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Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local
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Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 7:44 PM

touchdown club. Lot's of good things to say, especially to the high school players. Afterward, my son, who is 10, so he doesn't remember much about TB other than what he's heard from family, and I went to speak to him. TB was fantastically approachable and very engaging with my son.

I mentioned the fourth down play against LSU. I've always thought that pass was too close to incomplete for comfort and asked if Nuk had run the right route. TB laughed and said, "On paper, no." Then, he explained that Nuk had often said to TB, "I played some quarterback in high school, so I see the field the way you see it."

As we know, the play call was suggested by Ford, but there was some pretty cool chemistry between Tajh and Nuk going on, too.

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Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 9:03 AM

Tajh is one of my all time favorites to come through Clemson. Usually run into him couple times a year and he will Ingage in a conversation with anyone.

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Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 9:08 AM

Lol ,engage

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Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 10:15 AM [ in reply to Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local ]

He certainly will. I ran into him at the Esso Club last year. He was very easy to talk to. He is one of my favorites as well.

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Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 10:09 AM

Tajh was terrific here and wish him the best. I really do think that if an NFL team were to invest a couple seasons on the practice squad with Tajh he could play in the NFL, he just needs time in a system for him to get it down. I guess that is not how it works anymore though.

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Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 11:28 AM

I was there also to hear TB speak and he was great! He told why he came to Clemson and how he became a better man! Nothing but compliments to the coaches and love for Clemson!! Afterward he took time to speak with each person individually and told some funny stories! What a great ambassador for all Tigers! He even handled a jab from a coot fan with Clemson class! Thanks Tajh!!

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Re: Met Tajh Boyd last night. He spoke to the local

Sep 25, 2018, 1:01 PM

I still say that 4th and 18 play is the most important Clemson play of this century. That play (and the boneheaded playcalling of Les Miles) lead to a win which put us back on the map.

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