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Need some advice or help...Bridge program
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Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 2, 2023, 11:54 AM

I know I'll get slapped on the wrist for this but I'm so turned around over this whole bridge thing I can't see straight LOL!! My son has a tough decision...go play DII football or got to CU and be a regular student via the Bridge to CU program. Anyone willing to dumb it down and give me a ballpark cost of the program? My wife and I are trying to figure it all out so if chooses CU we won't be behind the 8 ball.

Thankful for any info, advice, pros, cons, etc...

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 2, 2023, 12:01 PM

Are you instate or out of state?

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:06 PM

We are in state. I tried looking at CU website and TCTC and frankly just got overwhelmed with all the numbers. My wife is the $$$ brains in our family, I'm the creative person LOL! I finally just gave up. I'm a B&W type person...is it $20K, $25K for that first year, etc.?

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 12:37 PM

There should be a cost of attendance number with breakdown on one of the Clemson websites.

Looking at schools for my kid 4 years ago I found them to be pretty accurate within 10% or so.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 9:44 PM

Here's the link to the cost calculator for the Clemson part of the equation.


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My daughter did the Bridge, it wasn't any less


Mar 2, 2023, 1:14 PM

than being a "regular" student. She, nor I, would recommend it. Go somewhere else a year or two, save money and then transfer. Knowing this, as others have stated, you can come up with a close cost on Clemson's web site and apartment costs around Clemson if looking off campus. My daughter graduated in 2017 (from Clemson) with the lottery scholarship and off campus housing I spent roughly $85,000, if that helps.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 2, 2023, 3:14 PM

I'm in bridge right now and I'm having the time of my life.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:07 PM

Give me your pros and cons? Did you appeal your deference to the bridge or just take it? Are you in state or out of state?

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 10:38 PM

My daughter set her heart on Clemson around 4th grade and saw bridge as a perfectly acceptable path to get there. She had been accepted to a good backup school -- which no longer mattered after she got the bridge letter.

Her classroom experience with bridge was good (except one elective she didn't care for) and she had a smooth transition into her major. Her bridge GPA was consistent with her high school GPA and she has made the President's list as a sophomore and junior.

Comparing costs is difficult because her bridge year was 2020 when they moved in late and were online after Thanksgiving, so there were some credits and refunds for housing and dining. Bridge students had
a better housing setup and more in person classes during the pandemic, so it really worked out for the best for us.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 3, 2023, 9:07 AM [ in reply to Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program ]

I have wanted to be a Clemson Tiger since the day I was born and I am through the bridge. Classes are tougher because I feel there’s more pressure and the TCTC advisory staff is pretty horrific, but those are really my only cons. I went to every football game, tons of basketball games, and have made a bunch of friends through bridge. While that isn’t the most important part, I feel as though I am a part of this school and I’m able to go everything I want to like I’m a normal student. Living in Lightsey is a plus too. The women are much more attractive than the main campus, you’re more independent, and you get to grow as a group of living with 3 other guys instead of 1. I have no regrets.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 3, 2023, 9:11 AM

In all seriousness, the bridge program is great. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:09 PM

I'm not a "bridge" expert as I just went to TCTC as a regular TCTC student for a year and then transferred.

The way I understand the bridge program is you attend TCTC for the price of Clemson but your guaranteed a transfer to Clemson. You get the benefits of being a Clemson student however in terms of access to things on campus.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 2, 2023, 4:17 PM

I have family friends that did the Bridge program(it’s for in-state students)and they loved it. In the end, you will still pay the same amount in tuition, boarding, dining, off campus housing, etc. I believe Bridge students get the Clemson experience the first year by living on campus, but also have to “prove themselves”. A young man I know went through Bridge, majored in Ag Mech, and said it was the best decision of his life. He worked hard and didn’t take it for granted. Now, he has a good job with Case Tractors.
Ball Park tuition/room&board $28,0000/year

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:39 PM

Our daughter did bridge 2019-20. You will get arguments for and against. Our experience was a bit mixed because of the Covid shutdown in the spring semester. I guess I’d sum it up as it’s very dependent on what is important for your child and also their intended major. Some majors (such as nursing) are restricted so you can’t bridge directly into that major second year. Our daughter was a biology major so it wasn’t a problem to bridge directly to the College of Science, so risk of getting sidetracked was minimal. She will graduate this May from Clemson and has been President’s list for the past 3 semesters. At TCTC, the class sizes will be generally smaller for freshman level classes. She both good and poor professors at TCTC but that’s also true of Clemson.

