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Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans
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Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 7:57 AM

Good Morning Tiger Nation!

I am as disappointed as anyone with how this season has gone, and I feel there will definitely be some changes after the season. However, we need to keep a few things in mind.

There was a time when the expectations of the fanbase surpassed the results on the field by a wide margin, and this lasted for a long time. Fools on ESPN made fun of us for this. Enter each season expecting a National Title, but could not buy an ACC Championship.

The Hatfield days were bad, but no one really wants to be the guy that follows the guy (Ford). We hired a coach from outside the area with no recruiting ties and we suffered. Bring in West and for the most part got worse. Brought in Bowden and the excitement went through the roof along with my blood pressure when we would lose to teams like Duke on last second 53 yard field goals.

Then along comes a guy named Dabo that will likely one day have a statue outside of Death Valley. I remember my coot family members laughing because we had conducted a "national" search only to hire Dabo. I remember some of the media giving the hire an F.

I could go on an on all day, but the point is our program is where it is today because of Dabo. The results on the field have finally lived up to the expectations of the fanbase. I was thrilled with the first national title, then he wins another one 2 years later. My goodness people we laugh at UGA fans because they have waited 40 years. The coots have being waiting for over 100. We have beaten the best of the best to do it.

Winning is hard and I choose to place by bets on the guy that got us here. I feel that changes will be made, but we might need to go through a season that is mediocre by our standards and Dabo's standards. Dabo gets all the praise when we win and of course it is on him to correct the problems and make tough choices if necessary. We might lose 3 or 4 games this year. It was not that long ago that we lost 5 or 6 games every year. The recruits are still going to come because they see former Tigers all over the NFL.

Put your Clemson colors on and be proud. It is ok to feel some disappointment and expect more from this team. We have won championships and we want another one. Dabo is 50 years old with a lot of coaching left in him and hopefully a few more titles. Enjoy the journey because the future success of our Tigers will taste that much sweeter.

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Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 8:17 AM

Well said.

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Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 8:22 AM

You want some perspective, O.K.
First off, it's not about what you have done for me in the past but what are you doing for me now!
And why do you need to wait for the season to end before making changes? You can start by inserting a new quarterback, or trying some new formations. That may not be the answer, I'm not an armchair quarterback, but it's better than all the "lip- service" excuses we have heard this week.
And do we really care what eSECpn says? All they do is give "lip-service" about how good the SEC is and how bad the ACC is. Problem is they are right.
No, we need to see some concrete changes to the offense this week. Whether or not it's works is not even the answer, but it is at least a step in any direction in solving the problem.
And I don't think we need to be laughing at Georgia fans. They have no more control over their program than we do. But at least they are undefeated and in the National Championship hunt, which is more than I can say for us.

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Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 10:14 AM

How many NC’s have UGA won? ( One )When did they win that NC? ( 1980.) Look at what we have accomplished over the last decade vs. UGA!

It’s fans who jump on and off the bus that frustrates me. Did you not think we would eventually have a season where we were not in the top 4, the CFP’s and winning a NC.

Based on some of the post I have read I am disappointed in many fans. Dabo has earned the right to have an off season. If I am a player recruited by Clemson I would appreciate the fact Dabo is not constantly looking to the transfer portal to find a player to replace me.

It’s sad that fans are already giving up on DJ. I believe he will still be another star QB before he leaves Clemson.

Saturday we lost some key players due to injury. We also had the official’s miss key calls. For example the face mask call that was missed with Clemson inside the 10 to 15 yard line. That missed call could have changed the game.

I have faith in Dabo and his staff will get us back on track. Also, NC has a pretty good defense.

With all of the accomplishments during Dabo’s tenure as HC at Clemson, some fan’s still can find something to complain about. I am disappointed we lost but my life does not revolve around weather my team wins or lose. So much so that a loss ruins my week.

I love and support Clemson, Dabo’s staff, and the players win or lose. And I am not going to throw anyone under the bus because of Saturday’s loss.

Our country is falling apart yet some are more concerned about Saturday’s lose to NC State.

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I'm confused...

Sep 28, 2021, 10:16 AM [ in reply to Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans ]

"You can start by inserting a new quarterback, or trying some new formations. That may not be the answer, I'm not an armchair quarterback"

So Elliott should or should not insert a new QB and try some new formations?

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"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 8:24 AM

Thanks for the perspective. A great reminder of how bad was.

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Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 8:41 AM

Totally agree. I wonder where all these naysayers will be if we run off 8 straight wins, get back to the ACCCG and win it, then get an invite to a good bowl game against another top 10 team? It's completely possible this happens. Nancy State has a pretty tough schedule, and will likely lose 2 ACC games.

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Tiger spirit like this is why we have

Sep 28, 2021, 9:36 AM

A packed basketball arena for every home gam ... oh wait

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Re: Tiger spirit like this is why we have

Sep 28, 2021, 9:47 AM

Very smooth chem. Use disappointment somewhere to justify demeaning someone or something else. I knew that we could count on T Net to bring out the very best in everyone.

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A game on a Tuesday at 9 PM poses no problem for attendance***

Sep 28, 2021, 10:53 AM [ in reply to Tiger spirit like this is why we have ]

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There's something in these hills.

Re: Need Some Perspective Tiger Fans

Sep 28, 2021, 12:00 PM


I’m actually looking forward to a little elbow room on the ROY bus as the bandwagon loses “fans”.

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