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Clemson Conqueror [11323]
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Rashan Gary
Apr 22, 2019, 3:47 PM
Now I know why he didn't sign with us. He scored 9 on the Wonderlic. We probably couldn't get him in.
Legend [18408]
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Re: Rashan Gary
Apr 22, 2019, 3:50 PM
Not sure how you found that out but I think you’re on to something!!!! Good catch.
Clemson Conqueror [11323]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Rashan Gary
Apr 22, 2019, 3:52 PM
I saw a link on SEC Rant that had a lot of the scores.
Oculus Spirit [42014]
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mom was happy
Apr 22, 2019, 3:51 PM
rashan was not
Tiger Titan [51681]
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Re: mom was happy
Apr 22, 2019, 3:55 PM
That picture says it all!!
Head Coach [915]
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Re: mom was happy
Apr 22, 2019, 4:00 PM
We know one thing for sure, his Mom got more rings out of that deal than he did.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [99814]
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He visited Clemson & Dabo Once on about last day b/4 making decision & he said minutes b/4
Apr 22, 2019, 4:07 PM
committing to Michigan that he was not sure and torn between both schools..
and to think they had hired his high school coach and had Gary up umpteen times over months..
and still almost lost him to Tigers!
Legend [18408]
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Re: He visited Clemson & Dabo Once on about last day b/4 making decision & he said minutes b/4
Apr 22, 2019, 4:17 PM
And don’t you know he threw up two years ago after getting beat by our arch rival who we embarrassed. walked away with a coot loss and then seeing us with two rings had to make him sick.
Sad thing about it Gary. They’ve already forgotten about you in meeechigan. You’d have been a lifetime hero down here and gotten two parades!!!!
Lesson for Bryan Breese. One can’t do it alone. Got to have all the pieces like we already have!!!!
Paw Warrior [5074]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: He visited Clemson & Dabo Once on about last day b/4 making decision & he said minutes b/4
Apr 22, 2019, 6:53 PM
Maybe he does regret it, I have no idea how he feels. However, maybe he didn’t make his choice simply based on who he thought would win championships?
Or do we think some of our elite players in the past who could’ve gone anywhere they wanted such as Spiller and Sammy Watkins regret coming here since we didn’t win any NC’s during their time here?
All-TigerNet [12666]
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Orange Immortal [62048]
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Re: He missed out on 2 national championships and 3 playoffs.***
Apr 22, 2019, 5:12 PM
I'm sure that Kid has regretted that decision many, many, many times, and I'll bet that he has told his mom just as many times that she sure enough got him screwed over with her choice. I bet every time she tries to give him advice now, he hears a loud sound in his head telling him no, no, no, NO never let mom make any more choices for him!!!
Orange Blooded [2238]
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Walk-On [124]
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Re: mom was happy
Apr 23, 2019, 8:48 AM
[ in reply to mom was happy ] |
I remember watching him make his decision and he looked absolutely miserable when he chose michigan. I have never seen a kid make an announcement and look like that LOL. Something was up and I think that is why us Clemson fans still can't get over that one. I think that was about the time Tiger Woods quit posting on tnet. I think he was the one who said pop the champagne on Gary. Just the whole way it ended smelled fishy.
Hall of Famer [8149]
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Is it finally happening?
Apr 22, 2019, 4:03 PM
Ring of Honor [21199]
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I think he got hit in the head with a champagne bottle cork
Apr 22, 2019, 5:37 PM
when still in High School .
Give him a break.
Heisman Winner [79642]
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Re: I think he got hit in the head with a champagne bottle cork
Apr 22, 2019, 6:12 PM
I was gonna respond differently but, but decided not to.
Paw Warrior [5074]
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Re: Rashan Gary
Apr 22, 2019, 6:58 PM
How reflective is this test for intelligence though? Wilkins is though of as one of the most intelligent players we’ve ever had and he scored about the middle of the pack as his position. I recall that Watson was one of the lower ones at QB as well and he was an excellent student.
I can’t believe how salty some of you still are over this kid going somewhere else considering things worked out just fine for us.
Top TigerNet [31942]
TigerPulse: 100%
You're right, we should withhold judgement
Apr 22, 2019, 9:09 PM
Some of our players, including CJ, had mediocre scores.
Top TigerNet [29813]
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would he have ever started for Clemson ? Not sure.***
Apr 22, 2019, 8:56 PM
Walk-On [103]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: Rashan Gary
Apr 22, 2019, 10:55 PM
The young man is dyslexic. So Why don’t you try to hold back on clowning him
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