Socially she did ok and really liked the apartment housing at Lightsey Bridge. You can’t join a Greek organization freshman year so she postponed that until Sophomore year. However, she only stayed in a sorority for a year. It just wasn’t her thing and probably was hindered by not joining and connecting with other freshman sisters. She joined Collegiate IPTAY to help her chances of getting students tix. Bridge students have different options than for football tickets. She was issued a Clemson ID so that allowed her to participate in other campus activities (with the exception of Greek life and the football ticket access).

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:34 PM

Bridge program is a great program, but there’s also a program called ESP (Early Success Program). I applied for that after getting bridge and got in. Basically they take a group of 20-30 kids and you take two summer classes on campus before the start of Freshman year and if you make the grades you get straight into Clemson as a Freshman. Was a great experience and way to ease into college life. I did it, then ended up making the deans or presidents list semester, graduated early (wish I hadn’t lol) and now have a great career.

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Is he going to be a preferred walk-on or scholarship

Mar 2, 2023, 4:37 PM

I friend of the family got a preferred walk-on and small scholarship for a smaller college. When he got there for summer workouts, they basically told him he would never see the field. All of that work and nothing but practice only. He decided to transfer and be a regular student.

Getting an education is more important than football if the NFL isn't within grasp.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:47 PM

One other comment. Originally Bridge was a race to get the 700 or so slots. They changed that so families have time to do their homework and not jump in based on emotions. Thus you have some time to ask questions and gain feedback just like you are doing now. The invitation letter should have identified the date to respond by.

I also have heard of some students requesting a reconsider for a Summer Start offer (also called ESP).

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 4:55 PM

I will try and help based on what I see online:

There are a few non-refundable deposits required between Tri-County and Clemson so I will combine those.

Deposits in total that I see: $1150
Housing would be $4400 to $4900 depending on private room or shared room
Food plans vary: 100 meals for $1463 or unlimited meals for $2313, plus some other options as well
Administrative and Campus Activity fee: $1584

Tri-County tuition and course fees are separate:

15 hours is $2800-$3600 depending on which SC county you live, (cheaper if in Anderson, Oconee Pickens). Remember this is per semester so multiply by 2. All other costs quoted are for the full year.

Parking: Pass for Tri-County is $30 and for Clemson is $178

So, if I make some assumptions I'd say the first-year total cost is approximately $15,000

HTH, and good luck with your decision!

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 2, 2023, 5:01 PM

Sorry, but I missed a couple of things. The housing and food plan is per semester so that adds another $6400 to the total so now it looks more like closer to $22K for the first year.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 5:03 PM

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 5:04 PM [ in reply to Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program ]

And as T3 noted, financial aid should help with some of this.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 9:54 PM [ in reply to Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program ]

My daughter did Bridge, graduated in 4 years, joined a sorority as a Sophomore, and seemed happy with her decision. It was a little bit of a downer at first not being fully admitted, but it worked out great. When she did it, they were housed in apartments of 123. I imagine it is even better now that housing is on campus. Congratulations!

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 2, 2023, 4:56 PM

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 5:24 PM

Just a word of advice from a current freshman at Clemson. Don’t want to deter you, but I’ve heard the Bridge classes are a lot harder than the Clemson classes, and my friends who are bridged seem to be very disconnected from the “normal” students. Being bridged takes a lot of discipline and can be somewhat lonely.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 2, 2023, 6:40 PM

My youngest who is a Junior was in Bridge his Freshman year. He loved it because he had in person classes on Fall of 2020 when the other Freshmen were online due to Covid. All- in Bridge was about 23K after the Lotto scholarship. It had been a little more expensive the last two years but still under 25k

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program


Mar 3, 2023, 7:25 AM

Does your son want to continue to play football or be a Clemson student? I would suggest that you let him pick which path. If his chosen option costs a lot more than the other, let him figure out how to pay for the difference.

My two boys are through college now. My advice to you is to step back, let him pick, and offer him support if he asks.

Personally, I would take as many days at Clemson as I could get. He may not have the same passion for the school.

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Re: Need some advice or help...Bridge program

Mar 3, 2023, 9:20 AM

I love Clemson. I’m an alum. BUT, I don’t love the American “culture” of higher education just for its own sake.

Depending on what he wants to do/be based on interests and aptitude, I would applaud anyone’s effort to work toward that goal as legitimately AND economically as possible, which should absolutely include (legitimate) technical college credits as a means to reduce post-graduation debt burden where prudent.

Please hear this from someone who has paid off tremendous amounts of education debt: you will be greatly limited in the early years of your career if you have to bend every paycheck to the will of the bank/government. Use debt as a tool as SPARINGLY as you can when it comes to education, and get your education as QUICKLY as possible (no 6-year-loafers allowed).

Congrats to him on some exciting prospects!

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