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Monday Morning Observations and Semi-Rants
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Monday Morning Observations and Semi-Rants

Oct 8, 2012, 10:56 AM

Good morning, Tiger Fans. And all you other lurking types, to include the masochistic Tech fan, positively giddy Chicken State fan, and last but not least the really annoyed internet lurker that pretends to be a Clemson fan but is secretly furious that Clemson won because it means they have limited bitching ability this week.

I haven't had time to write any post-game missives this year, and I know that you've all missed them. As before I apologize for making you wait so long for another. For the 80% of you that didn't know I even posted here, I understand. You were waiting and didn't even know it. For the 99+% of you that don't care whether or not I post here.... :)

1) I don't care if Georgia Tech is 2-4 or 12-0. They have been a real pain in the ### for a long long time and I've about had enough of them. I don't care if we beat them by 1 or by 50, or even by 16...they've been stepped on and stepped over, and that's just fine with me.

2) The Greek Attendance Rant has been posted by me before, and apparently is now once again en vogue, so I will simply refer you to other posts.

3) We are awfully awfully good on offense. I thought we left yards out there and points out there and then the next thing you know we've got 601 on offense and 47 points. And Sammy Watkins wasn't a factor (hope that boy gets better soon). You hear the talking heads go on and on about how good we are on offense, and I for one never really believe it. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. Maybe it will, but it seems to me that there's always somewhere for us to turn when we need it. Hopkins has obviously been huge for us this year. He just keeps quietly going out there and being the best receiver in college football. Hang on, I didn't write that properly. Hopkins keeps quietly going out there and being The Best Receiver In College Football. Tajh has been huge and is playing the game so much smarter. Ellington has been huge. GT's defense keyed on him, and he still had a good day, and McDowell right there with him. The OL has really come up strong after being a major question mark. Brown, Humphries, even Peake are really doing a job out there. I think ALL of our guys are working hard, but it sure is nice to see it really paying off on offense.

4) Our defense just isn't very good. I saw some more things that I hated and some things I liked later on, but even with the nice big plays they made - there were some awful busted assignments. I'm gonna remain a nervous nellie on these guys. No D at Clemson should be this wide open. We can blame youth, talent, Steele, Venables, or Sparky Woods for all I care - but the truth is in some sense it's all of these things or it wouldn't be as bad as it is. Improvement is what I want to see, and I saw a little - in a few areas. Want to see more - in all areas.

5) That said, did anyone get a little flashback to the 1987 Georgia game on that safety? Don't worry, PJ, Dooley was also dumb enough to run wide in the end zone.

5a) My kids ran around the rest of the day and most of Sunday clapping their hands over their heads and signaling "safety."

5b) It might only be two points, but a bona-fide safety, where one's defense takes out the ball carrier in the end zone, is one of the most exciting plays in football.

5c) Especially when it pretty much wins the game for you.

6) We've now won 10 straight at Clemson. There's no place like home, and it ain't in Kansas, boys. Just think of how intimidating we could be if we didn't have gaping holes in our student section for over half the game. ;)

7) I have watched the replay of the game, and confirmed MojoRisin's assertion that Ed Cunningham may be the worst color commentator out there today. Don't let the facts stand in the way, Ed. You're right, buddy. Whenever it's close (and if you were in the stadium, it really wasn't) you should make sure that you don't call pass interference, even if it is.

8) We scored two points on two different plays. When's the last time that happened? And a blocked kick?

9) I walked back to our tailgate from the game, pointed at the TV (where Chicken State had already scored), and announced, "I hate everyone in that stadium." I really felt like I had the right of it on that one. Still do. Georgia is completely and utterly useless. They have one job to do every year. Just one. And the continually screw it up. Wish we had Georgia this year. Glad that we do in 2013. Georgia is and was overrated.

10) Now that said, so that I'm not completely irrational, Chicken State looked awfully good. Which annoys me to no end, because even when they're 6-6 you can't live here in the Greater Chicken Metropolitan Area without them being on the front page of the paper every single day (and that doesn't count the arrest reports). You can't watch the local news, because they no longer separate the Chickens into the sports segment, it's all over everything. They are enjoying some glory days - days they've never seen before - and I understand them celebrating them...but come on.

11) Steve Spurrier fits in very well at Chicken State. He's a classless #######. What goes around comes around.

12) Are they overrated? I don't know. I don't see them as your prototypical top 3 team, but really, who else would you rank ahead of them right now? If they keep winning, they ought to be right where they are.

13) Are we overrated? I gotta say about the same thing. I thought it was crap-tastic to fall a spot in the AP poll but if we keep winning we'll be fine.

14) Found out my DVR had recorded the Clemson-UVa volleyball match. If you missed it, Clemson took it 3 sets to none. Kids enjoyed watching that. If you've never been over to Jervey for a match - it's pretty intense.

I'm hoping for a night VT game. We get one game a year without the kids (and I LOVE taking the kids to DV, but sometimes you need a little adult...beverage. I'm too lazy to see what we are up against, so I'll just wait till later to find out. Unless they put a hold on it.

Hope you enjoyed the missive. Have a great off week!

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You do realize that groups like that rowing club, the Wesley

Oct 8, 2012, 11:12 AM

student group, Baptist student group, rugby club, etc are all mixed in with the Greek blocks...

It's impossible to say that it's the Fraternities. I was in a separate organization with a block that was always surrounded by the Greeks.

Honestly, we should just go to 1st come 1st serve like SEC schools. Show up 2 hours early to get good seats.

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I don't really want to get in to this (again)...

Oct 8, 2012, 11:23 AM

...but since I made reference to it I guess I owe you one response.

I have noticed over the years that the ones that are missing are not the rowing club, the Methodists, the Baptists, or the rugby players, or the chess team. When the blocks are empty, there's a distinct lack of ties (bow and otherwise), sunglasses on neck straps, party dresses, and high heels. Unless there's been a major change in dress code for the non-Greeks, it is predominantly the Greek blocks that are late to arrive and early to leave. So not really impossible to say that.

Your point about 1st come 1st serve...yeah, that might well be a better way to do it. Or eliminating/restructuring block seating.

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Re: Monday Morning Observations and Semi-Rants

Oct 8, 2012, 11:24 AM

Great post and TU all the way around. As soon as we scored that safety, the UGA play went through my head. I was sitting down on that end of the stadium in '87 and remember Ohan killing the punt at the one and then the Georgia qb trying to run left and getting popped. When Treadwell's kick went through to win that game, it was bedlam.

I admit to also being torn on who I detest more--UGA or SCAR or the New York Yankees. You could pretty much flush 'em all. The Chickens did look good, though. . .and Georgia did NOT, so that's some comfort.

Keep up the great posts.

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Re: Monday Morning Observations and Semi-Rants

Oct 8, 2012, 11:38 AM

Problem solved with seeing S Car. on front page of State paper. I quit taking it several years ago. Get all I need form the internet!

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I did too.

Oct 8, 2012, 12:15 PM

I just hate that there really is no more news about our community, no radio that you can listen to, nothing unless you just want to be inundated with cluck, cluck, cluck.

Fortunately, I have the interwebs and XM Radio.

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