 12:25 PM
woodshedded us
Recruit [96]
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Re: We looked like Ohio State out there...A good team would have
Oct 15, 2017, 2:36 PM
> woodshedded us
What teams have a mobile QB that can pass like that and two WRs that good? It is hard to believe that you ever watched football.
All-TigerNet [12666]
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Excellent report. Have you been doing this all season? I
Oct 15, 2017, 1:15 PM
really enjoyed this analysis. Well, based on the game, maybe enjoyed is not the word, but you get my point.
Scout Team [153]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Syracuse
Oct 15, 2017, 1:18 PM
Choosing a backup QB. Coach Swinney method hasn't changed. The most senior seems to be the determining factor. Even if it doesn't always produce the most qualified. However, he is right most of the time and loyalty is a good thing. But, not at the cost of loosing. If your back-up is playing, and you are still loosing, what is lost by giving another Guy a shot?
110%er [3979]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Syracuse
Oct 15, 2017, 2:30 PM
This analysis is the same game I saw. But I wonder if psychologically the knowledge that their all ACC kicker (out) and “playing better than anyone hoped for” QB (knocked out) took the air out, at all levels. Have seen interviews where we “lacked the juice” but little speculation on why. I don’t believe the anticipation of the off week impacted. My view is the status between their ears hindered a fighting response when they saw they were in a fight! On the other hand, two losses in two years by an average of two points, isn’t bad. The issue now is can they ALL learn from this stinking mess pile and last year!? I think so. I hope so!
Clemson Sports Icon [55197]
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Oct 15, 2017, 2:38 PM
That was a solid F.
Orange Blooded [2482]
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Kelly Bryant
Oct 15, 2017, 2:51 PM
I totally understand Starting Bryant. But giving Hunter Johnson O PT, told me the coaches forefeited(sp) the game.
Clemson Conqueror [12015]
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Re: Kelly Bryant
Oct 15, 2017, 7:01 PM
From spread offense to dead offense. Scary bad.
Legend [18408]
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Re: Kelly Bryant
Oct 15, 2017, 10:14 PM
[ in reply to Kelly Bryant ] |
Offensive Star [328]
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Deja Vu Korn vs Cullen Harper Discussions
Oct 15, 2017, 5:47 PM
Korn practiced with the 2s and Harper practiced with the first team and everyone wanted Korn. Same talk of the town. Trust the Coaches. They know and see everything in practice etc.
Harper was Mr check down quarterback. Great pass completion percentage until third and long he would roll out and throw it out of bounds.
Based on what I saw, Hunter Johnson is clearly a better QB on the field including a healthy KB who threw a pick against Wake. Wake's defense was much better than Syracuse and HJ shredded it.
KB and Cooper just can't seem to make the right reads at the line.
Legend [18408]
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Re: Deja Vu Korn vs Cullen Harper Discussions
Oct 15, 2017, 10:13 PM
You hit the nail on the head there my friend!!!
All-Conference [445]
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Re: Deja Vu Korn vs Cullen Harper Discussions
Oct 16, 2017, 5:32 PM
[ in reply to Deja Vu Korn vs Cullen Harper Discussions ] |
You have to take into account the small sample size for Johnson too. He did look pretty good in garbage time against Wake, but I don't think he really did anything spectacular
1st Rounder [648]
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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Syracuse
Oct 15, 2017, 7:02 PM
Easy. Failure
CU Medallion [20035]
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OK. Very surprised Dungey took Defense to school.
Oct 15, 2017, 10:23 PM
Sure did not see it coming.
National Champion [7296]
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Coaching = F***
Oct 15, 2017, 10:30 PM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101193]
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Re: Coaching = F***
Oct 16, 2017, 5:47 PM
Agree. Flat F without looking at playcalling on defense and letting Bryant limp around on the field.
Our worst coaching mistake was not making sure the players understood that we are playing a D1 team instead of a jr varsity high school team.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101193]
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I can't.
Oct 16, 2017, 5:38 PM
Sometimes there's a darkness in one's life that he refuses to face, a place where he can't look. You've found mine. This was a debacle from the gitgo.
It will take several wins to purge the pain of this loss.
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